Real, Real, Real Healing, Biden-Style

Real, Real, Real Healing, Biden-Style

At last. "Our long, national nightmare is over," to borrow a famous post-Presidency quote of yesteryear.

At least it seems to be the sentiment, according to President-Elect Joe Biden, who promised “real, real, real healing of this country,” on Nov. 2 (the eve of Election 2020).

Question is, though:

Is a new nightmare just beginning, under direct authority of one or more members of the incoming Government team, in violation of the Hatch Act?

Mr. Biden called again for "healing" and "unity" in a televised address to the American people on Nov. 7, after the Associated Press poetically "called" Mr. Biden’s home state of Pennsylvania for the Biden/Harris ticket.

The announcement crowned news media conferral of the U.S. Presidency to Mr. Biden, as votes yet remain in dispute -- stemming only in part from concerns about Pennsylvania legislation hastily passed in recent months, allowing for gaping provisions in election law to accommodate time-receipt non-verified ballots, a recipe for mischief, undercutting voter trust:

In other states, there are a variety of documented incidents, concerns and questions that merit investigation, and now, a few election officials themselves are (finally) speaking on the media record.

One such official stated he is "sure there was" "illegal voting," ... yet most media reporters and anchors continue sweeping concerns under the rug even now, under a pervasive, false drumbeat of "without evidence"...

"Unlikely" does not equal "impossible." When it comes to unquantified yet acknowledged instances of "illegal voting," voter trust or distrust hangs in the balance. These issues matter in 2020:

Most states will not certify their elections for another two to four weeks. Signed in 1787, the United States Constitution makes no provision for news media in determining outcomes of Presidential elections -- a function of State Election Commissions.

The perceived over-reach of media outlets to seize national narrative control clearly favoring their preferred candidate runs right alongside false-narratives appearing in national and international media, claiming President Trump is a pure obstructionist without precedent:

"Real. Real. Real Healing."

Such healing called for by Mr. Biden implies massive injury but makes abundantly clear a need for authenticity as the antidote.

No argument there.

So the next question is … healing from what? Let’s be specific.

For Biden supporters, the list of grievances can be boiled down to one word: Trump.

For President-Elect Biden's camp, it seems total public destruction, discrediting, dismissal and humiliation of President Trump is the singular catharsis.

Nothing else is needed. Nothing less will do.

That observation reflects not the uplifting sentimentality of Mr. Biden's podium speeches but the behaviors and activities by those in his party, happening in real-time.

As but one example, there is talk of a catharsis-by-flamethrower via actual creation of online Lists of the Trump Guilty, comedically (?) suggestive that Biden/Harris Administration Secret Police will haul off Trump offenders into the night sometime in 2021, never to be seen again.

The notion of "The Trump Accountability Project" list is, however, no joke.

They (and no one knows who exactly "they" are, in terms of who is sponsoring / funding the new retaliation website ... no such information is disclosed) intend to harm Americans by vigilante hate-mob and, with no due-process for unspecified "crimes," strip Republicans of their freedoms to make a living or live in peace.

Gestapo, Ahoy!

By all appearances, it seems an extermination- / eradication-of-thought effort is now openly on-the-record.

Prominent hate-tweets have been mounted by Biden/Harris Transition Team member Pete Buttigieg staffers, ex-staffers or volunteers (it's unclear precise affiliations, since most media are completely ignoring this story).

Notably, Mr. Hari Sevugan hastily changed his Twitter profile affiliation to mere "Flack" after his hate-posts went viral. He is listed via the Pete for America campaign as former Deputy Campaign Manager for Brand and Media.

His colleague whom he tagged, Ms. Emily Abrams (who now "protects" her own tweets, after calling for others to be attacked online and elsewhere), is listed via the Pete For America campaign as former National Surrogates Director, prior to the campaign being suspended March 1, 2020. 

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Mr. Savugan's original Twitter profile apparently disclosed his Pete Buttigieg and Barack Obama alumnus affiliation:

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But later, Mr. Sevugan changed his Twitter profile to delete any mention of the Pete Buttigieg connection, referring to himself as a mere "Flack."

