Ready To Wait Another Four Years?

Ready To Wait Another Four Years?

So it's 29th February, the day society grants us women equality when it comes to asking someone, traditionally a man, to marry us. I know, I know, big deal! The world fortunately has moved on many ways - but have we?

I don't mean in terms of our proposing abilities, but the fact that many of us still find it impossibly hard to ask for what we want and need in our lives.

Assertiveness is a word that seems out of favour at the moment, but many of my clients are realising that this is what they need more of right now in order to progress and move on. Being able to ask for what you need, whilst still respecting other people's and their needs, is vital for a flourishing life.

So go on, I invite you. Take a few moments in this special day, that only comes round once every four years, to really think on what you need.

What areas of your life do you need to be more assertive in?
How are you going to ensure you don't wait another four years to get what you need?

And if it's your career you've been waiting in, waiting for things to change for the better but it hasn't yet; or if you've been waiting for some certainty to appear in you that you should leave, try something new, then maybe my online programme starting Thursday 3rd March can help. Click on the link below to find out more. 

Conscious Career Creator Bootcamp



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