What is the next point??
Let’s go into the meat and potatoes of things. Maybe this will help millions and millions of artists; some day, soon. I listened to a quick program, where two individuals were discussing choosing a side. They were speculating on the personal side. As far as me; personally, I am looking specifically, only, for business aspects. I study this game, each and every day. It’s been 30 years of my career. Stand on that player.?
Hold on to that, for a quick second.?
During this brainstorm; I went deep, into myself. I realized that when things did not go as planned; I did what my natural, nature is. I went to war. I continued, even past the point; beyond the point of going at it alone. I never stopped. That is one of the greatest accomplishments; in my life. I also learned a quick wildcard, that I will share with you. My roots, and my background are based on a lifestyle. This is not based on something that I did over three summers.?
You know exactly who you are. But still; major props to you.
Back to my main focus.?
Remember that I am fighting my brain, at every possible interval. So lets start at the beginning. Over the last three years, I amassed this huge, historic, music catalog; of my own, original music. None of it was produced by me. I worked with thousands of producers and artists; along the way.?
Right now; I am reserving some intellectual properties. So, lets dive into these, altered waters.?
The catalog can produce, in so many different ways. For example; my own video game. Here I see an incredible potential there. The game could be released by next summer. My music can be imported, into any adult themed, entertainment. For example, a Call of Duty series, or a racing series, simulators etc. Where the topics are adult themed. Not that a younger audience cannot listen in; but, more of my music, would be setting the tone, of the intended experience.?
Similar to a motion picture, or series. Home entertainment, brings everything into a higher level. I chose tech. I am a digital artist. That is my lane, and that is my crowd. I am from the future. This is why I am one with Web 3 and NFT technology, among so many options. I know exactly what, I am conveying through each release. And the reason why I was able to create these works of art, is because, it, resonated with the freedoms; that it enabled me.?
Without any hesitation; I went all in. That became, a pivotal point for me; in everything.?
I will give you an example, to see if you can better understand me. All of you are great at business. I know it. This is not for everybody. I know that you are a future threat, and it does not matter what industry or trade that you are in. I know that you are only here, because, you can think outside of the box. So, for the rest of our readers. Here. We. Go.?
I have an Album that I have spoken about in the past. It’s called “THE SHENG LONG LP”.?
What does it mean??
Well, we are on the right track. We know that it means so many things to me, as well as; all of us. And we cannot exclude, the rest of the Universe; known to mankind. Everything has to have a meaning. That meaning, can be the connection that we all share; to each other. As an entrepreneur; this is my business.
Once you have established, that intimate, bond; the franchise begins. The brand, is the lifestyle, that sustains, that connection.?
So lets take Sheng Long, and place every aspect into perspective.?
This will be part one: Visuals.?
In the custom Street Fighter 2 Turbo Series; any version, in fact. Sheng Long is animated with Ryu as the main template. He has long hair, in an elderly gray tone, with a hair ribbon, like Alpha Ken; in his youth. But the ribbon is still red, like Ryu’s.?
IN the motion picture during the Super era; you can see the moment in their youth, where after a fight, during their training; one person is hurt, and the other gifts, this, particular, ribbon. Now that, is set in stone in all Street Fighter Lore. Forever and ever.?
Graphics: The ribbon is attatched to this moment; frozen in time.?
The programmers, have to use elements that have been used in any of the games, in order to import it; into the kernel, of Street Fighter 2. So of course, they will use the element, from the Alpha Ken template. Ryu and Ken are building blocks, as they were programmed identically, since inception. They were both modified, over time; to give each player; its own individuality.?
Ken, seems faster. But is actually not. He is just animated, to introduce his moves; or the way he connects. Ken in reality attacks you verbally; first. And then backs it up; with major damage. Ryu; hits harder.?
When Ryu hits you; you are really hit. Its not a vocal attack initially. It is not the illusion that he is causing more damage; than he actually is. Ryu is really hitting you. You are really hurt, and the damage is incredible.?
Remember that all of this counts.?
It counts on the way, we, the end user; connect to it. Plan to strategy; execute, execute.?
Sheng Long; at least during my era. Before too many titles, and expanded universe time lore; all remember his after-battle phrase. “You must defeat Sheng Long”, to stand a chance!
This is written in stone; in our hearts. I mean we; the kids that may have only had one or two quarters to play the arcade game. You knew exactly what that feeling was, when you read the clause: Insert coin(s).?
That quarter was challenging 12 characters; and all random challengers. “Here comes a new challenger” (interruption).?
So, for my students; there is that.?
Sheng Long is this hidden character; we never got to see, hear or interact with. Maybe if you were crazy like me, and got some underground publications from Japan; in Japanese. Where all we could do, was try to consume the visual arts; not knowing what was printed. It could have been a fan fantasy art, a promotion for a product; made to promote that product or service. There was no internet. I had to ride multiple busses and trains to school each day. So when I found something, or heard something new; it took a lifetime to share it with my friends.?
It could be some time, before we even discussed things.?
Then; being so young. Friends move away, or you move away and you loose those connections.?
How do you know if they are true fans??
