Virginie Tolly
Fashion Strategist | ex-H&M Fashion Business Expert | Product Developer & Designer | Image Consultant & Stylist | Talent Specialist | Fashion Lecturer & Mentor | Women’s Self-Leadership Coach
During my time at styling school, one aspect of my education involved undergoing a color analysis. For those unfamiliar, color analysis is a method that determines the most flattering colors for an individual, enhancing their appearance and confidence through clothing choices based on their skin, eyes, and hair.
As I was cruising my studies, thinking I got my fashion style nailed, the color analysis test revealed I was part of the "Cold Winter" crew, meaning that I looked best in cold, medium to dark contrast colors. The assigned palette came with recommendations for makeup, nail polish, jewelry and hair color based on my results.
Who knew my face held such fashion truths?
The revelation was eye-opening. I hadn't realized the extent to which one's eye, skin, and hair color could dictate their ideal color palette. Knowing this earlier could have spared me from numerous style color catastrophes and simplified my shopping experiences.
Along with this newfound knowledge came resistance. Long-held beliefs about what looked good on me were partly challenged. What my mother had always deemed flattering suddenly seemed outdated. My wardrobe felt suddenly like a battlefield of conflicting colors. Rather than retreat, I decided to own it.
It took a few weeks to digest that my fashion sense might need a twist, but once I did, it was like unlocking a whole new level of style potential.
Navigating this new reality posed new questions, however:
Should I discard clothes in "off tones"?
How do I incorporate these new colors into my wardrobe?
How do I create harmonious contrasts?
How does this work?
Once I got the logic and embraced it, my wardrobe gained so much clarity:
1. I learned to accessorize with jewelry or accents in my palette to balance out non-compliant colors.
2. I finally got rid of garments that never quite felt right and that suddenly were obviously not my color.
3. Shopping became more efficient as I bypassed items that didn't align with my palette. No more wasting time on clothes that clash with me!
4. Wearing colors that suited me felt like an affirmation of my true self, boosting my confidence and sense of authenticity.
As a personal stylist, it is my mission to spread the gospel of color enlightenment!
In recent years, I've had the joy of guiding clients through similar game-changer transformations. Witnessing them blooming their authentic selves, inside and out, has been immensely rewarding.
And in a country like Sweden, where darkness prevails, mastering the power of color can truly uplift spirits.
So, who's ready to join me and unleash their inner color style superhero?
Style Color Psychology event: