Ready to experience what a life of total autonomy feels like? It's Thor's Day...and We're Bringing the Thunder.
J. Heath Smith, MBA, M.S.
ALL you're sure you know about "transition" is WRONG! A maverick for the Mission, I'm an Outlier Helping Military Families Avoid Unknown Transition Dangers Using My Liberty Accelerator Framework.????
Let’s Launch Your Post-Military Planning Efforts and Build an Expert Team around you so Rabid They’ll Ensure your Family Squeezes Everything out of Veteran Status that You Can - But it Must Begin NOW!
Hello again my friend,
Let’s get right to the point.
I’m looking for a select few who want to ensure their military service is the most profitable years of their lives.
Motivated self-starters I can personally mentor to help launch planning for that inevitable last day on active duty, with or without their military hero… …while also building relationships with like-minded winners who know the government programs aren’t in the best interest of most families.
But Here’s the Catch
This isn’t for everyone.
I know, I know…that sounds like some sort of attempt at “takeaway selling”…but that’s not what I’m driving at.
What I’m offering is NOT some cheap self-study course cobbled together from recycled material I pulled from some other free “transition resources,” made for everyone...and for no one.
Information is cheap and easy to come by.
What’s far more rare and valuable is direct access to a bonafide expert who’s been where you are, made some mistakes along the way, and has also been where you want to go, and wants you to go their faster.
I’m willing to guide you there around the ambushes and traps in place to slow you down.
Someone who accompanies you on your individual, personal journey, with tailored, explicit advice.
Someone who’s there every step of the way, pointing out the dangers, showing you the shortcuts and even shouldering some of the burden.
That’s what I’m offering you today. A trip down the transition Super-Highway instead of the muddy dirt road typical for the majority.
In order for your military family to benefit from this level of mentorship, you can’t be one of those opportunity-seeking degenerates looking for the perfect solution in a sea of free offerings, by people who don’t ask questions but instead apply their own view of the world to your situation.
Planning for success takes time, hard work, and some risk.
You’ll be working nights, weekends, and possibly holidays to come up to speed on all that’s been denied to your military family.
You’ll be sacrificing time with friends who will question your sanity.
There will be times you’ll question all it is you’ve been led to believe and know.
And if you’re lucky enough, you’ll quickly realize what a blessing this opportunity was to you at this point in your life, because the time spent on this effort now is time you won’t regret not spending sooner, later once the ambush happens, and “transition” is staring you in the face.
If you’re not ok with effort and hard work to achieve greatness, then go now. You don’t have the drive or tenacity it takes to play at the varsity level.
But you know what, that’s ok. The world needs ditch diggers too. Got your shovel? I recommend gloves, too, because I was there...and then I chose change, and got to work.
If, on the other hand, you weren’t dissuaded by my borderline disrespectful warning then…
Let’s Talk Specifics
You and I are going to spend 12 weeks together getting your military family Fully Mission Capable for that inevitable last day on Active Duty.
When we’re done, not only will you have a grip on your current situation with respect to:
- the family’s and servicemembers Health and use of the medical system,
- the hero’s understanding of Self beyond the rank, weapons platform, and service branch, and
- Wealth as it pertains to time, knowledge about the world, assets, liabilities, cash flow, and money), you’ll also know how to make the right decisions as it pertains to the so-called “military benefits” that have been shoved down our throats for decades.
I’ve broken up the mentorship into two stages.
Stage 1 - Weeks 1-6
This stage is for military families who’ve succumbed to the idea of “go to school, get a job, buy a house, save for retirement, and fund the kids college education.” This family is still using SGLI, has little clue about SBP, thinks the career bureaucrat and certified financial planner at the base readiness center knows that the hell they’re talking about, and doesn’t realize that the way the servicemember is interfacing with military medical now is detrimental to that inevitable VA Disability Compensation exam.
When you’re done working through the exercises built especially for you, there will be a clarity about your life that you’ve never thought possible since joining the military. That translates into better conversions, better decisions, and a deeper connection with your family, friends, and network.
