“...Déjà vu: Radioactive Next Believer...”

“...Déjà vu: Radioactive Next Believer...”

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“…Wow, when A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper, I imagine they have a savior to inception their own stargazers to reach out and touch faith in quatrains...”

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“...(Personal Jesus) and I read the introduction newspapers radioactively. By happenstance, I observed the stealthy messenger bird perched on the stone head of Archimedes famous ancient Greek mathematician flying reconnaissance around Washington's Capitol Hill neighborhood, landing on Union Station, the National Postal Museum, various Senate buildings, and other headquarters…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“...Such headlines and photogenic memories remind me of mathematical riddles inspired to be divinely syndicated…”

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“…In conclusion, warpaint diversity represent equal teams to see that the world can be linked at the same timeframe, in the course of [13] milliseconds (When We Stand Together)…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

“…Like other radioactive travelers, I challenge myself to restructure compelling reasons to report, repeat, and reestablish poetic studies of free-verse mathematic messages to pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shootin' stars…”

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“…Intelligent relics know how to perceive a majestic dream, an arcane message or an interstellar wish, and get back to the music that started spooky theories. So here stargazers stand and then again travelers say I made some wishes out of airplanes. There comes a timeline where the night sky fade into blackness as I stare at the terrestrial phone hopin' relic travelers signal back, but that's just how the storylines unfold (Airplanes)…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“…What really happens during fated developments of timelines make up for a riveting narrative and the complex weave of non-fictional artifacts. Stargazers may be able to reflect publications out in the daylight (If Everyone Cared)…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“…(Gotta Be Somebody) to remember to navigate earth when the (Lullaby) context is just right. It's just like déjà vu deciphering the rogue system ready to (Burn It to the Ground)…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“…Big thanks to the (Edge of a Revolution) of basic mathematical ideas. I hope travelers discover the aftermath spooky, rewarding, and plausible. When a Mathematician reads a newspapers, they know each thought experiment is composed of many timeline segments, all beginning with the books of rebel (Rockstar) readers…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“…Ah the Do over at Dover beach with the (Cards I was Dealt). The sea beach is calm and light to-day. The pacific tide is full of ships, the sun light is fair game. Once upon the straits in Battleship or Cards of Humanity, let it be true? to one another for the world to see, which seems to be like shuffling in the land of quantum dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new. Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,? nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for personal gain; and here we are as on a darkling plain swept from the future with confused [9:11] alarms of struggle and flight,? where radioactive teams clash through the great song at do over B**ch....”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“...According to page [88], timelines generate a heritage of knowledge to understand a crisis that simultaneously jeopardize The Matrix Theory…”

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“…(Hell Yeah) Rev up that M-Theory. I think stargazers have witness more than one flight that was about to get bumpy. The aerial objects were hellbent, but I was in heaven tonight traveling the speed of light. Sophocles heard ‘Light Em Up’ on the sound wave, and it brought into tolerable minds the turbid ebb and flow of human curiosity; stargazers may find also in the sound thought (My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark), influenced by distant travelers revitalized to-night, the tide is full wave length, the moon ties fair upon the straits on the French coast (10001110101)…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“…Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay, to the window, sweet is the sight. Only, from the long line of travelers, the sea air meets the sun-blotch land. Listen to the grating roar which the radioactive waves draw back, and fling pebbles. At the return, up the high strand begin, and cease, and then again (Hell Yeah)…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler
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“…That need for flight speed got me a stunning Royal Flush just like Texas Hold’em playin' out to great minds that think alike with one look through the window of opportunity Rev'd up. My heart startin' pumpin', ready for the next best simultaneous phenomenon…”

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“…The thought fuels like earth, wind, fire and an adrenaline of (High Hopes) and I'm on stand by' for more. I got bright ideas, that can be saved since I'm a space junkie for life, hoping transcendent travelers gimme a "Hell", gimme a "Yeah" and stand up Wright…”

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“…The sea of faith once more, two at full circle, around earth's shore, one lands like ten fold of a bright star; But now travelers only behold enchantments, long, vesting roar, retreating to the breath of fresh air of the night-wind, down the vast edges dream, quake temblor of the world. Travelers are to be true to travelers, and I'll do the same, for things are complicated all over earth. Etc…etc…one or [2] unprintable identifiable objects crashed into each other around [2:00] a.m. It's believed [13] minutes passed before cold responders were able to observe the other choppers mid-air spiraling itself downrange to earth (Hot Blooded)...”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“…Travelers should now be able to back track and follow mathematical details of an astrophysical sign of terrestrials checking [The Coldest Response]…”

