Ready to Stop the Stigma of Stress and Mental Wellbeing?

Ready to Stop the Stigma of Stress and Mental Wellbeing?

What does mental ill-health look like to you? Would you know if somebody was struggling?

Unfortunately, the stigma, bias, negative attitudes and beliefs toward people who have a mental health condition are common.

It may be unintentional or subtle, such as someone avoiding another person because they don’t know what to say, how to ‘fix’ things or are afraid of the response.

But in my experience, do you know what the biggest issue is????

People judging themselves.

We are our own biggest critics. A lot of people I’ve worked with are judging themselves, with phrases such as "I don’t want to appear weak" and that’s why I work with them to stop this.??

Companies are working hard too, to change the narrative around stress and mental wellbeing so that they have supported, happier and inclusive workplaces.

What are you doing this year to create a positive and equitable environment to elevate performance and wellbeing? And what are the obstacles to change that you’re encountering?

One of the challenges organisations frequently have is actually engaging employees in the wellbeing conversation so that they can confidently support and signpost colleagues and partners.

The quickest and most successful way to change the bias, discrimination and stereotyping is with an external facilitator who provides a safe space for learning, conversations and honesty.

I’m running a motivational and practical speaker session called?Stop the Stigma of Stress and Mental Wellbeing?so that your people can change the understanding, narrative and expectation in your workplace.

The focus can be for all employees or just for managers so that your company's most important messages and key takeaways really hit the spot.

Employers need to take action because

  • The May 2021 Office for National Statistics, revealed that?depression rates have doubled?since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
  • Mixed anxiety and depression has been estimated to?cause one fifth of days lost?from work in Britain.

Attendees will hear

  • Tips and examples of ways that can have conversations that sometimes seem uncomfortable so that they no longer avoid these situations and break the stigma around mental health
  • Quick and easy ways to build trust so that they can get a greater sense of belonging and inclusion
  • How stories can break the bias so that you’re able to improve wellbeing in your teams and across the organisation

Delivered in a compassionate and inspiring way, it is clear to see that Emma is incredibly passionate about what she does and her reasons for doing so. Emma builds a rapport and understanding with her audience and, unlike some talks, you leave with actionable and easy to implement advice.

Having spoken at a number of conferences, events and organisations before, I’m able to cater my talks to a variety of audiences so that we ensure your people get the most important message or take-away from the session. I know what works, what will get through to your team, and the stories that support this.

If you’re looking for a different way to support colleagues, stop the stigma then hit reply or?book a call here

What's Going Well in Wellbeing?

This month I’m supporting clients in the Financial Services, Housing and Wellbeing industry to create positive behaviours and conversations around hybrid working, healthy boundaries, stress, resilience and mental wellbeing.

On top of that, I’m working with organisations to create wellbeing plans to take the pressure off the last minute arrangements, and the changes to working from home, something that is creating a lot of uncertainty and stress as we rules look to lift.

I’m also prepping for a busy April and May, and excited to be working with several more 1:1 coaching clients to help them with leadership and wellbeing skills, as well as wellbeing workshops for clients in the Law, Housing and Legal sectors.

It’s what I love to see, these companies aren’t just ticking boxes, they’re all working hard to create a safe and supportive culture where its ok to talk about sensitive topics like mental health so that their people feel motivated, listened to and supported through all situations

Here’s some lovely feedback I received from several resilience sessions I ran at the breath-taking venue of?York Minster?throughout January (and what a venue that was!)

Feedback has been very positive, and people clearly appreciated the opportunity to take part and to learn from your insights. Your style was spot on, and colleagues warmed to your open and honest approach.?I do hope we can work together again in the future.

Wellbeing Ideas

Whilst wellbeing is something that should be considered all-year round, Awareness days, weeks and months are an excellent platform to generate engagement and create conversations around these topics.?

Coming up we’ve got Stress Awareness Month in April and Mental Health Week in May.

Did you know that 35% of work related complaints are due to stress?

April is often a big month in the wellbeing calendar.?The start of brighter days, the new financial year, new budgets and new plans.??Organisations I talk to often use stress awareness month as a focus for kicking off their new wellbeing strategy or plan for the year ahead.

I’m already getting bookings for April on a variety of stress, mental health and wellbeing topics -??book a call with me HERE?if you're interested in running an interactive and highly engaged wellbeing session for your employees. Some popular topics are:

Stress Awareness and Stress Management Workshops?(to ensure there is clear understand what can cause stress, spot the signs early, implement tools and tips to prevent reaching crisis point)

Hybrid Working and Healthy Work & Home Boundaries?(to help with managing the work and home pressure, be more focussed, work effectively without becoming exhausted and feeling guilty).

The 6 Key Pillars to Ramp Up Resilience?(sharing key tools, tips and advice so that your people have the ability to increase their resilience and cope better in challenging or difficult times).

Also, ask me about my Stress Awareness Pack.?This is a pack full of information, instructions and resources so that you can implement your own Stress Awareness and activities with your workplace and colleagues without having to think up ideas.?It contains, information sheets, a stress awareness survey, tips to improve stress, a quiz and ideas for discussions and activities so that awareness is raised within your people and you reduce the stigma of stress in your workplace - get in touch to learn more!

Finally ...

Did you know I have a podcast???If you’re a lover of listening to absorb advice and information then this will be great for you on your daily walk, run or any other time!

It’s called Lessons for Leaders and a new episode is released every Thursday morning.??On it I share lessons, learnings, tips and advice that is applicable to both individuals and organisations to enable you to lead with ease without stress, doubt and overwhelm. You will be sure to take away actionable advice that won’t add to your to-do list.

Don’t just take my word for it…Adele said?

"I have been listening to Lessons for Leaders for a while now on my morning runs. Emma has an engaging and approachable manner and tackles the difficult and sensitive subject of mental wellbeing. A great podcast I highly recommend!"

Listen and subscribe on any of your usual podcast platforms, and if you like it please do share with your friends, family and colleagues too.

Don't forget to join my Linked In Company Page - Elevate Coaching & Wellbeing too.

Until next time, I'll leave you with a question ....What are your plans for to raising the conversation around stress and mental wellbeing?


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