In Stage 1 we will…
1. Identify your “exposed flanks” that few know exist - You and I will work together to expose the “benefits” that are actually detrimental to embracing Liberty and finding True Freedom beyond uniformed service.
This involves looking at your specific situation, analyzing the landscape and coming up with options for YOUR family to decide on as it pertains to your Military Family Readiness for life in service and in preparation for far beyond.
!Warning!! Don’t expect me to do all the work here. It’s not my job to come up with your concerns for you. My job is to help you flesh out and clarify the problems you already have, but might not know about. And then to offer YOU the information to make informed decisions in your own best interest.
2. Identify Your Perfect Life - Once we have a clear vision of your military family readiness level, we’ll drill down to identify options that exist based on what your family desires, goals, and objectives are. There is no way to effectively speak to someone if you don’t understand them on a deep level. We’ll get to understand one another, and become a team on your journey.
3. Create your tailored Liberty Field Guide - This is where things really get interesting...and FUN! Over the last 15 years I’ve navigated the military system. In that time I’ve learned how to do it wrong, right, hard, quickly, expensively, and cheaply without sacrificing quality.
In step 3 you’ll learn exactly what you need to do to take control of your life and plan intentionally and informatively for that inevitable Life beyond military service. If you’re worried about tax liability or insurance costs, I’ll walk you through how to structure legal entities for maximum effect. I’ll show you all the tools I use, which ones are worth paying for and what you should ignore.
I’ll also point you toward the “free” services that are well worth your time, depending on your unique timeline.
This is not a complicated process but most military families find a way to muck it up by running with the herd, and conforming to the status quo (our training did this to us, along with “Warnings” from the experts). They wait way too late to begin intentional preparations for that inevitable Battle for Liberty beyond the uniform.
Most are focusing on all the wrong things, wasting countless hours (time...we never get it back) and thousands of dollars on services that don’t move the needle one inch, and in fact set most back years, if not decades.
Life is about doing 3 things well:
- Creating value by solving a pain or problem. (The bigger the pain, the more persistent the problem, the better.)
- Finding people who would benefit from what you’ve got to give.
- Convincing others they need it (we do this through communication).
If you’re focused on anything else, you’re wrong.
There will be plenty of time to worry about jobs, savings, retirement, family vacation, buying a house, getting into school and all the other distractors that keep our full attention from focusing on the decisions that will help us achieve all those other things in the first place.
Until then, we keep our eye on the prize. If you’ve struggled with that in the past, fear not!
I’ll be with you every step of the way!
Most online “coaching” programs stop here. That should not surprise you since stage 1 is the easy part. That’s why every out of work veteran with a cell phone is peddling an MLM they joined from their parent’s basement.
Any idiot with an internet connection can create a product and give away “free” advice on how to do transition, even though they failed themselves.
Few can truly call themselves independent, though, because they fail to grasp one simple truth.
It Doesn’t Matter How Good You Think You’ve Got It In The Military, because It’ll Come Crashing to a Halt Sooner or Later.
And the Vast Majority of us are sorely unprepared.
Picture this… You’ve spent years serving the nation wearing Lady Liberty’s Cloth, and you’ve identified as a military family and warrior.
You've set up your retirement accounts (locked wealth away for decades), used the government offered solutions (base readiness centers, SGLI, commissary, discounts in town, child care services, etc) and created this scarcity mindset about pinching pennies and saving for a day that may never arrive, or for a kids college education.
Now it’s time for all your hard efforts to pay off, and live life in society completely foreign to all you’ve come to know and love.
It’s Liberty Day. There’s just two problems:
Nobody knows you exist beyond uniformed service, and you’re entrapped by the government bureaucrats for services!
And the rank and file decisions that DOD TAP lead you into become your worst nightmare, as you’re now in a crowd of hundreds of thousands of families doing exactly what you’re doing, fighting for the scraps because of a lack of intentional, informed planning years, no decades, ago.