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“…I chose particular relics to begin testing theories correctly, envisioned an object that accelerates at an Astronomical rate, while traveling in a Distance. I imagine [Newton’s Third Law] following equations accurately, predicting an object’s time of travel. And an arrival in terms of an A-Theory and the (New Divide)…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“…The cold response hotspot meetings are held in neutral territories, and timeline updates are conducted every [13] Hours. The radioactive location had taken place in southeastern, central to the northern lights. I have hope and faith that time travelers can register cryptic thoughts and an important gain of confidence that thought experiments is dependable with the natural law of physics…“

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“…(The Phantom of the Operator) is to go beyond the (Angel of Music), dispatching aerial travelers to (Think of Me) sightseeing on their aircrafts. I marked the golden circle using a global positioning system to signal (The Music of the Night)…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“…(All I Ask of You) travelers is to be wary voyaging at hypersonic speed at (The Point of No Return). (Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again), but I know to assess spectral artifacts and (Learn to be Lonely)…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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”…I have checked a list of famous names, hot spot locations, political views, and economic milestones. In time, I knew stealthy travelers would arrive to provide notorious female names with a legion, and gaze as I stand with a phantom (Army)...”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

“...I traveled around the globe reading about artifacts Once Upon a Number and to search The Glass Universe to revere a beastly hot spot testament and create an epic mark...”

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“...It would be expected to say that A History of Mathematics is in the process of affiliations. Mathematicians can either be antagonistic or a protagonist or both. I let myself believe intellectuals can wave their literature and weave the literature to justify visualizations...”

“...Travelers will find my (Footprints in the Sand), with so much unknown promises along the way...”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“...I know which teams can successfully read people who see the world exclusively in terms of the good guys and the bad guys and those who sees it in terms of a game of chance and mathematical numbers to increase a culture of miracles, coincidences and conspiracy theories...”

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“...I’m (Radioactive) and ready to tell a story of crunching numbers and a tale of timelines from a series of celestial hot spots...”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“...I visualize stargazers to discover the markings of protagonist time travelers hallmarking locations. The thought experiments might almost be humorous with some declaration in mathematics, science or religion issued as radioactive warnings since September...”

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“...(Legends Are Made) in so many ways in which timeline events and organizations link in the most awesome significance of all coincidences. It’s so phenomenal, the (Changes) of events must mean something historical. The process (Leading the Pack) brings to mind the lost ghost teams of well-known radioactive connections (Far From Home) through the Raven, beckoning black birds in the sky, sending a signal that I was there, hoping it reaches travelers in time…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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”...I’ve read the investigative crunch of [40,321] Nostradamus numbers that mathematically make the top national news report of enduring aerial events. Rather than rehash tag skeptical beliefs, it’s best to present a mathematical imagination anyone can use to formulate his or her very own personal pseudoscience Jesus and halo travelers...”

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“...I’m relatively (Human) after all. (Behind the Music) at the end of the day, no matter how confident the tic tactical travelers are, they’re in observation. My thought experiments is in data, remembering to beckon the working theories in (Sirens). I know the percentage of all gravitational forces in the cosmos is to unite all from the unknown...”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

”...The personal Jesus method is to radioactively envision someone or something to hear about the economical politics and read the affirmative action of prayers. Someone or something that will take care of the technological risk. Someone or something out there to verify the end times...”

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“...Stargazers downrange will eventually feel the unknown, all alone. I’ve traveled all over the grid to patiently and politely deliver a personal Jesus message, flesh and bone by the telephone...”

