Real Estate Agents New Paradigm & World View

Real Estate Agents New Paradigm & World View

The lessons that you'll learn from this Article, you could go for 85 years and not figure this information out.

So don't skip it just because it's a long one or anything like that 

I promise you changes in yourself, in your behavior, your action, and the results you're going to get.

I'm going to show you exactly what it is and then show you what the cure is.

I'm going to give you the cure. I'm going to make sure you can rid yourself of this thing. You will not have heard this.

My central focus for making the group is to get real estate agents results. 

I don't care about anything else, really, other than getting agents exactly what they want. I want agents to make more commissions. I want agents to have an amazing real estate business. 

I used to teach just marketing tactics and I noticed that agents didn't get results. They would understand the tactics, but then they didn't implement them or they understood them, but they didn't believe them. 

They might understand the tactics, but they don't feel worthy of success, they can't break through these different barriers, can't face their fears and get outside of their comfort zone.

So while I used to focus just on tactics alone, I started to realize that it was more than that. It's more than just knowing what to do and all.

I came up with this new philosophy for this group. I call it the ''Perfectly Engineered Change Agent.'' 

It will be a combination of a proven process, a new paradigm, a winning community, and great mentorship.

The New Paradigm And World View

Successful people take lifetimes to build their mental comprehension mechanism, we will figure out how to install it in a week. 

This is what we're doing right now. 

I'm going to show you the new paradigm and world view and show you how society's current way of understanding everything is wrong and why it needs to change if we want to evolve and become something bigger than we are.

Why do you need a new paradigm? What's wrong with the one you've got? Why am I going out of my way here to bring this stuff to your attention? 

I want to show you something called the blind men and the elephant. 

It's a very simple example to help submit this point. The blind men and the elephant is this idea that people had a blindfold around them and they were led up to an elephant

Any particular part of an elephant and they were told to put their hands out and try to understand what it was they were standing next to.

When you lead someone up to something and they don't have a full understanding of it and by full understanding, I mean, they don't have full eyesight. 

All they have is their touch. 

When you lead someone up to a particular part of something like this, they all become fully convinced of what they have found. 

The person who finds the tail might think it's a rope and truly believe that they have a rope in their hands. 

The person who finds the leg might truly believe that it's a tree. 

Someone at the front might think it's a snake or it's a spear and someone on the top might think it's a fan. Someone at the side might think it's a wall.

Depending on our frame of reference, we are so likely to make a massive mistake about what it is that we have actually observed. 

This is what your paradigm is basically. 

It's the way you believe things are. All of your belief is built up in your mind and it's how you see the world. 

It's how you perceive reality. It's everything to you. 

Your paradigm is how you walk through the world and exist and perceive everything. It's probably the most important thing that a human being can have. Most people don't even know what the word means.

We tend to believe that everybody thinks the same way we do. We think that if we think something, then everyone thinks that or if we believe in something, then everyone believes in that. 

We tend to believe that everybody believes the same things we do. 

They don't.

Successful people see, think and believe totally different things than we do.

I noticed that most people feel this way. Most people feel like there is a slim chance that they'll actually be successful and wealthy. 

Right now, just answer this to yourself. Do you feel like there's a slim chance that you will actually be successful and wealthy?

I'm really sorry to break this to you, but there's no chance at all. 

There's no chance at all of you being successful and wealthy and achieving your dreams. 

It's okay because I'm going to show you who's to blame for all of this. There's someone who is all to blame and I'm going to let you know who that is in just a minute.

Do you remember how we discussed the feeling like something is holding you back? 

Well, who is it? Who is this dark force that's holding you back? 

What is this dark force that seems to be against you and making you suffer? I mean, it's quite cruel to hold you back from what you want to do. 

It's quite cruel to make you suffer like that throughout life. This person is seriously to blame for everything...

Everything you've ever wanted and hasn't been able to do, everything that has always caused you to be self-destructive and act in a way that wasn't in alignment with what you really wanted to do and how you wanted to act, this person is really to blame for everything in your life.

