Ready for XBS300 scale-up in Taiwan

With this SUSS-wide effort of transferring the XBS300 to SUSS Taiwan, a significant part of the training effort was allocated in the Platform & Systems department. For four weeks two experienced engineers from Taiwan received a detailed and thorough training on how to support production on production ramp-up for the XBS300. Our contribution for SUSS to enable AI chip mass production.

Team Customer Configurations Taiwan at SUSS Sternenfels location.

A big thank you to the entire Platform & Systems team of sharing knowledge and teaching one another. Great team spirit – highly appreciated. At the end of the last week of training, we celebrated with great food. #Marcellos in Bretten

Celebration always requires good food - at least for me.

I am really looking forward meeting you all in week 2 2024 in Taiwan!

#sussmicrotec #Taiwan #EnablingSemiconductorInnovations #JoinTheTeam

