The Real History Of Their Country
Holtz Realty

The Real History Of Their Country

The weather predictions we've had these past days have certainly not been the most accurate, but at least we were still getting the unpredicted rain, so it now appears we're supposed to be rain-free for the next seven days. We'll see.

With all the rain, I discovered my cucumbers we offering up far more that I'd be able to eat, so I picked a good-sized bagful of them, and gifted them this morning to a person who was more than willing to take them off my hands and put to a good use. As you likely already know, I absolutely hate allowing good food to go to waste, and only because I'm an adherent to that old saying, 'Willful waste brings woeful want."

The bulk of my morning was spent with the final walk-thru of the home we later closed, and after it was all over, I was exceptionally happy all those involved were fully pleased. Of all the homes I've closed thus far this year, I'd say that one was a perfect match-up with buyers and sellers. I still wish I had a dozen of the same homes for sale right now, because there's no doubt they'd all be sold in less than a week.

Most of my afternoon was spent with putting the finishing touches on today's sold file and then archiving it, running errands, along with doing a little banking. It seemed like every time I went to go outdoors, it would start sprinkling, but at least it wasn't like it was yesterday afternoon with those cloudbursts.

Another call I received today, was from a seller who already has a buyer lined up on his property, and since I've done work for that family in the past, I agreed to help them with the paperwork, so I'll be meeting with them this coming week.

Since I was out on the east side this afternoon, I figured it best to stop at Hy-Vee and pick up a few items I was lacking, and while there, I happened to run into someone I hadn't seen in well over a year, so I stood there listening to the most recent unfortunate happenings in that person's family, and about all I could do, was offer up my take, along with a reminder that none of us are able to change the past, which is why it's always best to put it all in perspective and move forward with our lives. Knowing that family as well as I do, I walked away wondering how those adult children managed to make it this far, considering the meta-physical abuse they had to endure when they were children. Unfortunately, after having heard the latest, I wasn't in the best of moods the remainder of my day, and mostly because the lives of those children would've been light years far the better if it hadn't been for the toxic environment their parents created for them.

From late afternoon onward, I was getting calls from sellers and buyers who were wanting to schedule appointments this weekend, so in spite of my having already planned on getting some work done at my little/big project, it'll be cut short, because real estate always comes first. Perhaps in-between those appointments, I'll at least have the remaining door stripped, and if I can get that accomplished, I'll be satisfied. I've yet to grow used having plans dashed by the immediate needs of others.

Another hour and a half of my time was freely offered up with having to meet a glazier at a building a client of mine owns, to get a broken window replaced, which from the looks of it, was another intentional act. I did find out from those glass workers that there's been a noticeable rise in our city, the number of windows being broken by vandals. One of them agreed that it's likely all these unsupervised juveniles who're doing it for kicks and giggles. My how our society has changed, because back when I was their age, such things were never considered. Pretty much the height of vandalism in those years, was soaping windows and toilet-papering trees and bushes.

There's no doubt those violent games our children are playing on the electronics their parents are giving them, are creating more dark ideas about things they can do in 'real world'. Online gaming's not only bad for their minds, but their bodies as well. Mark my words, there'll be some sobering results being handed to our general public by researchers regarding the long-term effects on those players. Since I've not had one ounce of desire to play those games, I guess that was another time-killing bullet I managed to dodge.

On my way home, I had to stop at Hy-Vee Drug to buy a tube of toothpaste I'd forgotten about, and as I pulled up front, there was an oldish-looking man who stepped nearly in front of me, then stooped to pick something up, and in a split-second, I could see he'd picked up a small wad of bills which must've dropped out of someone's pocket or purse. Oh my goodness! The hateful look he gave me as he turned and walked into the store was chiller, and if I could've read his mind, his look was saying to me, "Because I found it, it's my money and you're not getting it!" Unfortunately for him, I'll never forget that face or the evil eye he gave me.

The highlight of my day, was having watched an online interview with Mikhail Zygar who just wrote another book which is now getting high reviews which is called, 'War and Punishment'. It's likely one of the most accurate and detailed account of the histories of Russia and Ukraine. I later did some additional investigating of his credentials, and ended up being all the interested in ordering his book and giving it a good read. The host of that interview who'd already read the book, mentioned how impressed she was with his detailed accounts of how Ukraine from the beginning, was never part of 'Mother Russia'. He admitted, there's gonna have to be continuous blasts out of the medias to get every Russian to accept the real history of their country which has been withheld from them for centuries.

Tonight's One-liner is: Fanatics are picturesque, because mankind would rather see gestures than listen to reasons.

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