RERA - Real Estate Regulation & Development Act, India

RERA - Real Estate Regulation & Development Act, India

Real Estate Regulation & Development Act 2017 - Highlights

The Real Estate Regulation and Development Act (RERA) came into full force on 1 May 2017 across India, though 52 sections were notified in 2016. Check these highlights for new and ongoing projects to know all about RERA Act 2017, whether you are a buyer, builder, investor or real estate agent.

In this article, we will explain:

  • How are Real Estate project registrations defined under RERA?
  • What are the exemptions in RERA?
  • What are the rules defined for ongoing projects in RERA?
  • What is an ESCROW account in RERA?
  • What are the clauses for real estate agents in RERA?
  • What are the clauses for the duties of the promoter in RERA?
  • What are the objectives of the Real Estate regulatory authority RERA?
  • What are the clauses for compensation to the allottee?
  • What are the clauses for duties of the allottee in RERA?
  • What is the clause for the Real Estate Appellate Tribunal in RERA?
  • What are the penalties included in RERA for developers and Real Estate Agents?

In this article, I will explain every Clause of RERA. This RERA Act is a Central ACT by the Modern Guidelines from the Central Government of India that has been enforced since 1st May 2017. Every State in India has to formulate its Real Estate Rules and Regulations based on these Guidelines. This has already been implemented in the States of India. Every State in India has made their own Regulatory Authority. States were also asked to make Tribunals in their respective states which are the small courts to address such cases. for any dispute.

RERA - Real Estate Regulation & Development Act 2016

  1. Came into force on 1st May 2016 with 59 of 92 Sections notified.
  2. Came into Full Force on 1st May 2017 when all the sections were notified.
  3. Extends to the entire India including all Union Territories. After Article 370 revocation, Jammu and Kashmir & Ladakh became two separate Union Territories (UT). As a result,?J&K UT became bound by the central RERA (Regulation and Development Act) rules.
  4. Applicable only for Under Construction Real Estate Projects except for the projects that have received the Completion Certificate.
  5. Given Exemption to some projects and small plots.


Real Estate in India has always been an unrelated sector. If we compare Real Estate Market with Stock Trading Market, then we will observe in Stock Trading there is one Regulatory body SEBI (Securities & Exchange Board Of India). SEBI makes regulations to ensure Stock Trading like Processes for stock Trading, Time Limits etc. There was no such regulatory body for Real Estate. Hence so many times Buyers got cheated and many frauds by Builders were reported. The builder used to make agreements mostly in their favour and subsequently, most of the Buyers bear losses many times. Buyers have not got timely possession of their properties and have borne the burden of EMI at the same time. and rent at the same time. But at the same time, many Builders and Agents have also suffered losses because market sentiments got disturbed because of Buyers. Subsequently, the Real Estate Market got affected very badly and interns Builders are facing lots of difficulty in selling their inventories. Also, there are many cases in the court and it takes time in the court to resolve the case.

Keeping the above situations under consideration, RERA Act was passed through the Parliament of India. As per this, every state and union territory of India has to make one authority with one tribunal to handle real estate disputes.

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The main objective of the RERA is to replenish the faith of the buyers in the Real Estate sector and to bring transparency into Real Estate transactions. RERA aims to protect the rights of the buyers by establishing the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) which will provide a grievance system in the Real Estate sector. It also aims to increase the credibility of the Promoters, Real Estate brokers and agents which would aid in preventing the unnecessary delay in the completion and delivery of the projects. The RERA Act provides for the establishment of an Appellant System for Grievance Redressal and prescribes the penalties and charges for defaulters.

  • Enhance transparency and accountability in real estate and housing transactions;
  • Providing a uniform regulatory environment to ensure speedy adjudication of disputes and
  • The orderly growth of the real estate sector;
  • Boosting domestic and foreign investment in the Real Estate sector;
  • Promote orderly growth through efficient project execution and standardization;
  • Offer a single window system of clearance for real estate projects.

RERA was introduced to quickly settle the dispute amongst the Builder, Buyer or Agent through Appellate Tribunal. This has been implemented in almost every state and union territory of India.


The carpet Area?is now defined which was not earlier. Properties used to be sold on Super Built Up Area.

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In Haryana, the definition of Carpet Area is not mentioned. There are still builders ate selling at Super Built-Up Area but they have to mention the Carpet Area.

So besides Central RERA Act, please go through the State RERA Act also.

The commencement Certificate?is the Building Permit or Construction Permit that Builder receives once he gets all approvals from the Authority before starting construction.

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RERA : Commencement Certificate

Completion Certificate Builder receives when he completes the entire building as per the approved plan.

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RERA: Completion Certificate

Occupancy Certificate Builder receives either from Municipal Corporation or Development Authority when they find that Building is now ready for occupation. This Included all civic amenities.?