It haunts you. 

This thing has you by the heels and it's pulling you in. Are you ready to find out who it is? 

Who is it?

Yeah you're right, It's you. 

You heard that correctly. It's you. 

It's not your skills.

This is what people have come to believe. It's quite crazy to witness this. 

This is actually how most people believe that the world exists. 

They think the reason why they're not successful or the reason why they don't have what they want is because of any one of these reasons. They think it's their skills. It's not your skills.

It's not your past. 

It's not your location. 

It's not the government. 

It's not the president. 

It's not the party that got in. It's not any of that. 

It's not the news or what's being covered in the news or some big scandal. 

It's not your age. You're not too young and you're not too old. 

It's not tech skills. A lot of agents say, "I'm not a techy," or "I'm not tech savvy." 

People say all these different things. Therefore, I can't do it," or "I tried that thing and it didn't work. Therefore, I can't do it." 

It's not your race. This is a big one right now. It's got nothing to do with this at all.

It's not your class.

It's not your sex. Male, female, it's not that. 

It's not your English skills or your language. It's not the family you're in. 

It's not your lack of time. It's not your stressful job. It's not your family. It's not your wife. 

It's not your internet connection if it's too slow. It's not your computer. 

It's not your friends and their influences. 

It's not your back pain. It's not this ache which you've got in your wrist, which holds you back from doing everything you want to do. 

It's not the way you look. It's not anything.

We think that it's all of this different stuff. It's so easy to blame somebody or something. 

The only problem is that the moment you choose to do that, you lose forever. 

Believe me, I know what this is like because I lived this. 

I mean, I blamed other people for everything. If I didn't have what I wanted, I could point to someone else. 

Of course, it was never my fault. It was always something else or some story or some unfortunate events. Whatever it was, it was pretty much never me or I knew it was me and if someone else asked me, I just make something up and it wouldn't be me.

I would always pin the blame on somebody else or something else. The only problem is that the moment you choose to do that, you lose. 

You're giving control to something else that isn't you and that's giving away control. 

This caused me to suffer in life a lot because I always was going around blaming other people and other things for my lack of success and my lack of really growing into a bigger person and becoming something bigger than myself.

You have to realize that we are in life right now because of nobody but us. 

You have to realize that the thing you're blaming isn't the thing at all. 

It's you, the voices in your head, the devil, the doubts and fears, they're all you. 

Everything you think is someone else's fault is yours. 

It's a bold thing for me to say because a lot of people, especially in society and everything, have come to believe that they need to be sympathetic to everyone and listen to their story and acknowledge their story and give them some sympathy and then say, 

"Oh, it's okay. I would have done the same thing if I was you. You did the right thing. It's hard out there. It's really hard." That's what people are saying to other people.

While that might make you feel better at a given moment, in the long run, it's only feeding the addiction. 

It's only going to make you suffer for long because all that sympathy is doing is feeding your addiction, it's feeding the story. 

It's giving the story evidence and credence that it exists and that you were right in giving it that story. 

This is what people do that when they blame other people and then they go out looking for sympathy or they blame other things, it's not their fault and they want to be with people who believe that it's not their fault.

You have to realize that where you are in life right now is because of nobody but you. 

If you look around right now, what you have, what you own and the physical shape that you're in, the mental state that you're in, the cleanliness and the tidiness of your home, the state of your home, how awesome it is or how much you love it or don't like it, 

Your car and how much money you make, how much money is in your bank account, all of these things, you did them. 

It was nobody else or no other force that was coming in here and influencing it. It was all you.

People's lives are exactly how they designed them to be. 

I think a lot of people forget this a lot of the time. Who you are right now was built to speak. You built that person. That person who you are now, you designed it, you built it. 

If it's not something which you're comfortable with or if you were hoping to be in a better situation or be a bigger person, 

Then somewhere along the way, you must have taken a wrong turn. Your actions must have been out of alignment with what you really wanted to be.

This is what happens to people. 

It's like going to an airport without a ticket...

