If you were kind enough to read my recent ramblings about selling 'Noosa Fair' and 'Le Rivage', ('the pink house) back in the day, and the six figure commissions that miraculously flowed my way, I wasn't meaning to brag. Here's why I went back in time.
I was very fortunate then to be the Principal of my own businesses, so all I lost was a 10% franchise fee. I have to say it was certainly worthwhile, as specially in the case of the pink house, I would have not have had the opportunity without the generous assistance of the Chairman of that franchise.
However, if I had been one of my sales team, I would have given away another half of the net fee, in the Noosa Fair instance, another $54,000! That's because back then, salespeople were paid 50% of the commission they earned after deduction of the 10% franchise fee. Now I know this situation still occurs in some offices., but when you consider that the salesperson does all the work, it is grossly unfair, unless of course you're the principal!
I'm happy to say that the pendulum has recently swung in favor of good salespeople. There are opportunities now for those who are confident in their own ability to get out from under the control of the franchises and earn all but a small proportion of their commissions. These administration firms employ experts in all phases of the sales process, from the Appointment to Act, listing, through the marketing process, trust account, and all the way to settlement, for as little as $2,500 per sale. Others offer the same support for from 15% to 25% of the commission, depending on the agents GCI, and others provide a mixture, but every one is extremely more beneficial to the agent than the old franchise models.
If you are an agent, and realise that these days your clients appoint YOU, not the agency, then you are ready to explore these exciting opportunities. I have researched them all, and there's one that's a perfect fit for you out there. Imagine running your own business with 100% support at your fingertips for a mere pittance of what it costs you now.
So if you want to as much as double your income, and don't need to pay so much for whatever it is that your current office is providing, go to and let me know if you'd like to know more. Before you do, go back and calculate how much of your hard earned you have donated to the office in the past, and how much you'll give away in the future. I'm sure you'll be gobsmacked. It doesn't have to happen.
These are exciting times for salespeople, in a market that shows no signs of slowing down, and there will be no better time to start earning what you know you have always deserved.