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RERA: Occupancy Certificate

Note: Completion Certificate and Occupancy Certificate become necessary for the Builder before giving possession of the property.

Equal Interest Penalty is a very important definition to understand. When you delayed the payment to the Builder he levied some interest on you. So as per this clause if the Builder is delaying in giving you possession of the property, he will also be levied the same interest and also the interest will be calculated from when he has received payment from you. Before RERA Builder used to keep a heavy Interest Clause for the Allottee and from the Builder's Side it was used to be lower earlier. The entire Agreement used to be biased towards the Developer. Now the agreement has got balanced because of RERA.

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RERA: Equal Interest Penalty

Sanctioned Plans have become very important to understand as this has been used very often in the RERA documents.

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Registration of Real Estate Projects with RERA is compulsory for any Real Estate Project that is under construction If any project which is under construction has not been registered then the Builder cannot launch and sell that project. Also under the same clause if any project was an ongoing project at the time of RERA enforcement, then if the project has got the completion certificate before REAR will not come under RERA. But if the completion certificate has not been issued then that project should have got the project registered under RERA within 3 months from the date of commencement of the RERA Act.

Ref Chapter II 3 (1):::

Ref Chapter II 3 (1) RERA
RERA: Registration of Real Estate Projects | Ref Chapter II 3 (1)

Exemptions to the projects Registration in RERA

Ref Chapter II 3 (2):::

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RERA: Exemption to the projects for registration in RERA | Ref Chapter II 3 (2)

Exemptions to the projects on which RERA is not applicable are the ones in which?

  1. The plot size is less than 500 sq mt and the Total number of flats in the project is less
  2. Completion Certificate Before RERA has been received by the Builder for some Projects then those project doesn’t require registration with RERA and doesn’t come under RERA.
  3. Redevelopment Projects of any projects if Builder is doing then it doesn’t come under RERA but if he is selling or marketing the project then he must get it registered with RERA if not done.
  4. Each Project is a Separate Project considered in RERA means if the Builder is launching its project in phases then each project must have a separate RERA for that phase of the same project.


Disclosures by Promoters by providing some documents for example Allotment Letter, Agreement of Sale and the format of the Conveyance Deed that is proposed to be signed with the Buyer. Authority will check if these are balanced and not biased. Also, check if the RERA regulations are implemented and followed or not. Also, he has to share the details as in other clauses as in the image below.

Ref Chapter 4 (2) (g,h, i,j,k):::

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RERA: Disclosures by Promoters A | Ref Chapter 4 (2) (g,h,i,j,k)

ESCROW account has to be made by the builder for that project and share the details of the same with RERA. In this account, he will deposit 70% of the money he is collecting from Buyers. He will withdraw money from this account as per the proportion of the construction completed and that too after certification by his Engineer, Architect and Chartered Accountant. This will be audited every year within 6 months from the date of completion of the Financial Year. This is one of the landmark clauses in RERA because earlier Builders used to divert the fund from the collection of one project to another project. This was causing the delay of the original project as the money builder used to divert for the purchase of new land. So this is one of the important clauses to protect the interest of the Buyers.

Ref Chapter II 4 (2) (l) (D):::

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RERA: ESCROW Account | Ref Chapter II 4 (2) (l) (D)

Grant of RERA Registration means the builder will get one registration number for that project with one Login ID and Password. Then Builder can make an individual webpage for that particular registered project which is compulsory also and carries all the RERA details.?

Ref Chapter II 5 (1) (a,b):::

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RERA: Grant of RERA Registration | Ref Chapter II 5 (1) (a,b)

If Authority fails either to give the registration number or not communicated in writing about the rejection of the application of the project submitted for registration then that project will be deemed registered. In such a situation authority is supposed to create a Login ID and Password automatically.?

Ref Chapter II 5 (2):::

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RERA: Clause if Authority fails either to give the registration number | Ref Chapter II 5 (2)


The builder gets the registration with the commitment of completing the project in a certain time period. Now in what case he will get the approval for the extension? So only in the case of FORCE MAJEURE, he will get the extension. This FORCE MAJEURE has also been clearly defined in RERA. Besides these defined Force Majeure if the project gets delayed then Buyer will be given compensation which has also been defined in REAR as how and how much that will be given by the builder. This extension can be a maximum of 1 year only and that is only because of Force Majure. After that, if the project is delayed, then Builder has to pay the delayed penalty to the Buyers.

Ref Chapter II 6:::

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RERA: Extension of RERA Registration | Ref Chapter II 6


For any agent dealing with Real Estate for him, registration with RERA is compulsory. This has been kept open-ended but the time limit can be decided by any State or Union Territory of India. Authority can give a single Registration number to the Real Estate Agent for the entire State or Union Territory. In the case of a Real Estate Agent also, if the application for registration gets rejected, then the authority has to inform in writing to the agent with the reason for rejection.