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“…(The Bones) and giant seers hearken to the dashing radioactive sound of (Ohio); But, when our vessels are out of reach they found the (Seven Nation Army), they stride on ward, and in vain essayed The Ionian deep (Thunder Road), and durst further into solicit mysticism (To the Moon and Back) from a savage garden…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“…Radioactive waves has the ability to disrupt magnetic fields that can affect satellites in orbit, navigation systems, terrestrial power grids and data and communication networks…”

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“…The (Space Truckin)?test was called off following technical glitches. Meanwhile, thirteen lightning strikes were detected near the launch pad, including four that was astronomically strong. Magnificently, none of them struck the combustible rocket…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

“…Radar trackers showed an aircraft departed from the eastern hemisphere, southwest of the great stone wall at [1:11]. Flight tracking ended at [2:22] as the craft plummeted to just over [9,111ft] and [13] seconds after the matrix glitch. The nose-dive indicates a hasty vertical descent visible from [NASA] satellite images taken from Space…”

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“...(I Ain’t Superstitious) despite promises of mathematical prophecies from [September 11th, 2029]. The lone star has not stated the reason for the hold up. Regardless, I frequently settle for headlines from the past and timelines of the present as the Aerial spacecraft stopped its launch countdown at T-9:11 minutes from a launch.…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler
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“…That’s why a personal Jesus will always be radioactive, why there will always be an element of surprise to the receiver (All Along the Watchtower)...”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“...I reproduce coincidence-inspired theories and support it using as much circumstantial artifacts and adventurous evidence as I could find. Conspiracies are at times significant, and occasionally the coincidences are real enough to be rediscovered like a relic watching and playing a catchy game theory...”

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“...(Houses of the Holy) stargazers lose track of some travelers around the world like a movie musical of nuns reading the subversive power of literature in the trouble times without an escape plan, but an (Immigrant Song). I am, oneself like sweet valley high. I sat alone to preset the crop circle and cross text next up, an omen area hot spot since (The Song Remains the Same). There’s an extrasensory perception plot twist of written end notes when (The Boys Are Back In Town)...”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“...In relation to an interstellar tradecraft, The Halo effect has the tendency to communicate with a person or a group in terms of multi-branched characteristics...”

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“...But wait a sec, I mean silo yes or no (This Is My War) or maybe (This Is War)? This is not a test. I will arrive (Full Circle) with an iPod several million light years away on silent. She or him associated with the press have been a great ball of fire, indicating an atomic hall of fame year. The cute, sleepless, animated alien molecule of Halo travelers are often at rest, half are missing in action but I, Sis, remember aloud that there’s no need to lose the righteous characters of faith on the (Wrong Side of Heaven)...”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“...I remembered to lift up the radioactive receiver, and amplify travelers to (Rise Up)...”

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“...(Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood), it’s ok to rise up, live your truth and to laugh out loud at the savior supper seats. The ghost team wing would love that for you all to hurry up, prep up, keep up and seal up in a record year. It’s a complex timeline to nod USA Utah and shade Oahu, knowing the trio trinity, the pros eye spies can draw a tic tac orb with motivational tips (Inside Looking Out)...”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“...Read’em and weep. For my part, I stood there knowing one day a poetic timeline would show a shooting star from a compromised Ohio, always taken beside the fallen, they never actually fall into Ohio and there I would be strong, wise enough to survive the thought experiments, in Ohio. I resumed my post without a single dial in Ohio. Travelers and I just went on from here to there, to follow the quantum rules of entanglement with their fear packed into their broken halos, as their broken wings would be worth something...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

“...I’ve deciphered the final events at a Desk full of [88] published manuscripts about an A-hole and *Artifact Theory. Bombing the Thinker in All the Light We Cannot See conveying top-notch radioactivity (Lost Then Found, like Stone Hearts and Hand Grenades)...”

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"...Decipher one book— the story ends, stargazers wake up and believe whatever they want to believe. Decipher the other book—stay in the Matrix-Theory, or Decipher all the books, time travelers can show how deep the wormhole goes the with right Teams, the Myths, the Legends and the Authors. They're not very good at retiring the principal ideas of advancement, but there is a debate about the ordering of existing books, Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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“...A February bomb thinker would leave a note for the directors. I would simply leave and abandon books as a landscape for Ohio academics. I would observe Europe for a while, maybe seek comfort in Greek’s ghost brothers in arms, gone, lost in time. I try not to lose too many skin-walkers as we rest against each other. I would never actually leave a note. I would leave and owe them nothing more than an imperial timeline...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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“...A conspiracy theory I like to test. The moon bombarded Ohio’s thinker about redemption. For an Armstrong, an Ohioan dragging time on the dark side of the moon. Across the glen surface several light years away. It was a timeline gone really wrong even Before Christ. The thinker never spoke to Neil again. The Alien never spoke to Neil or the thinker again, or so rebel readers are told in striking publications...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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”...The memorandum is an extrasensory twin perception of transcendent believers, and resourceful creative writers based on correspondence that travels quickly in a (Parallel Universe). Respectfully saving the best timeline for last on a winter’s day (California Dreaming)...”

