Recent surveys and interviews with hiring organizations have turned up some interesting developments as to who is getting hired, who won’t, and why.? The pandemic, remote learning, working from home, wrong college majors, and lack of training have led to errors for candidates looking for a new job that have left them outside looking in. With the current marketplace churning with new technology, jobs more competitive, and hiring managers even pickier, check out your own awareness and skills in the areas that are of concern:
·?????? Poor social skills, especially in working groups.? Maybe you’ve been off-site for too long or have never worked in a team setting before.? Interpersonal skills are the key to getting along in a compatible way with bosses and co-workers.
·?????? Unprepared for policies and work rules.? Sometimes being a few minutes late is OK.? Being late for an interview is not.? Be aware of “how things are done here”.? Company rules, either formal or informal, can make the difference when moving to a new organization. Ask questions about policies, informal practices and attendance, among others.
·?????? Not understanding priorities.? All things are not equal, especially when it comes to what’s important or less so.? Usually, the first 3 to 5 items on the position description are more important than those at the end.
·?????? Cultural clash.? Make sure during the interviews that the culture you need is the culture of the organization you are about to join.? If your best work is in an open, transparent, and interactive job, but the culture is non-communicative or hierarchical, it won’t work.
·?????? Ask yourself, how do I handle constructive criticism?? What’s the best way to help correct some aspect of your work?? Conflict resolution is always with us.? How you handle it determines how successful the outcome.
·?????? Since social media, shortcuts to communications are common.? Make sure the person you’re communicating with understands your shortcuts:? ROI, EBITDA, FIFO.? For your narrative reports don’t use IMHO, FOMO or ELI5 (Explain Like I’m 5)
·?????? Being professional.? A few of the items in this category are:? Appropriate attire, telephone decorum and politeness, and avoiding controversial discussions, plus others.
It’s really up to the managers of an organization to lay out the expectations and ground rules for a new job.? Many times, it’s trial-and-error, which may cause misunderstandings, hurt feelings or worse.? Because of the pandemic and work issues over the past 4 years, companies have offered training programs to link new employees with the organization, work team culture, and the unwritten guidelines of behavior.
Ask questions during an interview to make sure of the compatibility between you and your work group.? You’ll save yourself another job search.
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