Ready to Stop or Ready to Go?

Ready to Stop or Ready to Go?

Life in a Traffic Light

The heavy traffic on our daily commute is indeed stressful. There is a time that you are too late for your appointment, but the flow of traffic is not keeping up with your timeline. In fact, there is a time when you are just two seconds late in front of the pedestrian before it signals red from yellow. So disappointing, isn't it?

After the full stop, you have the choice to get full acceleration just to replace the time that has been wasted. This is very similar to our lives. You go or stop based on the signal that is given to you. But have you wondered about the yellow light's deeper meaning for us?

The Meaning of Each Color

What do the signal lights mean for you?

A red signal light can be a point in life when you need to stop everything mandatorily. It can be a full stop to what you do at any moment. Or it can be a sudden problem or issue that you encounter along the way that needs to be addressed.

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The green signal is the opposite of it, and it means 'to go.' As earlier said, you have the choice to make a full acceleration from where you are. In life, the green light can be the 'sign' that you are waiting for from God to decide whether to proceed with a decision. It may also represent the start of achieving your target or goal.

On the other hand, a yellow light is a signal that tells us that a red light will appear very soon. This warns us, the driver, to stop when it is safe, especially at an intersection. In other words, this yellow light means to slow down from the speed you are taking now.

Yellow from Different Points of View

For the majority, yellow means to slow down but not specifically to stop. This means you have the decision to either stop or go from where you are at the moment. Similarly, in life, we have a choice. By making your choice, you are -acknowledging any risk you can encounter in front of you. Is it safe for you to continue, or is it safer to stay and wait? Or is it more profitable to take a risk than to lose any opportunities or make a full stop on the road? These are some of the questions that relate your life to the yellow signal.

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In contrast, there are also some places that feature yellow light before green light. With this, instead of getting ready to stop, yellow means "ready to go." This signal enables the driver to turn off its engine, save energy, and give them time to start and go when the yellow light comes on. With this, we can indeed say that the yellow signal is the stage of life to which we are preparing not just to stop but also to go, depending on what situation we are in.

Be Ready to Take a Risk

Life is no doubt like a busy road full of danger, conflict, and all other risks. By observation, like referring to a traffic light, you may evaluate and accept the risks you encounter along the way.

Drive your life as you drive in front of the intersection. Be observant! A yellow light doesn't mean you are required to stop. It gives you the idea that you have the choice to slow down or accelerate as much as you can.

So how about you today? Are you in front of a Yellow Light?

Are you Ready to Stop or Ready to Go?