He then re-updated it, to "American Flack" ... presumably to thwart any confusion about his alleged patriot status:

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Then, by way of his supposed innocuous, veiled "American Flack" status, Mr. Sevugan has gone on a social media rampage these recent days, stoking up public flames for anyone and everyone to join his "Trump Accountability Project" bandwagon:

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Ms. Abrams' own Tweets apparently were public initially, until she started falling under criticism herself for her behavior online, as aligned with the "Trump Accountability" hate campaign.

Her account is now switched to "protected" status, so that people she doesn't personally "approve" to see her tweets are barred now from seeing what she posts on her Twitter feed.

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Regardless of what Mr. Sevugan's Twitter profile claims, his LinkedIn profile as of the week of Nov. 9 still claims as "Present" / active his employment affiliation with the Pete Buttigieg organization:

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So -- "Hari has advised campaigns that range from national elections in Asia...," huh? Which country, pray tell? And yes, it matters. (#China)

But I digress.

Media surrogates working with "mainstream" publications like The Washington Post and cable news like MSNBC and CNN are now getting in on the action, too.

They are calling for anyone and everyone to be #Cancelled who would seek an investigation of suspicious election data or potentially unconstitutional election law hastily passed by Democratic-controlled legislatures in recent months:

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But should anyone be surprised?

These true colors of veiled threats (or not-so-veiled ones) were laid bare when a former Clinton & Obama spokesperson openly called for Donald Trump to "die" upon the President's COVID-19 diagnosis, back in early October:

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For Trump supporters, the list of grievances due for "healing" isn’t so simple, as it remains an unresolved work in progress, from multiple sources -- hate mobs notwithstanding, nor U.S. national news media outlets who refuse to expose these antics.

Per the voluminous above examples (only tip-of-the-iceberg of what's available on social media), what appear to be surrogates with direct connections to those working for the Biden/Harris Transition Team -- namely, Pete Buttigieg -- are propagating hate-filled online threats, to muzzle dissent and place innocent people and institutions on-notice and under virtual gag-orders, for fear of career-ending retribution and retaliation (or worse).

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For his part, Pete Buttigieg is putting on an impressive gaslighting spectacle on his own.

He just issued a Tweet pleading with the world to reach out and spread love to others, all the while he is fully aware (having been tagged in social media repeatedly) of the shenanigans his own cronies are perpetrating on Americans to spread vile threats, hate and censorship.

Conservatives themselves have been assured in no uncertain terms that Biden supporters and the news media have -- with only a handful of exceptions -- no desire whatsoever to hear, know or understand one iota about Republicans' genuine concerns for this nation.

Whatever prescribed “healing” that’s going to be “real" to the Power of 3, one would assume President-Elect Biden, Vice President-Elect Harris and the Democratic National Committee would acknowledge that “healing” must take the form of a two-way street – if indeed it’s supposed to be inclusive of all of America:

By way of acknowledgement, Team Biden must recognize at least some measure of culpability in the hurt, harm, divisiveness, unanswered questions, deflections and consequential distrust that got us here as a nation.

And it's here, at this critical accountability junction, that President-Elect Biden has stopped short.

Real, Real, Real short.

One might even say, the man is AWOL:

  • No acknowledgement that there should be a final explanation about past Biden Family perceived business self-dealing / influence-peddling that should be further disclosed for the record, in order to put valid concerns left long-unanswered and purposely concealed to rest.
  • No hint that questions of core Constitutional upending under now-open discussion among Democrats that would fundamentally and permanently alter balance-of-power in the United States Government should have been more openly answered, when -- on rare occasion -- posed by news media to Candidates Biden/Harris in recent months.
  • No commitment to disclose how much -- if any -- of Mr. Biden's own campaign was even INDIRECTLY funded without disclosure by ActBlue via monetary support to third-party organizations like Black Lives Matter, for which ActBlue is the donation-clearinghouse and funnel. (Note to News Media: BLM denying donations does not "debunk" the concerns; it merely means BLM denies it "without evidence" given their tax-status that allows non-accountability. Mr. Biden should now step up to speak for the record and, to wit, back up his own assertions with financial records.)