If you do that and you just get on some random plane and you just wing it, I mean, you might end up anywhere in the world. 

You might end up in the middle of Africa and then become conscious one day and be like, "Whoa! Shoot! I didn't want to be in Africa. Why am I here? Oh, I know! 

It was because of that person's fault or that airline. It was them. Bad service. 

Of course, it's someone else's fault. Okay. Now I can feel better and I will just stay here miserable in this country which I don't want to be in."

That's what people do with their life. 

They walk through life without intent, without a plan or anything, 

And then it's all fun and games and then one day, they wake up somewhere where they don't want to be 

However, if we blame something else, we're just telling ourselves that we don't have the control. 

If we say it was the government's fault, well, I mean, now you can't be successful until the government changes. 

Who knows when that's going to be? The government could last for four years, eight years. How many years it will last? If we say it's your back pain that's the reason why you're not successful, your back pain might never go away.

You see, we assign these things as the reason why we can't be successful. 

In doing so, we totally make it impossible for ourselves. 

Those voices in your head telling you that you can't do it or aren't good enough, the monster that has you in its grips pulling you away from everything that you want while breathing down your neck just to let you know that it's there. 

It's watching. 

When you try and step out, when you try and become something a little bit bigger, it's got you. 

You know it's got you. 

You know it's just going to pull on you.

This is what keeps people from growing. 

You have met the enemy and the enemy is you. 

If you feel uncomfortable right now, that is good. 

Now, I'll tell you why in just a minute. You're probably wondering why I'm saying all of this like, 

"Norman, what is going on here?" I thought this was a training on real estate agents and all of that? Why are we talking about monsters and dark forces and everything?" 

Well, this is all extremely important. This group will be about how to start and grow your real estate business. It will be the best in the world.

I'm on a mission to create successful real estate agents. This is without a doubt will be the best community there is going to be on how to start and grow your business, get clients, and close more deals.

Believe me, that's exactly what we're going to do. 

We're going to do it really well and we're going to do it really fast. 

We're not going to do any marketing around. 

I'm not even going to keep this group engaged and fun, and if you're here looking for fun, please get out of the group right now and watch Netflix.

Just picture where you are right now

Just look at yourself.

Who you are right now is not who you will be when you achieve the things that you want to achieve. 

To become who you want to be, the goals and aspirations you have for yourself, to be successful in business, and to make more commissions, that's impossible to do if you just stay as you are right now.

People don't just get rich out of the blue. People don't just get hit by a piece of lightning and then have millions. 

That's not how it works. There is no fluke or chance or random act that happens like that.

You might be thinking, 

"Well, Norman, this is so weird because everyone in life, even today, everyone I know they all say, ''Be yourself." 

Everyone always says, "Hey, man. You should just be yourself. You don't want to be someone else or stick to your roots. You must stick to your roots." 

These are the words, which go around today in society... 

"Don't change." 

It's like, "Oh, don't change who you are. Don't change into someone else. Be you. We like you just the way you are."

It's silly to be somebody else. You want to just accept what you were given. Be you.

You know what? As soon as I started getting a bit successful and people noticed that I changed a little bit, people were like, "Hey, Norman, you've changed. I don't know if I like it. I think I preferred you how you were before." 

As soon as you start to change, 

As soon as you start to become someone who has pulled themselves out of the gutter and become someone that others now listen to, 

It makes other people question themselves too. 

When other people start questioning themselves, they start to panic. 

Sometimes people don't like change. People like to stay where they are all the time, but at the same time, they don't like that. 

They often attack you when you're trying to grow. 

You see, the world has been plagued by a lethal virus. This one is different because this one has gone by undetected and it slipped the radar of biology and modern-day science. 

This is one of those viruses that no one is aware of. No one noticed this one. 

It's just breed and it's taken over everything. This virus has taken over everyone. 

It's not Corona Virus. It's a different virus. 

It's a virus of the mind. It's an evolutionary mutation of thought that has skewed us to think and perceive reality in a particular way. 

