The Real IoT

The Real IoT

As market analysts continue showing amazing figures of the IoT market, many companies asked in our past partners conference "who is eating my cheese, then?" Well, maybe it is not raising as fast as we would like to, but definetely taking off. The big fragmentation in both geographies and verticals, the growing number of non-interoperable communication protocols and the difficult and vast IoT ecosystem are some of the barriers for IoT adoption we need to adapt to instead of fight against.

After +10 years in the market, we at Libelium have identified the Top 15 challenges and barriers in IoT adoption that are summarized in the following bullet points:

  1. Fragmentation vs interoperability
  2. Do not expect a winner wireless technology anymore
  3. No lazy nor eager allowed
  4. An ecosystem is not just a label tool
  5. Pack the complete solution and stick a red ribbon
  6. Cloud Paradigms are currently changing
  7. From lab to reality
  8. Legal Certifications for IoT Devices. Be careful.
  9. Protect customers from the future and themselves
  10. Accuracy. The new asset.
  11. Focus on quality, accuracy and scalability
  12. IoT market is a matter of moment
  13. Security VS Complexity
  14. Hypocrisy about security
  15. Enhancing educational IoT development

But the IoT is not only happening just now but in the past 10 years. In order to show how companies are adapting and overcoming the above challenges we have compiled 50 Real IoT Case Studies, all over the world and in different verticals proving that IoT is not about a particular geography or sector, but understanding what really matters in this market.

Vicente Garcia Arnau

Director INYCOM Energy. Acompa?ando a las empresas en sus retos de sostenibilidad y tecnológicos

7 年

Thanks a lot Alicia for sharing your amizing experience...



