Ready To Rock? Sneak A “Peak” At Turkey’s G?reme Valley!
Tebo Dental
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You’re looking at Turkey’s G?reme valley—a land abounding in local lore and “gorge”-eous views!
Ancient volcanoes once buried the region in igneous rock, which eons of wind and rain have carved, rounded, and shaped. The outcome? A magical land of caves, caverns, and canyons. And don’t forget about nature’s skyscrapers! The region’s rock towers can reach 100 feet—or more!
In the year 400, humans began to carve homes, churches, and underground passages from the rocks of G?reme—and we may never move out! Some rock-hewn homes have even become B&Bs!
In?this?aerial footage, you can marvel at the region’s rocky wonders and aqua skies—all from the comfort of your couch! Who says you can’t explore the world on your lunch break?