Ref. Chapter II 9 (1,2,3,3a,3b):::

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RERA: Real Estate Agent Registration | Ref. Chapter II 9 (1,2,3,3a,3b)

Quoting RERA Registration Number is compulsory in all the marketing collateral for all Real Estate Agents. Also, they have to ensure that they will not sell or market any project which is not registered under RERA even if the Real Estate Agent is RERA Authorised.

Ref Chapter II 10 (a):::

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RERA: Function of Real Estate Agent | Ref Chapter II 10 (a)


  • Quarterly updates about information about the project are one of the duties of the Developer that he has to deliver. What are that information he has to share is mentioned in the RERA as in the image below:

Ref Chapter III 11 (1) (a,b,c,d):::

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RERA: Duties of Promoters | Ref Chapter III 11 (1) (a,b,c,d)

  • Quoting RERA Registration in all marketing Communication is Compulsory for the Developer, without this Builder can market his respective project.

Ref. Chapter III 11 (2)::

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RERA; Functions of Promoters | Ref. Chapter III 11 (2)

  • Disclosures at the time of allotment: The builder has to share his plan with the buyers and also the stage-wise schedule for the completion of the project.

Ref. Chapter III 11 (3):::

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RERA; Functions of Promoters | Ref. Chapter III 11 (3)

  • Completion & Occupancy Certificate is the responsibility of the builder before the possession of the flat by Buyer otherwise Buyer might face problems

Ref. Chapter III 11 (4) (b):::

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RERA; Functions of Promoters | Ref. Chapter III 11 (4) (b)

  • Maintenance is the responsibility of the Builder till handed over to Residents Welfare Association.

Ref. Chapter III 11 (4) (d)

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RERA: Maintenance Responsibility | Ref. Chapter III 11 (4) (d)

  • Conveyance Deed is the responsibility of the promoters to transfer the Title to the resident’s welfare association as the maintenance of the common area is the president's responsibility but till handover, the promoter has to maintain it.

Ref Chapter III 11 (4) (f):::

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RERA: Conveyance Deed | Ref Chapter III 11 (4) (f)

  • Damage paid by promotors if he gives any wrong communication in its marketing or any prospectus for the project due to which you as a Buyer bear some loss. This compensation states and union territories can decide on their own.

Ref Chapter III 12:::

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RERA: Obligations of Promoters | Ref Chapter III 12

  • Advance Payment for Agreement to Sale: 10% Advance Payment only can be given by the Buyer to the Developer and only after signing of Agreement To Sell ( with all the terms & conditions) It is compulsory that it has to be registered.

Ref Chapter III 13 (1) (2) :::

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RERA: Advance Payment for Agreement to Sale |

  • Adherence to Sanctioned Plans No Alteration without the consent of the allottees is possible for the Builder. He has to take the consent of the 67% of the allottees to whom he has sold the flat of that particular project. Before RERA builders used to change the Super Area for example if there was a delay in possession of the project then builders try to compensate with the increase in the Super Area of the flats without the consent of the Buyer. So because of this clause, such kind of problem will not happen.

Ref. Chapter III 14 (2) (i) (ii):::

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RERA: Adherence to Sanctioned Plans | Ref. Chapter III 14 (2) (i) (ii)

  • Warranty of 5 years or a Defect Liability Period has to be given by the Builder after giving possession of the particular project and he has to resolve the same within 30 days.

Ref. Chapter III 14 (3):::

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RERA: Warranty of 5 years or a Defect Liability Period | Ref. Chapter III 14 (3)

  • No Transfer of Project without Consent of Allottees unless he takes the consent of 2/3rd or 67% of the allottees.

Ref. Chapter III 15 (1):::

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RERA: Transfer of Project | Ref. Chapter III 15 (1)

  • Conveyance Deed he must get it done within 3 months after he receives the Occupancy Certificate. Also, he has to transfer the title of the common Area to the Resident Welfare Association or any competent Authority.:

Ref. Chapter III 17 (1) (2):::

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RERA: Conveyance Deed | Ref. Chapter III 17 (1) (2)


  1. Refund: In case the builder fails to complete his project on time or he couldn’t deliver the project because of his failure or the close down of the business, you can ask for a full refund of the amount you have paid and withdraw from that project. The builder has to pay you the interest penalty that was mentioned in the Agreement To Sell. This penalty is clearly defined in the Agreement to sell that if because of Builders fault you are withdrawing from the project then what exact penalty Builder will pay?
  2. Delay Penalty: If the Builder delays the project in that situation you can claim the delay penalty as per the Agreement To Sell for the period he has delayed the project.