This mind virus has become widespread and its greatest strength is that people don't even know that it exists. 

That's really what allows it to plague over everyone and grow in advance so much. It's because people don't even know that it's there. It is a very, very serious problem.

I've already shown you, so now I'm going to make sure you can rid yourself of this thing.

And now it's time face of the Demon.

I'm sure you're thinking, "What the f*#! is ...? Why is Norman so weird?" 

Well, this is probably the most profitable thing you can do. 

I know that sounds counterintuitive because we're not talking about specific tactics or how to make more commissions or something like that. 

Understanding the dark side of yourself and understanding the destructive side of yourself is probably the most important thing that you can possibly do 

Because life is more about managing your downside than it is managing your upside.

We're going to start by facing the dark side of yourself and why it's important. 

I will explain what it is, why it's important, and how it's actually the most profitable thing you can do in your business. 

I know a lot of people, they go looking in their business. If they've got problems in their business or if they want to grow their business, they just look inside their business.

That's the wrong thinking.

Because if something's going on in your business, then it's probably going on in your personal life. 

In my experience, when someone's got something that is going on in their personal and isn't sorted out or cleaned up, 

Then it's always going to be in their business and they keep trying to fix it with different tactics or different strategies or whatever. 

It's like trying to put a BandAid on a broken leg. It NEVER works.

I think it's really important for everyone in this group to know that everyone goes through struggles when they're trying to become successful. 

A lot of agents look at successful agents and they think, "Oh, he was born with it,"

"They're a natural," or "That person was always confident," 

"That person was always going to be successful and I'm different because I've got all these emotions, all these stories, all these fear," 

It's not true.

In the real estate business, I think a lot of agents, they're just like, 

"I just need to get my license and wait for referrals then that's it," 

But you need to know yourself and you need to know everything about yourself because, as real estate agents, we're pushing ourselves. 

We're really pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone and we're trying to do new things and we have to work hard. 

If we've got little things that we're not aware of with ourselves, then they will always trip us up and we're always going to make mistakes and we're always going to be breaking down.

Facing your dark side. What does it mean? 

Have you ever wondered why one side of you is constructive and the other destructive? 

Do you ever build things up or start taking positive action towards something, but then break it back down?  

Does one side of you dream for something, but then this other side of you is like, "Oh, just let's be realistic and not even try"? 

It's like we've got these two voices inside of us all the time... 

One wants us to do something, 

One doesn't want us to do something. 

The battle between these two things is quite painful.

Why do we build things up and then smash them down and feel bad about it? 

Why do we feel like we have this dark side and this light side? 

How do we overcome this?

Well there's two things...

One thing is the subject. 

If you want to be really good at basketball, I mean, you've got to learn the rules of basketball and you've got to train and practice. 

The most important thing is managing yourself and your mind and being able to control your emotions and regulate your behaviors.

If you study any pro athletes or any pro businessmen, they are masters of controlling themselves and they're the CEOs of their minds. 

Because life isn't really about how you perform when things are going well. 

It's more about how you perform when things are going bad. 

It's really important to understand these things and learn how to protect your downside. 

When things go bad, how to just pull right through it like it just didn't even happen.

I think a lot of real estate agents when they're starting out, they face this issue. 

They want to be something bigger than they are, but there's this other side of them which just keeps breaking everything down. 

Whatever I desired, it was like there was this force against me trying to pull me back down. 

Whatever goal I set for myself, I would get halfway there and then do something to sabotage it. 

Just when things were going well for me, I'd do something stupid and mess it all up. It was a constant cycle. It was construction and hope. 

I'd be hopeful and I'd be building, building, building towards my dreams, and then boom! 

I would just get to a certain point and then it would just be destruction and despair.

Once you've built something up and then if you break it down, the feeling is... 

I can't even describe how painful it is. It's just a pity. 

It would have been probably better to just not do anything at all because seeing yourself build things up and you get close to your dreams and get close to being the person you want to be, you're like, 

"Oh, I'm almost there," 

And then bam! You crush it back down. It's a really painful thing to go through. It's tormenting.

