Real AI = Universal Computer Ontology + AI, ML, DL and LLMs
As much as “unreal propaganda serving as news”, the big tech AI, ML and LLMs serve as machine intelligence. Author
AI is booming and blooming, bringing unprecedented benefits to its major stakeholders, regardless of being narrow and specialized, weakly intelligent and imitative or non-real, "lacking in reality or substance or genuineness", real world modeling or general computing ontology. [Artificial Intelligence as the big tech fraud and high-tech scam or final human solution]
Microsoft has become the second company ever to achieve a market valuation exceeding $3 trillion. This achievement, driven by the artificial intelligence (AI) boom, cements Microsoft's position as a technological powerhouse and underscores the transformative impact of AI on the future growth.
The big tech group, including Apple, Microsoft, Nvidia, Amazon, Alphabet, Meta, and Tesla, has been instrumental in propelling AI markets to record highs.
It all proves how critical is to transform the mainstream narrow AI technology into reliable and trustworthy, real-world, general AI systems, networks, products and services.
We argue that the general-purpose AI is enabled not by large language foundation models, but rather a general-purpose universal computing ontology of reality.
The future potential of general computing ontology within the field of AI, ML, LLMs, Automation and Robotics is virtually unlimited. As AI technologies evolve, as pictured above, ontology will play a crucial role in enabling machines to become intelligent capable to know and learn, understand and reason about reality, and its complex domains.
Building Universal Ontology as a World Model Engine
No intelligent systems
Evolved from metaphysics, ontology is the only study which concerned with the world as a whole or all reality as the study of what exists or what is out there, being by its nature the universal science of all reality, existence, being or universe, or simply Global Computational Metaphysics or Universal Computing Ontology of Reality (UCOR) or Reality Ontology.
As such, it considers how data and knowledge, intelligence and language, science and technology relate to reality, its nature, entities, structures, properties, processes, or interactions.
The UCOR is formulated in terms of reality, substance, state, change, process and interaction (inc. cause/effect interrelationships) and formalized in terms of axioms and definitions, classes and instances, properties and functions, patterns and relationships.
For UCOR, as a general-purpose computational ontology, "The world is everything that is the case, that was the case, and that will be the case." (Cf. Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus).
The UCOR systematically categorizes all the things in the world, organizing and classifying world data/information/knowledge, using universal classes and relationships that are the same across all knowledge domains, systems or applications.
The UCOR provides a comprehensive and exhaustive way of listing and describing, learning and understanding everything in the world in terms of entities (things that exist), changes (how things become different) and interrelationships (how entities are interrelated to each other), and properties (the states or conditions, quantities or qualities that entities possess), at various levels of depth and granularity, scales or scopes.
Entities are the things that exist in the world, such as physical objects or abstract objects. Relationships are the ways in which entities are related to each other, such as through an interaction, a cause-effect relationship, spatial or temporal proximity, membership, similarity or difference. Properties are the qualities or quantities that entities possess, such as size, weight, color, shape, or any other quantitative/numerical or qualitative/categorical features or characteristics.
Over the past decades, a number of foundation/upper/formal/top-level/core ontologies and a multitude of domain-specific ontologies have been developed, but none have as yet been adopted by a wide user base. No particular upper ontology has gained acceptance as a de jure or de facto standard, while different organizations have attempted to define standards for specific domains.
This might be caused by the unprecedented complexity of general-purpose ontology, as dividing the world up into categories or classes or types and kinds, mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive.
From other side, it could be the subject's oversimplifications, narrow definitions, fragmentation, reduction to specialized ontologies, as "a specification of a conceptualization", semantic networks, knowledge graphs, controlled vocabularies, metadata, or simply classifications, schemas or taxonomies.
For example, founded by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Yandex, the vocabularies consisting of 805 Types, 1469 Properties 14 Datatypes, 89 Enumerations and 477 Enumeration members could serve as a sample how not to do general ontologies (see the supplement).
The true meaning of real computing ontology is not simply a shared vocabulary or centralized schema repository for ontologies and data models or a special universe of discourse or a realm of the world, but the whole world of realities, physical or virtual, in all its complexities, as the total universe of discourse.
The Reality-Universal Ontology-Knowledge Systems book demonstrated an intellectual need for a single comprehensive all-inclusive computational ontology [Universal Computing Ontology of Reality, UCOR, or Reality Ontology] designed as a formal comprehensive, consistent and coherent system of world common for humans and machines.
Crucial, it meets the critical intellectual needs of any real intelligent systems:
(1) need for conception, generalization, conceptualization or structure, the need to organize the data collected or knowledge learned into a systematic logical structure, the need to analogize structures, problems, and solutions to problems by transfer learning
(2) need for certainty, facts and truth, statements and proof schemes, inductive or deductive or abductive or analogical
(3) need for causality, why something true, to explain, to determine a cause of a phenomenon, [we suppose ourselves to possess unqualified scientific knowledge of a thing, as opposed to knowing it in the accidental way in which the sophist knows, when we think that we know the cause on which the fact depends as the cause of the fact and of no other. (Aristotle, Posterior Analytic, p. 4)
(4) need for computation, transforming categorical or ordinal data into interval, ratio or numerical data, or quantifying, as the act of transforming a sensation (i.e., a perceptual action scheme—visual, auditory, tactile, etc.) into a quantity—a measurable sensation. For example, the sensation fastness is transformed into speed; heaviness into weight; extent into length, area, or volume; pushing or pulling into force; rotational twist into torque; hotness into heat (i.e., thermal energy), etc.