Ref: Chapter III 18 (1) (a,b):::

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RERA: Return of amount and compensation | Ref: Chapter III 18 (1) (a,b)


  • Payment Delay Penalty: If Allottee also delays the payment and is not able to pay to Builder as per the payment schedule on time, then he is also liable to pay the penalty to the Builder of the same interest rate that the Builder is paying if he delays the project. This will also be mentioned in the Agreement To Sell.?

Ref: Chapter IV 19 (7):::

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RERA; Duties of Allottee - Payment Delay Penalty | Ref: Chapter IV 19 (7)

  • Possession within 2 months of OC: Allottee has to get the Conveyance deed executed &? take possession within 2 months of the Occupancy Certificate issued for the said property.

Ref: Chapter IV 19 (10):::

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RERA: Possession within 2 months of OC | Ref: Chapter IV 19 (10)


Besides Guidelines for the Builder, The Buyer and Real Estate Agents, Central RERA Act have also defined the Guidelines and the timelines for the States and Union Territories.

  • Establishment and incorporation of Real Estate Regulatory Authority:? The Indian States and Union Territories must establish RERA Authorities in their respective states and union territories within 1 year from the enforcement of RERA. If you must have come across the MHARERA for Maharashtra and UP RERA in Uttar Pradesh for example.

Ref. Chapter V 20 (1):::

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RERA: Guidelines to States to Establish RERA | Ref. Chapter V 20 (1)

  • Complaint to Authority: The builder, Buyer or Agent can complain about any violation as per RERA to these State RERA Authorities if they face any problem. One adjudication officer is appointed for such complaints.

Ref. Chapter V 31 (1):::

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RERA: Complaint to Authority | Ref. Chapter V 31 (1)

  • Objectives to Authority

  1. They will protect the interests of Buyers, Promoters, and Real Estate Agents.
  2. It will create a single window for time-bound approvals required for the projects. They are not required to approach different departments.
  3. Also to create a transparent and robust grievance redressal system.

Ref. Chapter V 32:::

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RERA: Authority Objective | Ref. Chapter V 32


  • Establish Appellate Tribunal: Within 1 year of enforcement of the RERA Act, every state or union territory must establish an Appellate Tribunal to resolve Real Estate Disputes amongst Builders, Buyers and Real Estate Agents to be known as ( name of State / Union Territory ) Real Estate Appellate Tribunal.

Ref.: Chapter VII 43 (1):::

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RERA: Establish Appellate Tribunal | Ref.: Chapter VII 43 (1)

  • Appeal to be heard & disposed of within 60 days: The time limit has been fixed for the RERA Tribunal to settle the dispute. The RERA Tribunal must hear and dispose of the dispute within 60 days from the date of receipt of the dispute.

Ref.: Chapter VII 44 (2):::

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RERA: Settlement of Dispute | Ref.: Chapter VII 44 (2)

If the Tribunal couldn’t settle the dispute within 60 days then they must give the reasons in writing.

Ref.: Chapter VII 44 (5):::

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RERA: If Dispute not Settled | Ref.: Chapter VII 44 (5)


What sort of Offences and Penalties are levied on Developers and Real Estate Agents for fraud the buyer or couldn't deliver what they committed? There are different kinds of Penalties mentioned in detail in RERA.

  • DEVELOPERS can be levied penalties upto 10% of Project Cost and/or imprisonment of upto 3 years, depending on the tribunal.

Ref.: Chapter VIII 59 (1) (2):::

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RERA; Punishment for non Registration | Ref.: Chapter VIII 59 (1) (2)

  • AGENTS if he doesn't follow the norms or rules as per RERA then he is liable to pay the everyday penalty period during which the default continues or the maximum can be 5% of the cost of the unit he has sold.?

Ref.:Chapter VIII 65:::

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RERA: Penalty to Real Estate Agent | Ref.:Chapter VIII 65

So now you must have got an idea that RERA is a Central Act. On the basis of this only State and Union Territory RERA Act has been formulated. This gives you insight into the robust and transparent mechanism that can give you the confidence to invest in Real Estate.

When you next time goes to purchase any property please ensure that you must have the entire checklist (as shared in the article above) with you before taking any final decision about any property.

We hope to have explained the key points of RERA so as to ensure clarity about the act.

DECEMBER 11, 2022, ISSUE NO. 2

Disclaimer: The writer?assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this article on this site. The information contained in this article is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness.

Kumar Ramakrishnan

ED, Group Finance Systems at DBS Bank

1 å¹´

Is there a provision in RERA where the buyer of the house can stop the PEMI to the bank if the builder has violated the timelines by a wide margin?




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