What now-President-Elect Biden -- despite his nearly 50 years in politics -- doesn't seem to understand (or, understands perfectly well), is that "healing" doesn't happen when open wounds of distrust continue to be gashed open over and over and over again by soldiers of his own army, under his direct command (they are under his command, right? -- wink).

As Mr. Biden should well-recall from the words of President Ronald Reagan, "The buck stops here."

For now, we’re hurtling back to The Staid Old Washington Way – á la Biden.

To the extent The Swamp was “drained” – if only in part – the floodgates are now re-opened, anew.

Biden/Harris face a country wherein 48% of the American electorate – 70.8 million people, at the current Wall Street Journal uncertified count – didn’t vote for them, because they didn't want to reverse-course back to what they considered Swamp-mode of corrupt party politics.

A vocal chunk of the 51% of the electorate (75.2 million people) who did vote for Biden/Harris size-up the other 48% of Americans as little more than lunatic racists.

That's not a good starting point for "real healing."

In fact, it's a “real, real, real” big hurdle to overcome, on Mr. Biden’s “healing” mandate.

To complicate matters, the fringe-left of the Democratic Congress can’t even sing from the same song-sheet, less than one week post-Election.

Just ask Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – who, on Nov. 5, 2020 (three days ago, at this writing) slammed her own colleague, former Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill, whom she denigrated as a “caravan-hysteria Dem”:

Three days later, on Nov. 8, as Ms. McCaskill was still self-applying flame retardant against future AOC attacks, The Wall Street Journal suddenly cited Ocasio-Cortez as opining in a shocking about-face, “that House Democrats have ‘very deep divisions’ and warned her more centrist colleagues not to ‘pour gasoline’ that inflames those tensions further.”

Cue the gales of incredulous laughter at AOC's hypocrisy, erupting from 70.8 million Trump voters.

Meanwhile, 75.2 million Biden voters (and most media outlets) tell Republicans to shut-up, eff-off and take their medicine (and that’s the “Emily Post” version, when compared with the hostile expletives I'm actually seeing with every scroll on social media this weekend).

Turns out, real, real, real healing is really, really, really hard – most of all, when left at the hands of The Left, whom Mr. Biden must claim as his own.

Seems Mr. Biden's left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing -- at least from a public-messaging and credible-optics perspective.

Clearly, President-Elect Biden needs to have a more serious talk with his own left-leaning constituency if this “Healy, Unity” thing is going to work out with a better level of authenticity than many Americans felt the “Hopey, Changey” thing worked out under VP Biden, to quote another political persona non-grata assigned to the media scrap-heap.

To the extent that Mr. Biden even plans to serve for four years, he (and we Americans, all) are in for a long, torturous haul of even more trust-busters, if his administration opts to continue the same strategy that scored him the Presidency: constant deflections and gaslighting of half the population's legitimate concerns for the economic and foreign/domestic policies of this nation.

Pew Research issued an insightful report on Nov. 6, 2020, on the very points of what divide our nation most.

Interestingly, there is this point of what unifies our nation, but if "unity" is to happen in earnest, efforts must be implemented in a manner equally perceived as such by BOTH sides:

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Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris and their team would serve the nation well to read the Pew Research report, in a spirit of good-faith for true bipartisanship for the nation – and not with the primary objective of hearing to speak for purposes of misleading and gaslighting, but instead, of hearing to listen and understand, for purposes of mutual validation, compromise and trust-building.

The attacks, threats and organized coercion campaigns occurring on their watch against their political enemies must stop.


