Real Estate Agent's Guide To Making A Winning First Impression
You've got to make a good first impression as the owner of a real estate business. You might not remember what you did on Monday or even last week, but we all remember our first impression of someone. A real estate agent's job is to connect with clients and prospective buyers, so it's essential that you walk into your next meeting with two things: confidence and poise.
In this guide, we'll talk about how to make a strong first impression as an agent and keep it for the rest of your career.
Just as fast as you can get someones attention, you can lose it.
You have a lot to prove when you're starting out in business. If someone is considering working with you, they need to know that it's going to be a good experience. You can't afford to blow your chances by making a bad first impression.
The good news is that making a great first impression doesn't take much time or effort. Remember, just as easily as you can grab someone's attention, you can lose it. These tips are all about ensuring that when it's time for someone to trust you and your business, they won't hesitate over small things like how much time you spent with them during the initial home visit, or whether they felt welcomed at your office.
The first thing to do is to learn to remember people's names. I know it sounds obvious and easy, but this is a huge deal. If you don't remember their name, then they will get annoyed at you for forgetting it (even if it's because of your poor memory). The best way to learn people's names is by practicing with a co-worker or friend who knows all the clients' names (or not).
Start with your emails: Use their name in the first sentence so they know that you read through their email, remembered their name, and were even thinking about them while drafting this response. You can also include an emoji as an extra touch!
The next place where this applies is on the phone- call someone and say "Hey, this is Mike!" before asking them how they're doing today! This shows that you care enough about getting details right so that when we meet again later down the road (not just three minutes after leaving voicemail message), I'll remember everything about our earlier conversation."
Use the mirroring technique.
Mirroring is a technique used by salespeople to build rapport with their clients. It’s also a way to help people feel comfortable with you, build trust, and show that you are listening to them.
Mirroring is the science of echoing back someone’s body language or words without copying it exactly. For example, if your client has her arms crossed and she uncrosses them when she speaks, mirror this movement so that you can appear more approachable and trustworthy. You will appear more empathetic as well because the client will see that you are listening closely while they speak—and they will be more likely to listen closely to what you have to say!
If there is something specific about the person's appearance (for example: glasses), copy that too—just not exactly! This may seem like an odd thing for an agent who wants buyers or sellers but trust me: once someone sees how much attention we're paying them during conversations about real estate matters (whether it's pricing trends or mortgage rates), they'll love us all the more for being so attentive!
Ask questions and then listen well.
As a buyer or seller, you want to feel like your real estate agent is listening to what you want. You should also be able to trust that they are honestly representing your interests when dealing with other agents and the general public.
This is why asking questions is so important; it shows that you're engaged, interested and in control of the process. You can also use questions as a way of getting across what's important to you without coming across as rude or pushy.
Pay attention to nonverbal communication
When you meet someone for the first time, it’s important to pay attention to how that person is presenting themselves.
A person who is easy to talk to and makes others feel at ease might be a good fit for you. If this person doesn’t seem to have many friends, however, he/she might not be the best choice.
Get a good grip
The first impression you make on a potential client is very important, as it will set the tone for your relationship. To ensure that your first impression is positive, consider these tips:
We all want to be remembered and appreciated. Clients and your real estate referral partners are no exception.
We all want to be remembered and appreciated. Clients and your real estate referral partners are no exception. This is why it’s important to make a good first impression when working with them. What do you do when you meet someone for the first time? You shake their hand, smile at them, look them in the ey,e and ask what they do. Next thing you know, they tell you everything about themselves from how long they have lived there (or where) to their hobbies, family life and even what kind of music they like to listen to!
You want your clients to feel like friends because if that happens, then it makes it easier for them to buy or sell homes with YOU! So think about this scenario: if someone stopped me on the street today and asked me how I liked my job as an agent or what I did for fun outside of work – would I remember exactly how many years I had been doing this job? Would I be able to say what my favorite days were? Would anyone else come up with those answers offhand without having a conversation first?
Your clients are busy people, and they have a lot on their minds. Don't make them think about whether or not they like you. Instead, focus on making a good impression by making them feel respected and valued as people—and then let your professionalism shine through in the way that you do business with them.
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