The Real Cost of Building a Coaching Business (And Why It's Not Your Fault)
Sarah Short
Turning qualified coaches into well-paid professionals | ICF-Accredited Marketing Courses For Coaches | Mentoring | Straightforward, No Nonsense, Actionable Marketing Techniques | Prices from £2500 (inc VAT)
You've probably spent more than you'd like to admit trying to build your coaching business. Let's be honest - there's the coaching qualification (several thousand), the website (another couple of thousand), the branding (£500+), and those business cards that seemed so important at the time.
Then there's the networking memberships, the online courses promising instant clients, maybe even some Facebook ads. Not to mention the hours spent creating social media content, delivering free sessions, and trying to figure out why none of it's working.
I get it.
I've talked to thousands of coaches just like you. Smart, qualified professionals who are brilliant at coaching but can't seem to crack the business side. I know that some of you at least are lying awake at 3am wondering if you should just give up and accept that maybe you're not cut out for this.
Here's the thing - it's not your fault.
Coaching Qualifications Aren't Marketing Tools
Your coaching course taught you to be an excellent coach. But they didn't teach you how to find clients who can and will pay professional rates. They didn't explain that coaching qualifications aren't marketing tools. They didn't tell you that "if you build it, they will come" only works in Field of Dreams (which for the record was released in 1987! 1987!!! ??)
No one told you that marketing a coaching business is unique because no one understands what coaching is (but they think they do, and they're wrong). No one explained that casting your net wide with inspirational quotes and offers of free sessions isn't a strategy - it's hope masquerading as marketing. And hope has never been an effective marketing strategy.
You've probably spent anywhere between £5,000 and £15,000 so far. Some coaches I talk to have spent much more. And you're wondering if you should cut your losses or spend more money on yet another solution that promises instant results.
Comfortable, Effective Marketing IS A Real Thing
At The Coaching Revolution, we teach coaches a proven, ethical marketing process that actually works. No pushy sales tactics. No inauthentic social media presence. Just clear, focused marketing that helps your ideal clients understand exactly how you can help them.
We know it works because we've helped hundreds and hundreds of coaches build sustainable businesses. My mentors and I understand exactly where you are because we've been there ourselves. We know what it's like to lie awake wondering if you should just give up on your dream.
You don't need to give up. You just need the right skills, knowledge and support. We can teach you comfortable, effective marketing that generates inbound enquiries from people who want to work with you.
Your coaching qualification isn't enough to build a business. But pair it with solid marketing skills, and you'll have everything you need to succeed.
Ready to stop hoping and start knowing how to find clients? Let's talk? This is the diary:
Training as Professional Leadership coach and Careers coach. Current role as Principal at HONITON LITTLETOWN PRIMARY ACADEMY TRUST
4 小时前I'm in the process of doing this right now as it happens! I said no to paying for business cards.. that can come later if necessary...! Other than a logo and a basic website, I'm not going to spend on anything else! Your book (A Coaching Business in a book) had me very well prepared for not getting carried away with marketing company shiny add ons so thank you for that!