Real ID Versus Fake ID
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We, a group of IITians, are educating the professionals for inculcating Gita principles for achieving goals and success.
Modern era is an era of upgradation. We all seek to get updated time to time, even seconds to seconds. Today, we are getting updated via WhatsApp, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and other social media applications.
Do we know what this upgradation has brought today? Let's dive into the wonderful swimming pool of our Vedic knowledge, to know more about this.
In Bhagavad Gita (2.62-63), The Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna, has stated the miserable results of contemplating the objects of senses.
We should know that such material upgradation leads to dreadful outcomes.
Whether we go to the upper planets, like moon planet, as today's modern scientists are endeavoring, we cannot escape the material miseries (BG 9.21-k?ī?e pu?ye martya-loka? vi?anti).
In this material world, we are having so many bodily identities, " I'm girl; I'm Indian; I'm beautiful; I'm this and I'm that". This conception is extended, nowadays, to Facebook ID, Instagram ID and so on.
When such IDs are hacked, there flows a river of crocodile tears.
We try to get ourselves frequently updated, side-by-side we create a tensionful life. This is the simplest definition of modernisation. New versions of this so-called modernisation are novels, magazines, TV channels, so and so. In SB (2.5.15), all these versions are termed as 'playgrounds for crows', who are interested in the rejected refuse of the world. Our intelligence lies in not accepting such rejected refuses. We should intake the right versions as given in our Vedic culture.
When we take right versions, we get filled in the blissful swimming pool of eternal happiness (itīd?k sva-līlābhir ānanda-ku??e- Sri Sri Damodarastakam-3). When we chant the holy name of The Lord-
we ask Him to let us get attracted to Him. In this material world, attraction to someone or something may seems joyous at first sight but it leads to miseries and miseries only. Attraction to The Supreme Lord, however, brings infinite joy and eternity. HARE RAMA, means invitation to eternal joy and strength, spiritual strength!!
By chanting, our burning heart get purified. In this heart-purifying process, we get updated about our eternal home, Goloka Vrindavana. We, then, create our real ID, as the menial servant of the servants of The Supreme Lord. We should know that this ID is permanently free from any kind of hacking.
Hare Krishna!!