What I noticed is that my life looked like this. It was just ups and downs. 

I'd build things up to a certain level. I'd have dreams and hopes and desires and everything about who I wanted to become and I'd build things up to a certain peak and then I'd break them down. 

What was interesting is that I'd break them down to a certain level and I'd build them up to a certain level. These levels were pretty much always the same. That's what fascinated me.

I thought, "Oh, these levels are always different and there was no order or pattern to any of this stuff," 

But I started to recognize that it was very, very, very predictable and the peaks and the troughs were identical in how high they got built up and how low they got broken down. 

The fascinating thing was these highs and lows were almost exactly the same. It's like I had a thermostat inside of me that would switch off at a certain peak and then kick back in at a certain low.

Then when it regulated on the way back down, it would cut off at a certain level. 

It wouldn't let me go too low. 

I never went too low and I never went too high. 

These two things were almost identical. My constructive force was equally matched to my destructive force. 

The average of the two formed an accurate view of my existence.

Whenever you have a pattern like this in your life or with your bank account or with how clean your car and apartment is, with anything... 

Fight like hell to stop that pattern.

Now it's time to ''Facing The Light''

Facing the light is when you stop running away from the pain and problems in your life by avoiding them and distracting yourself or sedating yourself. 

It's when you stop really trying to escape it. 

You stop running away from it all and you just face it right on. 

A lot of people, especially these days if you look around at all the different statistics, 

There's a lot of people that drink a lot, there's a lot of people that have all sorts of habits which are distractions or ways of sedating yourself so that you can escape the pain.

I always remember when this pain was so intense that I always wanted to escape it. 

And now it's time to ''Face The Music''

Facing the music is when you take full responsibility for your actions and know that what you get in life is a mirror image of what you put in. 

If you go and do those things, then what do you think you're going to get in return?

In life, you'll realize that it doesn't matter what you can get, it only matters what you can keep. Money is never about how much money you can make. Money is always about how much money you can keep. 

Because if you have a very, very powerful positive side, but an equally matched negative side, then you're going to end up with nothing.

Some agents are amazing and gifted salespeople, but they refuse to resolve an issue with their personal life. 

They're able to make so much commissions, literally hundreds of thousands of dollars, 

But then they just blow it all and they ended up back to zero.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

It was Isaac Newton that found this out. 

This one, it's such a simple thing to read like this, but it is profoundly powerful when you understand how it works in your life.

This is what I've noticed. Most people try to cheat cause and effect. 

They wonder why they're not wealthy and they wonder why life isn't going their way. 

They blame other people or they think it's out of their control, but really, they're just living an effect of a cause and the cause was all the actions they've taken. 

The only way to get successful is to deserve it. If we want to close more deals, we've got to do the things that we know we've got to do.

It's a funny thing to discover in life because you understand that if anyone ever judges someone and you understand this, you know exactly what problem they have with themselves. 

It's funny to read in Facebook comments and arguments and everything. 

When people get offended and when people start arguing and labeling other people and attacking other people, it's funny and fascinating to watch because you're like -


''These people don't understand that they're just revealing all of the things that they're trying to hide."

It's like people are revealing their cards. 

They're showing you their hand, what cards they're holding, but they don't think that they're doing it at all.

The only way to be free of the fear of judgment and all of that is to not judge other people. 

It was a fascinating thing to discover because I was like, "Wow! All right.'' 

''I'm just going to try not judging anyone." 

From that point on, I didn't hold the opinions of anyone. 

I saw people who I usually would have judged big time and I'd just like their Facebook post and mean it. I would no longer hold people in any form of judgment.

Agents who I used to think as my competition or anything like that, I decided to just be their friend. 

It was amazing what happened. All of a sudden every ounce of fear I ever had about being judged just disappeared. 

I could then actually just do whatever I wanted without any fear of rejection or fear of judgment at all. 

It just fell off me. The same thing will happen to you too. 

This is a big one.