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“...No matter how fantastic or intelligible, incognito time travelers probably can be reached by radio, but they can obviously communicate by radiant energy, or an active radar. The classified tricky objects are stealthy and tremendously trendy. Assembled with an elaborate frame of reference using a coordinated Spotify testing system loading up the next shindig. Top travelers (Can’t Stop) because I’m gonna win big on thought experiments, and I can’t stop the ghost teams when they’re spirits are in need. The battle is more than just a read through...”

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“...The aerodynamic object didn’t just drop into the pacific, that’s the key timeline. A-Theory caused helicopters to accelerate and speed light down, it twisted to the right and then immediately went straight, nose-dived in an accelerated speed ―linked down below sea level within like one millisecond. That was it. In addition, Mother nature was absolutely perfect, there were barely clouds, winds were less than [2.2] mph on sea side. It couldn’t have been a nicer day in that multi-dimensional area so that’s why it kinda spooks all logic...”??
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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“...A letter to February from Ohio, currently not on fire. There are moments for imagine dragons to do Whatever It Takes, where it looks like dragon teams have visited from Ohio, most of the timeline in Theory of Everything is Radioactive talk, but I talked to atomic Thinkers at a meeting over an Einsteinium Rosen bridge, a revelation alliance of Warriors. I think maybe, time travelers should know that a resurrectional team is sure, and utterly convinced of the real deal...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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“...Where the Broken Halos and shoulder hit the pavement. I didn’t have to make poetry out of crafty relics from Ohio, but when something so beautifully slow launch to fail, angled against the coldest cement, almost jetty, but without full crumble, there is a running, to a rally around a planting location. Travelers could never fly there, but the shadows that reach down range from the stars would have new roots of entanglement to the ocean waves, moving with the rising sun, but akin to something in a timeline with the best of winds. I righted a figure of speech, but I did it because time travelers needed team players...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

“...Music is the great communicator. This timeline is going to be a close one with smoking relic rings ready to punch at a speed of light, and I know its going to glow one way or another in The Art of War...”

“...I have books, artifacts and relic treasures that I incepted as a prize and gift. One artifact challenge coin is kindness, second relic ring is legendary, and the other Halo relics is assuming to not take precedence over others Mind, Body, Soul and Spiritual Being. By kindness one can be brave, by imagination one can reach out to the stars, and by not presuming to take precedence one can survive the battleship effectively on the grid. If one gives up kindness and courage, or give up a dream and ego, or give up souls for enlightenment, one can wink proudly. The exercise game of theories in battle leads to victory, the thought experiment exercise of kindness in the defense leads to the top security teams on the globe...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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“...In this case, it is knowledge to prepare for warfare armed with books and toy weapons. It seems concerting to read manuscripts describing tic tactics from the [13th] century to influence clandestine immortals in a rematch game of *Battleship*...”

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“…Most team players from opposite sides of the spectrum would get along if they sat down over coffee at a cafe shop or other neutral clandestine territories…”

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“…The area announced the stargazers on the grid heard a sonic blast that dislodged materials, scaffolding an enclosure and other equipments. Travelers have since reanalyzed and acknowledged the malfunction as an ingenious game play?occurring throughout a routine compartment test on the Ohio-class sub.?The battleship 'Experienced a Red Peg' anticipating forward to the next hit of logistics…”

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“…(This Is How We Roll) when unspecified radioactive travelers occasionally leave their video game theories behind because it’s not always a fair tug-of-war tactic when they (Need a Boat)…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler
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“…September (Satellite) shining like a work of art. Hanging forward around an ocean wall of stars. By happenstance, travelers detected the battleship had been stuck for over [13] days in the shallow hot spot. The ship apparently missed a left turn. Efforts to free the ship so far have been unsuccessful. Fortunately, the ship is not causing havoc, however, it seems to be giving response teams similar annoyance of Déjà vu…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

“…I’m just as optimistic in concurrent events and that’s the creed, but my predictions were a lot better than expected…”

