The REAL Cost of Freedom (it’s cheaper than you think)

The REAL Cost of Freedom (it’s cheaper than you think)

There is a common?misconception?that making?“$1,000,000”?a year is the answer to all of one’s problems… the cost of “freedom.”

It is often?seen?as the?“gateway”?to reaching that magical, mystical?“top 1%”?that so many people dream about.

You know:?the fancy house, the big boat, the luxurious lifestyle, the constant travel.


Did you know,

That magic?“$1,000,000”?number is?far greater?than anyone?actually?needs to be considered in the Top 1% of earners in America?

The fact is, in order to be in the?top 1%?of earners in America,

You only need to make roughly?$400,000 a year.

And to you, that number may still seem far beyond your reach,

But hear me out…

Gary Vaynerchuk?often talks around the concept of (and I’m paraphrasing here):

Instead of trying to shoot for the sky (in regards to income goals)…?Why not shoot for something that’s actually practical that will simultaneously make you happy?

In my not so humble opinion, making $400,000 a year…

Or $200,000…

Or even $85,000…

But on your own terms?is still way better than:

1. Working for someone else, with no control over your work life, making $47,000 or $65,000 a year, and being miserable while doing it;


2. Working so hard and so often to make that magic “one million” (or whatever arbitrary number) that you’re chained to a harsh schedule that doesn’t give you the time and freedom to actually?do what you want to do?and?live life on your own terms.

Wouldn’t you rather make $87,000 a year doing something you’re passionate about, and?be free?to do what you want, when you want, how you want…

Than make $1,000,000 a year, but?be stuck?working 24/7/365, miserable, on call all the time, with no free time to do anything you actually enjoy?

Happiness?is?so much more valuable?than money.

Sadly, to many the idea of even making $100,000 a year on their own terms doing what they love still seems so far-fetched…

It blows my mind.

Why does it seem so far out of reach?

I briefly touched on this in my article on?How to Get 37x Better With Only 1% of Work, but for quick refresher sake…

Let’s break it down:

In order to make $100,000 a year, dividing that by 12 (months) means one needs to make a little over $8,300 a month.

(it’s actually like $8,333, but we’ll just use $8,300 for easy math sake)

Breaking that down even further, to make $8,300 a month, you need to make $2,075 a week.

Breaking that down again, this means we need to make about?$300 per day.

Now you may be thinking:

“Okay, $300 per day doesn’t sound so hard!”

In which case,?good for you,?that’s the mindset!

But, if instead you’re thinking:

“How the heck can I make $300 per day?”

Let’s?break THAT down?even further:

How can you make $300 per day (or $2,075 per week)?

Several ways:

  1. Sell 1 thing per week for $2,075
  2. Sell 2 things per week for $1,040 each


  1. Sell 1 thing per day for $300
  2. Sell 2 things per day for $150 each
  3. Sell 3 things per day for $100 each


  1. Sell 1 thing per month for $8,300
  2. Sell 2 things per month for $4,150

You get the point.

When you break it down into smaller numbers and smaller actions, suddenly the idea of “?making $100,000 in a year?“ isn’t so complicated.

That’s the point:?it’s not complicated.

We just over-complicate it.

Not only is this?completely possible?through the power of the internet using methods like:

  1. Affiliate Marketing
  2. Social Media
  3. Content Creation Services
  4. Digital Product Development
  5. Copywriting Services
  6. Web Design Services
  7. Email marketing Services
  8. Courses, Coaching, and Consulting
  9. Membership Sites

Among other things…

It’s also?practical.

The value of digital skills in the digital age is?only going up.

And as long as the internet exists, it will continue to do so.

There are billions of dollars exchanged on the internet every single day.

And there are millions of people currently looking for the information, tools, insight, or skills that?you?can provide them.

Just a few examples of some of the ways you can do this using the power of the internet include:

1. Selling Copywriting Skills

Copywriting is the foundation of every online business.

Whether it’s through product descriptions, blog posts, email newsletters, or TikTok videos…

They?all?start with written words.

And there are?millions of companies willing to pay?to have those words?written?for?them.

And there are two places you can take advantage of this fact:


Both of these websites allow you to either apply for, or create, jobs (called?gigs?on Fiverr) with hundreds of thousands of those jobs being related to writing in some form.

I’m sure?you’ve heard the phrase:

“Knowledge is power.”