*UPDATE: November 14, 2020*

In a stunning reversal that raises questions about potential Biden/Harris Transition Team knowledge of and direct influence over this scheme to harass and exact powerful and likely illegal retaliation against political enemies, the "Trump Accountability Project" (TAP) purportedly has now been shut down, less than one week after having been launched, following an overwhelming nationwide backlash:

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Ringleaders of the initiative also began seeking to distance themselves from it several days ago, in a stark pivot from their own initial tweets, which brazenly promised open threats of career-ending We-Will-Hunt-You-Down retaliation against anyone who had taken a paycheck under the Trump Administration... meaning, hundreds if not thousands of staffers working for the GOP at national, state and local levels.

Mr. Hari Sevugan, as referenced in the above blog (where it's documented that he and other Democratic Party cronies / Pete Buttigieg operatives urgently beat the bushes across social media for several days to drum up public recruitment to a Trump Accountability Project database sign-up), started looking for his own graceful exit with this tweet, followed by others:

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Problem is, we know that even if spinmeisters say the Trump Accountability Project "will no longer be active" (as the website now states), any honor or integrity has been completely forfeited (since they've refused to reveal at any time who their financial sponsors and backers are, which is a major public relations industry ethics violation).

They cannot be believed or trusted now in the least bit.

They will -- no doubt -- use the database they've now already collected and harvested of like-minded extremists through this hate-mongering call-to-action, for future campaigns ... whether implemented in the public domain or in an "underground" capacity.

Did @Transition46 -- the Biden/Harris Transition Team of which Pete Buttigieg is a bona-fide member -- intercede to put at least the public-facing kibosh on this hate campaign... for sake of mere appearances?

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Who knows? The U.S. news media -- as per usual -- are deafeningly silent and can't be bothered even to ask the question in service to documented public curiosity and questions (at least those which haven't been censored by Twitter or Facebook).

Most U.S. "news" outlets have turned a total blind-eye to this entire fiasco, refusing to report on it, pretending the "Trump Accountability Project" never existed in the first place -- particularly now, since all Monday Morning Quarterbacks have deemed it horrendously bad optics for President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris and Team.

Meanwhile -- in a comical sidebar to make the full complement of gaslighting complete -- the Society of Professional Journalists is tweeting out "Ethics" content and promoting its new "Media Ethics" textbook, which certainly makes a very convincing case that the journalism profession is *All-In* on doing its job in service to democracy, right?

My informed hypothesis is that it's very likely that Biden/Harris did put the kibosh on TAP, whether directly or through the DNC Surrogate Network.

President-Elect Biden's calls for "real, real real" "Healing" and "Unity" right out the post-election gate were already twisting in the wind as little more than a national joke, thanks to this TAP campaign.

They needed to shut this thing down -- particularly given how badly Mayor Pete's abundantly clear connections to these Twitter endorsers were being spotlighted across the transom -- and they needed to shut it down immediately, irrespective of the fact that #OperationWarpSpeed was already spoken for.

Can you imagine the circular firing squad going on in the DNC right now?

Unless an independent, formal investigation is launched by the U.S. Justice Department into the roots of the Trump Accountability Project -- including its sponsors, funders, and any potential documented links of its organizers following the direct orders from any member of @Transition46 in possible violation of the Hatch Act, we'll never know the real facts.

Biden/Harris would, no doubt, be far happier if we'd just forget the whole thing.

To borrow TAP's own moniker that trumpeted from its original website (before this graphic was taken down) ... in full what-goes-around-comes-around modality ... we'll always "Remember What They Did."

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Mary Beth West (@marybethwest) is co-host of the #MsInterPReted PR podcast.

Also from Mary Beth West (April 4, 2019):

“Joe Biden’s #HimToo Moment”

Michael Holtz, APR, MPRCA

I write and speak about men’s mental health and cancer, the precarity of life, grief and loss, love and joy, gratitude, cancer policy advocacy, patient quality of life, and early detection and prevention.

4 å¹´

I would love to have a long conversation over wine or some such about all of this. I agree that healing and unity is an all-sides deal. I voted for Biden, proudly, and the notion of the Trump Accountability Project is frightening. This isn't Nuremberg, there weren't war crimes. We're all better than this, and maybe without the social media echo chambers we'd get back to seeing each other as human beings.


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