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“…(Slow Ride) anti-ghost buster did not dissuade the two car size balls of objects. Additionally (Blinded By the Light), navigation stigmatize the phenomenal encounter 'swarm' by [9:11]p.m. One object was directly above at 2,000 feet. The objects moved away from the ship at almost [77] mph before returning less than [8] minutes later. The stargazers reported that the 'battleship' showdown lasted almost three hours from [8:15]p.m. to [11:11]p.m (Takin Care of Business)…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

“…I finally learned and encountered the systematic allegiance of faith from a sixth sense timeline, and most people in the world can agree the only thing radioactive travelers have in common is the omega clock keeps ticking [September 11, 2029]…”

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“…Too bad the magic monkeys from planet of the apes didn’t serve the public. As they madly flaunted heroics in days of poetic folklore. With a beating heart, they made havoc. In the gathering of immortals, with grandiose gall they went for the ego. To the Heaven of happiness, among Eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand active phantom troops, none could oppose them. In the highest heavens above, they had an enlightening presence. But since stargazers was stymied on witnessing the rematch, eventually they will figure out which spirited traveler can show off ethical achievements from the journey from east to west ringin (Hells Bells)…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“...(The Spirit of Radio) is truly subtle in a mysterious reference to page [88]. It does not take much faith to thunderclap. The rematch is to perceive victory when it is known to all is not really skillful. Everyone calls victory in battle good, but it is really like a sharp eye sniper signaling the sun and the moon to watch Earth set to be (Thunderstuck)...”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“...Hence on the (Highway to Hell) with teams to know that the leader of raids is in charge of the lives of the stargazers and the safety of radioactive travelers. The only general siege for use of sonic military weapons is that it is better to keep a nation intact than to extinguish it. It is better to keep an army intact than to pulverize it, better to keep a division intact than to vaporize it, better to keep a battalion intact than to annihilate it, better to keep a unit intact than to reactivate a challenge toss-up of monumental ghost teams...”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“...Teamwork once say; Roger that, a team makes a dream work with the right crew that help scope the universal serial business connection to cut loose. Aside from the chosen atlas, the club bounced back dispatching truce, split opposite opinions in noted editorial newspaper columns...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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“...Travelers on a (Spaceship) with the radio on just loud enough so stargazers can acknowledge and read The Science Book. Then observe myself and "Sarah Smile"...”

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“...Fed-up clairvoyant capabilities test an omen puzzle alone, with eager extrasensory perception of people not losing on purpose with a triple carat and one long stemmed rose outcome...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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“...Where ever the halo guardians are at is anybody's guess for now. Just a song I grew up on persevering to win or lose with [88] constellation of stars that seem within timeliness...”

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”...It’s far more shocking than anything I ever knew. [88] more reasons why I need something new to reawaken an active team of travelers, far more shocking than any timeline I ever knew Wright on cue encircled (Code Red)...”

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“...Raising up A-Theory. Signaling out the old timeline tacky dots. Tracking up the great walls, skin walking on a waterfall, transmitting out, strike one F-35AFB, strike two a USMC F-35Beaufort, strike three a JASDF-F35Aomori, set top guns ablaze, strike four a USMC F-35AFB, strike five a USMC F-35Seal Beach, strike six a Royal Force F-35Bro, strike seven a Korean Force F-35Aircraft, strike eight a USN F-35Carl call emergency...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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“...There is no matter too small to be found by the light in actual science and actual artifacts. Those black dots that are never named, can never be framed or written as a formula. That ornery wrinkle of the process in time, flailing even in victory Voyagers. They keep dreams alive just enough to know that the light itself is black dots, ecstatic stars bouncing off each other, creating believable energy...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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”...There is an artificial thought in question published in development from the past, the present, and the future by radioactive travelers (Walking the Wire)...”

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“...This report inquiry draft is an up-to-date, unclassified interstellar timeline event written right on time in a land of (Smoke and Mirrors)...”

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“...I would expect a crowd in good wind, to see if the residual entanglement of Ohio has collected enough perks to set up freedom fighters, to signal up the international guards. I’d take a sonic nova weapon. I’d use it in war or near a war. I just want to watch the little bugger fly through a quiet place. I don’t want them to wake. I want them to stay partial...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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“...It’s a channeling quest for crafty traveling teams?to navigate, and dispatch [13] radioactive cells to authenticate (Life During Wartime)...”