(5) need for communication, as the act of conveying and exchanging ideas by interactions (by means of a spoken language and gestures), which are defining features of intelligent agents. It involves formulating and formalizing. Formulating is the act of transforming strings of spoken language into encoded (algebraic or digital) expressions amenable to computation. Formalization is the act of externalizing the exact intended meaning of an idea or a concept or the logical basis underlying an argument. In the formal ontology and modern mathematics, the acts of formulation and formalizations are reflexive, formalizing an idea necessitates its formulation, and, conversely, as the agent formulates something it need to formalize it.
By providing a formal representation of reality, its entities and their interactions and relationships, the reality ontology creates a world model engine that allows machines to learn features, interpret data, process information and interact effectively.
Universal Computational Ontology of Reality and Mentality
A Universal Computing Ontology serves as a foundation reference framework and a systematic, predictive, prescriptive descriptive, explanatory, causal integrating scheme, context, model, or structure of universal scope for:
Human Intellect and Knowledge, Individual and Collective
Philosophy, Metaphysics, Ontology, Epistemology, Logic and Semantics
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, STEMS
the Arts and Humanities
a computational theory of cognition or the mind, Cognitive Computing, Cognitive Science
a computational model of human intelligence, AI, ML, Generative AI
natural language processing
a computational theory of the human brain, ANNs, DL, Computational Neuroscience
a computational theory of information and computation, algorithms and data structures, automation and robotics, Computer Science and Engineering
a computational theory of data, Data Science and Engineering, Data Analytics
Computational Science or Scientific Computing
mathematical theory of circular causal control systems and processes, including in ecological, technological, biological, cognitive, social systems, Cybernetics, Systems Science
mathematical modeling of reality, Formal Foundation Ontologies, Domain Ontologies
empirical laws and scientific theories and models, from the Standard Model of elementary particles to general theories of political science and beyond
scientific modeling of reality, a physical, conceptual, or mathematical representation of real phenomena to explain and predict the behavior of real objects or systems in a variety of scientific disciplines, ranging from physics and chemistry to ecology and the Earth sciences.
It is a fundamental theory of reality that consist of a universal ontological system of intelligence so that from a limited number of prime principles, truths and categories, definitions and postulates, as assumptions and axioms, a whole body of empirically valid generalizations might be deduced in descending order of specificity, providing predictive inferences and causal explanations of changes, physical, biological, social, political, etc.
The Role of Reality Ontology in AI, ML, DL and LLMs
Real Ontology serves as the general data backbone of real-world AI systems by providing a shared understanding of a world or its domains for humans and machines alike.
A universal ontology of reality, its entities, interactions, and properties, is a computer science and engineering construction to provide a universal reference framework for organising the world data, information or knowledge, including scientific knowledge and cultural knowledge, to be used by or through computer networks, as the internet/the web.
Entities and interactions, with their objects, systems and networks, data and knowledge, facts and laws, concepts and theories, models and paradigms, ideologies and movements, sciences and technologies, all is getting their meanings and roles within a unifying onto-semantic reference framework/context/environment.
As reified, the universal machine ontology would enable the development of computer systems that can know, learn, and reason about the world taking into account the interactions between entities in the actual world.
AI and ML and LLMs require large amounts of labelled training data for models to be accurately trained.
Ontologies, AI models and large language models (LLMs) complement each other perfectly for AI implementation because they address different aspects of knowledge representation and reasoning
Unlike LLMs such as OpenAI’s GPT-4-5-x, a universal computational ontology would not depend on a huge amounts of training data, to reliably “know”, for example, that a a human being is an animal having a large braincase or that cats are warm-blooded animals who have a vertebrae, a 4 chambered heart and fur, which makes them mammals, while falling under the Kingdom Animalia, like humans, dogs or dolphins.
Given a sufficiently complete and detailed UCOR, a computer would “know” that “cat” as a subset of “mammal” which is in turn a subset of “animals” which are in the set of “living organisms” and so on.
By employing ontological models, AI/ML/DL/LLM systems can extract meaning from content and understand the context and semantics of data. This enables applications such as chatbots, language translation, recommendation engines, sentiment analysis, financial or healthcare systems to provide accurate and context-aware interactive responses.
In AI, real ontology acts as a language for expressing knowledge, allowing intelligent systems to comprehend and interpret data in a meaningful way. It not only helps in organizing information but also facilitates effective communication between different AI applications, making it a core element in building intelligent systems that can work collaboratively.
Furthermore, the UCOR in AI serves as a foundation for knowledge-based learning and and inference. By capturing the meanings, semantics and relationships between entities, it enables AI systems to perform complex tasks such as machine learning
As the reality engine, the UCOR empowers AI models, as LLMs, to discover new knowledge by combining existing information and applying ontological/causal rules, leading to enhanced decision-making, predictive, prescriptive, descriptive and explanatory capabilities, following the formula:
AI = UCOR (World Knowledge, Learning, Inference, Interaction Engine) + AI/ML/DL Models + LLM databanks + ...
The universal computer ontology provides the basic descriptions of the meanings of data and algorithms used in specialized AI models and Large Language Models with local domain ontologies, knowledge graphs and local training datasets.
The universal computer ontology acts as a foundational framework to organize data, information and knowledge in advanced techno-scientific fields such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, information systems, data science, semantics, knowledge graphs, ontologies, deductive databases, large language models, etc.
In AI, the UCOR plays a Reality Engine role in world's data, information and knowledge representation, feature learning and inferencing, problem-solving and deciding, planning and interaction.
Close hierarchy / Open hierarchy
Chief AI Officer. Visionary technologist and lateral thinker driving market value in regulated, complex ecosystems.
1 年It was all exciting until the $100 book. Universal ontologies behind a paywall? Ironic.