Ready to receive everything - Bird's Eye View

Ready to receive everything - Bird's Eye View

Hey Folks,

It's been a while. I've been super busy with all kinds of projects, some of which came surprisingly - again. Life is full of unexpected surprises, challenges, and sometimes it's just time to get down with business and grind for a while, before you get the next message out.

Thank you for all those encouraging messages - all the time - I receive so many dms, whatsapp telling me I should continue with this blog to spread positive vibes and follow my path.

Those of you who know me for a while, might have seen a certain change happening in my life, my words and the way I position myself the past weeks and months. And truly there has been a lot of things going on, which led me to close my companies for good and focus on my own brand.

This does not mean, I'm out of the entrepreneurial space - not at all, but the branding is me. I realized that the most impact comes through me, my concepts which are all part of my journey, experience and I will focus on that through my art as guide, filmmaker, entrepreneur and - like one friend recently put it - motivational speaker.

I'd rather put it as inspiration instead of motivation, as motivation is temporary and what I intend to do is plant seeds through my work, my words, my art.

I've literally worked my butt off the past years, in so many areas. I planted a lot of seeds, globally and now the time has come to receive.

Receiving is not passive

Receiving is the most active act ever. We tend to forget that all too often. It's first of all the expectation to receive. I spoke and wrote a lot about surrender and trusting and letting go, and on top of that social media is full of that. A lot of the things out there are 100% correct, but often in the process of letting go, and surrender we get stuck. We let go and manifest and forget to really expect the change and prepare in awareness of all the changes it results in for the bigger picture. You are not alone in this cosmos of wanting the next funding for your startup, or the love of your life, or that specific person. It has an impact on so many things. Even your new client you sell your product or service to, will never be the same, after you did that. Crazy, right? It can have a positive or a negative impact on the counterpart, when you receive something from them (money, contract, commitment).

So, the act of receiving is in essence, more active than pushing for the goal and chasing. Sit with that idea for a minute because it's a new angle, a new perspective, and it might feel like a Dutch Angle (cinematographic term for when the shot is not centered but tilted to one side to create a feeling of insecurity in the audience, often used in suspense, or thriller. You might feel like a bit off the rail for a bit, because we see receiving as somebody letting it come to him or her. But before that can happen, the space needs to be there and cleared.

Let's take the birds eye view

Working on my recent film project The 25th Demon - which we are currently looking to complete the pre-production phase - I was looking into different camera perspectives and cinematographic techniques, to tell the story. It daunted me, this birds eye view is what is needed in the process of receiving. We can only receive and open the floor for the things we manifested, once we truly take on this birds eye view and look at the various connections this change brings about in the bigger picture.

Let's say for example you want to manifest your significant other or a sum of money, what and how does it change - everything? The impact this has on the course of events after you sign the deal. We more often think about the opposite - what happens if we don't get the closing, the person, the money and therefore we don't make room to receive. Consequently it does not come as we want it or as it is good for us, or it feels like work more than in flow.

The birds eye view is flow. It's the perspective of bird that is flying - no pressure - over the things. It provides more and broader view and creates space to unfold more and more details as the bird cruises around the block, city or whatever.

This space, my friends is crucial to receive. You might laugh, when I tell you how many things I've tried to make space to receive. And when I came to the point looking from different angles at something that seemed like a huge obstacle, I realized. It's more important to focus on what changes, and look at the impact this new situation than has on all other connected aspects.

But how can I be sure that I'll receive?

Trust is key. Trust in God, the universe, the Source - or simply you. You are the key to everything and receiving is this new perspective you take on things. You can cramp your head around the topic of love, health or money - that's the strongest desires we have.

I'll give you for each an example and you can work on it by yourself, or work with me - sending me a DM and get us on a call to get you started and in the abundance of receiving - active receiving - graceful and in peace.


You desire more time, affection or peace from your partner or you want to be in a committed relationship. Take on the bird's eye view, soar up in the sky and circle. Asking the question, what would change, how would I act differently in that moment if the dream state was there already? What would I really do? How would I approach my partner or the love interest?

And than the tricky question, so we have to go a little deeper here - what would I lose if I already behaved and acted like my partner or love interest were that way? And this is the point, where you start the work of active receiving, because you open your heart to the shitty things, from the past, social media teachings, friends opinions and go deep within. Feel it. And you'll be surprised, shocked and want to turn away, because you see, you are not ready to receive, as you don't want to receive. The crap you're holding on to, is much more known, cozy, beautiful in a grotesque way. Don't push it away, dive in, look at it and really enjoy this dark part of you. Maybe it's control, maybe you love the chase more than a relationship, maybe you say you want more time, but instead, you want the control? Or you have to give a habit then, or need to start be more active and you don't like it and instead rather spend quality time on the couch. You'll find out and than be in the darkest pleasure, indulge in it for a bit and enjoy and say hell yes, I want this, it's part of me, so what?! And bit by bit, the dark shady part loses its power and you circle up and see the beauty how the environment changes to a beautiful landscape, all aligned. You know it's a part of you still, but it's powerless and the beauty of intimacy and connection conquers time.


It's a different game with money, but the same principle. Money is usually more complex, as we have so so many money stories, limiters, and oh my goodness, so many opinions. We accepted that the significant other - is a match to somebody in love. But with money? We still look at it from the framework perspective. Here again, play with it, soar up in the sky look at it. The connections, the flow, how the investment of the VC would change your startups future? What consequences come about for the team and yourself, each of the members, your surroundings etc. You see how unique that is? And this is only one example.

Looking at client acquisition and closing deals - man, you need days to look at the stream and flow of money - the impact on an entire ecosystem, industry, it's huge.

Therefore I have one super cool practice in my program - call in the soul clients - you don't waste money and time, because you know how to look at what and how to get ready to receive.


Is too complex to put it here, because health issues, conditions are linked to many other aspects and are circling back to money and love. Happy to support you on that journey.

So why doesn't my sales pitch work, if I do all that already?

Well, this is the tricky part of it. It's an either in flow or in control without control.

Flow means, you trust in the power of active receiving - as you pushed the order button, you planted the seed. Or you try to lay your hands on - still - even a little bit. It means you can't receive. You're not ready to receive, yet. I learnt it the hard way. I've tried and tried, until literally - no joke - money disappeared and paralyzed me - I could not act. I was stopped. Money showed up again, and guess what, I did not believe it and I tried again, to transfer it and it disappeared again. Shipments disappeared, documents were from one day to the next corrupt. Everything I tried did not work anymore. One of the reasons, why I eventually decided to close my companies and this led to more and more changes and shifts. You can't make this up!

Success came from areas I did not see first, so I did the birds eye view method myself and was in awe, what I saw, and it unfolds now daily bit by bit by bit. I could not have seen that coming. Beautiful! And the knowing everything's gonna be okay.

If you're ready to enter the chapter of receiving - well, you know where to find me, if it helps, take the bird's eye view method - actually it's pretty cool - nobody believes me, I just came up with that while writing this feature for you.

Can't wait to get you're thought, feelings and experiences on the act of receiving.



Shvam Guptaa

Ecommerce & LinkedIn Consultant | Amazon & Flipkart Certified ?? | eBay Expert | Social Media Strategist | Elevating Brands Online ?? | E-Commerce Consultant | Driving Remarkable Growth ??

7 个月

Change your perspective and soar up in the sky instead of running in circles. Embrace your shadow and dark parts to get stuck in surrender and let go mode.


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