But?knowledge without action is useless.

So this is where we?put our knowledge to use.

I know that there are incredibly powerful online tools available that can?write for me.

Using artificial intelligence (AI) copywriting services like?CopyAI, or even the newly available?ChatGPT?…

You can post or apply for these various writing jobs on sites like?Fiverr,

And then use these AI tools to?write the content for you!

Selling services on Fiverr is as simple as:

  1. Going to?
  2. Clicking “Become a Seller” in the top menu
  3. Creating your seller account
  4. Once approved, logging into your seller dashboard
  5. Clicking the “Gigs” link in the top menu under “My Business”
  6. Clicking the “Create a New Gig” button on the top right-hand corner
  7. Start earning

You can literally get paid?hundreds to thousands of dollars per week?for doing?almost no work.

What you’re getting paid for is?your knowledge,?not your time.

And that is a very important mindset shift to make.

One of the greatest lessons I’ve ever learned came from a prior client of mine:

Long story short, he messed something up on his website and needed help fixing it.

As soon as I saw the error, I knew immediately what was wrong and fixed it in less than 5 minutes.

When he asked me how much he owed me, I told him not to worry about it.

“It was seriously no big deal, it took me 5 minutes, I’m not going to charge you.” I said casually.

His response?

“I’m not paying you for your time, I’m paying you for your knowledge.”

As I talked about in one of my previous articles,?The Millionaire Method to Financial Freedom,

Financial freedom is about learning to?separate your time from your income

Not just?literally,?but?mentally?as well.

2. Selling Digital Services

Every company needs a website.

Every company is using social media in some way, shape or form.

Every company wants to?increase?their revenue,?grow?their audience, and?expand.

If you have the ability to help with any of those goals, you can monetize those skills.

And to be honest, with all the tools available these days,?they’re all pretty easy to do.

You just have to spend the 20 to 30 hours it takes to learn how.

This can be done by watching free YouTube videos,

Or by going through courses like (shameless plug)?The Freedom Codex,?which?does teach you?the step by step process to building websites quickly and easily, among other things!

I get paid, on average,?$2500 per website?that I build for other people, using the exact process I teach in The Freedom Codex.

And, fun fact:

You can use the?same skills?in?multiple ways.

Not only do I use my web design skills as a sellable service,

I also use them to build my own niche?passive income blog websites, which creates?additional?streams of income.

Guess what else I do?

Use the same?copywriting AI tools?to generate content?for?those passive income websites in the same way I sell copywriting services to clients.

3. Selling Your Own Digital Product

With all the tools available today, it’s never been easier to develop your own digital product (like I did with?The Freedom Codex) and sell it directly to consumers.

This is as simple as:

  1. Organizing the information you know about a particular topic.
  2. Creating helpful content around that topic.
  3. Uploading that content to a custom course or membership site like?Kartra.
  4. Sharing some of the content on one?(or several)?of the many?freely available?social media platforms to build an audience and send traffic to your product.
  5. Promoting your digital product to your audience and across your social media profiles.

These are just a few examples out of the hundreds?(if not thousands)?of possibilities that exist on the internet.

The cost of freedom is?not?$1,000,000.

It’s not even $400,000.

What is?the real cost of freedom?


Empower yourself.

Warm Regards,

-Zyler Kade


Check out?this keynote speech by Gary Vaynerchuk?where he breaks down the reasons why 95% of people are confused about what real success and happiness looks like.

And if you’re interested, here are 3 additional ways I can help you:

1.?If you’re looking for a simple, streamlined, organized step-by-step process you can follow to begin building your own passive income streams, I recommend starting with an affordable course.

→?The Full-time Freedom Codex?is a self-paced online video course where I teach you how to quickly and easily create, automate, and monetize digital content based on your hobbies, passions, and interests. You can?learn more by clicking here.

2.?At?Apex Haus, I help creators, coaches, and CEOs increase their income, influence, and impact with personalized digital product development and sales funnel design services.

→ You can?learn more or see if you qualify by clicking here.

3.?If you’re not quite ready to make an investment in your education, but are still looking for a good place to start learning about passive income through online entrepreneurship, check out my?Free Courses?available directly on?

Disclaimer:?In full transparency,?not all, but some of the links you find throughout my emails will be affiliate links, which means if you end up making a purchase using one of my affiliate links, I may get paid a small commission.


Originally published at? April 5, 2023.


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