When ever, in life, if ever, you get, to run across them; again. And you ask, relevant questions, to any changes; as they emerged, in expanded, or extended Universe. If they responded with all new story lines. They were on point. If not; maybe they just grew up, and moved on.?
But; those parallels stayed with you. You remembered the times, where all you did was wait for lunch period, to talk about everything.?
I also think, this is the reason why Pokemon; hit so hard.?
Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat; left the doors wide open. Before that era, it was GI Joe, Transformers, Voltron, He-Man, Thundercats and the X-Men.?
From there on, it was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers.?
And really, that pocket emptied by Superman, Batman, and Captain America, was filled; by Spiderman. The Manga Universe was built for Spiderman, overseas.
They turned it down; Power Rangers took it by storm.
But, back to my cradle.?
Sheng Long was the truest, and the purest. He was the Master of Ryu and Ken. He was the most honorable. WE soon later found out, that he was not missing. He was assassinated. By the time of the Super Era; we knew that it was Akuma.?
Akuma, is the all powerful evil; incorporated inside all of us. In Star Wars, Akuma would be Darth Vader. According to the lore; Akuma betrays Sheng Long and kills him. Leaving everything up to Ryu and Ken to complete their training; alone, and with each other. Really; through each other.?
Ken wins the tournament and gets married; starts a family. Ryu wins the tournament; and leaves during the ceremony. Ryu keeps fighting. Everything can be easily explained in that phrase. When he says, you must defeat Sheng Long; not just compete with. Or, contest Sheng Long; in order, to stand a chance.?
This means; you are not worthy. You are not worthy to stand a chance; unless! Meaning. I am; the truest. Ryu. I am the purest; Ryu. I am Luke Skywalker. I am Neo. I am the one.?
I am the singularity. I am the special.?
Ryu can see the visions of the future. He has already defeated you with his words; of wisdom. He can already taste victory; before hand.?
This only grows the lore of Sheng Long, and what, he means to all of us.?
Sheng Long means; that.?
What is the force multiplier?
The same as count Duku in Star Wars. The former Jedi Master to Qui Gon Jin.?
Qui Gon, like Mace Windu can use both, the light and the dark side. Duku can, but he remains an idealist. If Duku could not completely turn Qui Gon Jin; he would try Obi Won Kenobi. He feels, that his stature is so big; that he is so well versed. That enough of those ideals were cemented inside Qui Gon Jin; therefore had to be equally so, in Obi Won Kenobi.?
He was wrong. Qui Gon Jin always walked on the razors edge; like Mace Windu. But never crossed the line. Mace said no. Qui Gon Jin said no. Obi Won Kenobi; said no.?
See what I mean??
The same with Akuma. He tries to seduce Ryu into the dark hadu. Ryu is attacked by the dark hadu, like Jin in Tekken, becoming Devil Jin. But, the polar opposite; the purity is represented in Sheng Long.?
Chapter: Two.??
Sheng Long’s character is animated with Ryu’s silhouette. They added the goatee, like Will Smith in the Bad Boyz series. It was the thing. By the way. With the new film, due out later this summer; the gotee’s? are coming back.?
All hair on the character, is gray to simulate age. It represents the come back. He still has Ryu’s smile, from the first edition, from the original Street Fighter 2. But older. The image says, this is not the complete story; Sheng Long is alive and well. He somehow survived the fire in the temple; like Luke Skywalker, when Kylo Ren destroyed it. Akuma, burned the temple, once he believed that Sheng Long died.?
In one story line, Akuma and Sheng Long are brothers somehow. IN another Akuma is Ryu’s dad, like Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. They are very close stories. That’s why I love them.?
IN the Power Rangers, the Red Ranger is the leader. The good; all good guy. And Tommy, is the dark side; Green Ranger, seduced by Rita.?
Chapter 3: Venom R1. Me.?
IN music. Jay Z is Sagat. I am Ryu.?
I already defeated him. I have over 5,000 songs.?
End. Of. Story.?
Like Ryu. I achieved my goal. I beat him; and I walked away. I continued my journey in music. Some people will see my victory. Some people will see Jay Z’s loss.?
Make sense??
This album, was about making that statement.?
There was no other way, I could express what I felt at that time. This NFT album; encompasses it all.?
Can you see, why I chose that artwork and that title??
It incorporates, what my artistic expression was; at that time in my life. Forever. When you look into my NFT’s, you can see what my artistic vision was. With the name, and the graphics to match; my music. I got my point across; flawlessly.?
This is what the NFT technology did, for me.?
The NFT already said everything for me. The title made it completely clear. The music now hits; differently. Music has never been told; like that.?
I get it.?
I am the first.?
I hope that this helps you understand my entire legacy.?
I have to stop here. I may have already showed you too much. This is why I am the greatest of all time; I fully understand this. Like the Book Of Enoch. He is the only one, in the bible; that? writes, I did, I am, I saw etc.
I hope that this helps you, in any way that it can.?
My only goal for today was to make you understand.?
I love you all. Thank you.?
My 27 million fans in America alone; fully understand. Impressive. It’s more like 800 million overseas.?
I have mastered time.?
I am just getting started.
See you in a BTC.?