If you're rude to your vendors when you buy from them, you will attract the same behavior from your clients. 

I noticed that the people who are always posting on their Facebook news feed about all this, they're always judging other vendors like, 

"Oh, this XYZ service, it's horrible, these people," and they're just calling out all of these other companies and saying how horrible they are and all of this stuff. 

Then I noticed that they're all upset because their clients are attacking them as well.

They're always in a battle. They always have some sh*t to say at someone else, 

But then they act all surprised when other people are saying sh*t at them.

That's the way it works. 

If you're rude to vendors, if when you buy from them you try and get discounts, if you're always the guy that's like, "Oh, do you have a discount or discounts?" 

What do you think your customers are going to do? They're going to be all about discounts as well...

If you're trying to get free stuff all the time, your clients are always going to be cheap. 

You want to stop being the person who seeks out all of this free stuff 

From now on you'll notice that your customers will, your market will just mirror the same thing back to you.

People don't have business problems. They have life problems that reflect in their business. 

They believe that they can just go into the business side of things and fix it, but they totally ignore their personal side. 

It's been my observation that real estate agents don't have business problems. They have life problems that reflect in their business. 

If something's coming up in your business, well, it's probably created from your personal side. 

If somebody has an issue in their business or starting their business, it's always a personal issue they have in their own life that's coming up and reflecting in their business.

If somebody isn't committed in business, non-commitment will be showing up in other areas of their life, so they won't be committed to their girlfriend/boyfriend, they won't be committed to eating healthy or following some routine. 

If you have a messy house, then you probably have a messy business. 

If you have a messy apartment, then you probably have a messy mind. 

And if you have an unhealthy body, then you probably have an unhealthy business.

If you have an unresolved issue in your personal life, it will leave you paralyzed in your business unable to do anything because the personal issues occupy your entire brain. 

People try to solve business problems with pure business tactics. That's the only thing they believe will work. 

I can tell you that no amount of business tactics will solve a personal issue appearing in your business. 

The only way to solve that is to solve it in your personal life and it disappears from your business. 

When you're having a problem with your business, just the first place you should look is your personal life. Most of the time, it just clears it right up, just gone, fixed.

If you want to be a winner in life, you must commit to excellence in every facet of your existence. 

Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy life, and healthy business 

Sleep well, eat well, exercise, drink tons of water. 

I know this sounds way too simple to be in a business training like drink tons of water. 

I can't tell you how much of a difference drinking a ton of water does make to the amount of money you're able to make. Really.

If you're dehydrated, then you're going to be or you're not having enough water, then you're going to be drowsy. 

You're not going to be productive. It's going to cost you money. 

All of these things like I used to go out and eat a massive lunch and have a german beer with lunch and then the whole afternoon I was just out. 

All of these things affect your bank account and affect your work and affect everything.

You want to have your home and your office in immaculate condition at all times and if possible, hire a cleaner. 

Active cleaning your space will clear your mind and clear your business all at the same time. 

You also want to clear your computer and your phone. Have a clean screen.

Now for the last one, this is huge. 

We are not the highest version of ourselves which we can imagine. We're the lowest version of ourselves which we can accept. 

You need to understand that you will do nothing to achieve your dreams, but you will fight like hell to not breach your standards. 

As humans, we do more to not lose something than we will gain it. 

There have been lots of psychological studies and it's called ''Loss Aversion''. People are more motivated by loss than gain.

If you motivate someone by potential gain, they often won't do anything.

That's why we become not the highest version of ourselves which we can imagine, we become the lowest version which we can accept. 

If you want to achieve your dreams and goals, you must turn them into irrefutable standards. This is powerful, very powerful.

The best one to focus on is the downside and that's what I have done in my real estate business and life. 

Everyone else is all about the upside and I've been focused relentlessly on the downside and the dark side because I know that that's worth a lot more.

Because if you fix that, it's worth a lot more than fixing the light side.

Focus on all of that stuff. 

While it doesn't seem like a business, it will seriously change your life and be worth millions and millions for you.

I'll see you in the group.



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