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”...(Another One Bites the Dust) coincidentally to another theoretical mechanical aerial mishap. The quantum object in question primitively and obsoletely hovered from the sky, spiraling down below on the [13th] hour (For Those About to Rock)...”

“...Every flight is love that is wishful for, that would check mechanical issues and just get it over with. Coy Fire, next bomb thinker, there’s more to consume...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker
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“...Meanwhile, spaced-out travelers search the whereabouts of the Four Horsemen circulating the frontier in (God’s Country)...”

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“...The stakes are high as Freedom shift Sunday Funday’s drop zone on radar as other active travelers foreshadow (Smoke On the Water)...”

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“…The Chaos Theory can adequately operate the forecast for the states Super Bowl Sunday weekend. Effectively telegraphing from the sunny west coast of California, to the crop circles of Ohio, and as far as the east coast of Washington, D.C. on (Sunday Bloody Sunday)…”

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“…C'est?La Vie?for time travelers on Sunday funday during a special deployment setting off from a nice arrival, and I imagine they can't believe the global news reports of the battle lines. The trenches united near a kingdom within the hearts of the motherlands...”

“...Face down, brilliance of Brussels, cast to never decide more than the confirmation that travelers are the tether, the regenerate collection of muscle, given flight, but never given room to fly. Removing the base, they dare to change the world with explosives, which is a common dare, but they put that statue a royal-flush to the window of opportunity of the ruthless area, the concrete steps of the art museum, hell to anyone or anything that loves the real beauty and the beast...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker
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“...there's many radioactive time travelers on high alert within the timetable dramatizing every state as mysterious astral noble players based on Le Testament d'un excentrique...”

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“...A savage thinker. Tall stargazers, unable to show folded states any attention, I would be a fool to disdain the night skyline for returning to the abyss. Despite the sordid past with the first morning hours, but truly I get active at night when there is absolutely nothing but smoke and mirrors of old decisions and new threats on the game board to the already crumbling visage. I can tuck the four fathers feather into Adam’s biblical rib cage, that how close I am to flight and win every state...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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“...Third time’s a charm on the flip side of the constellation border playing the Noble Game of Goose in a (Record Year)...”

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“...Those A-Holes aren’t light...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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“...Deep pits, if there are whole worlds of missing time or space, not shy, but taken away by the physics of revolution, then the only new team found there will be dynamite lit to light the open dark road for miles or so before the devil wind, foreshadowing huge chunks of good spirits on Highway Code 6...6...six...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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”...Yeah it’s been a (Hell of a View) and I’m having a record timeline...”

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“...but I wonder if traveling crew teams will signal who, what, when, where, and how many game theories or thought experiments I have won in (The House of the Rising Sun)...”

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“...The rising sun could be a game changer, I have artifacts to acknowledge relics that move and gesticulate differently than I do. When the cool Sea, Elemental, Air, and Land finds travelers, they can handle the game well in their deep state Sleep. They’re giddy near an Erie salt lake, that folded, hulking ‘One Love, One War’ in Ohio, they could be stargazers of mine as well, or I could just tell stories about time travelers that make it seem like we’re in Theory of Relativity related, in some ways, they’re cosmic, but they’ve been in Ohio, all the way through many generations...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker

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“...On a global stage any night or day, stargazing is part of the new world arrangement. Travelers create and unite multiple salvations with every game piece of humanity. To recreate a February time table, it is only a string of theories that lead winners to the wobbling strategy of teamwork. Stare at the first top-notch promise. Experts has nothing to do with The God Theory. It is fulfillment of a timeline...”
—The Bombing A-Theory Thinker
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“...Personal Jesus was Lost Then Found, like Stone Hearts and Hand Grenades. There is plenty of room Behind the Music to Come As You Are, send some stargazers as they’re The Last Resort to explore?Pandora’s box crafted in the land of Eagles…”
—Radioactive Time Traveler

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“…Radioactive next Believer, for which I am [88] signaling Smoke and Mirrors to all the Fallen clandestine travelers. Rise Up from each Dream or ancestral tribe On Top of the World,?send one of its leaders Walking the Wire with Nothing Left to Say...”
—Radioactive Time Traveler (13:13)
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