If you’ve ever wondered why “military transition” seemed difficult for all of those who’ve gone before you, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
Once you have identified the problem, and understand the importance of acting now to benefit your future life, the bulk of your days can be dedicated to gathering information and making the right decision for your family; and not in the best interest of the collective as the status quo offers.
This is a lot easier said than done.
The internet has changed dramatically in the last few years. And that has empowered the astute.
What worked yesterday isn’t working now.
If Things Seem Hopeless, Take Heart.
There’s a Light at the End of This Tunnel.
And if You Don’t See It, Then Light Your Own Match
But we’re not there yet.
I hope by now you’re starting to see what I mean when I say creating your life intentionally is the easy part.
The number one reason families fail and have a tough “transition” is a lack of adequate cashflow compounded by a lack of knowing what they want to do with their lives post service.
That’s a fancy way of saying they run out of money before they can find enough cash flow to cover their expenses, and aren’t living life fully alive once they’re given their Liberty back.
Passion Doesn’t Put Food on the Table or
Pay the Mortgage and Bills.
We need cash flow. That means a steady flow of cash from dependable sources who need whatever value you’re offering and who have some some level of trust in you. If you want your life to thrive you must learn to do what most cannot.
Mastering the skills of sales, marketing, and self-promotion, regardless of needing a job or not.
Everything we do in life involves persuasion. From the kitchen to the couch to the bedroom, persuasion gets you what you want. Plain and simple!
And that’s why we have a Stage 2.
Stage 2 - Week 6-12
Stage 2 is where I’ll work with you to develop a Liberty Accelerator Strategy to set your family apart from the pack.
In Stage 2 we will cover:
? How to get the servicemembers identity back.
? How to build a personal brand to set you apart from others in your industry while making you a magnet to your perfect customer
? How to generate a steady supply of opportunity for problem solving
? How to utilize the medical system now in preparation for that inevitable departure.
? Gain an understanding of the financial, monetary, and tax systems that are siphoning your wealth away from your family, and how to turn the tables and keep more of it in your pocket
To even have a chance at beating the odds, you’ll need more than a self-study course
Most of the “transition assistance” support available online today is offered by people whose only experience is “selling” free services on how to transition, with most centered around a job.
Here’s how it works… After stumbling through their own transition (job search, multiple gigs, never-ending unhappiness) they turn to offering their advice for free so others won’t experience the same thing.
They use free, open information to create their value proposition and scream from the mountaintops that people who charge for these services are scoundrels.
They know 80% of people will take their free stuff, so there’s little risk they they’ll be blamed when things don’t work out. It was free, who can complain?
They don’t offer any one-on-one mentoring or group coaching, and apply the cookie cutter approach to resumes, interviews, and dressing, without actually asking the person who they’re claiming to help who it is they want to be and what they want to do with their life.
At best they dump their mentees into a Facebook group and let them waste their days confusing activity with accomplishment.
They have no clue how to promote themselves so they look at what every other “military transition expert” on the internet is doing and then do the same thing.
That’s why every online coach in this space looks and sounds exactly the same.
So what makes me different? How do you know I’m not like all the rest of them?
You Will NOT Find a Better Mentor and Guide For You and Your Family in This Process Than Me.
Here’s why… I understand the macro-economy you’re headed into. I also understand the monetary (money and currency) system that’s entrapping us into lives of mediocrity. Heard of inflation? It’s probably not all you’ve been led to believe. It’s prices that are the problem, as a result of inflation.
Prior to my waking up to the problem, I was just like you. I was all in on the “little-m” mission of the operational or staff assignment, working 10-14 hour days being prepared for war. I was distracted, too. I also believe the government offered solutions were in my best interest. They are not. Those offers are in the best interest of the group, at the individual’s expense. I realized it during the COVID-19 government-induced economic slowdown. Another 22/day pushup challenge to bring awareness to the active duty and veteran suicide crisis led me to act. So if you did pushups, thanks! This letter, my book, The Military Veteran’s DIS-Advantage, and all the products and services with the Liberty Accelerator Program resulted from that movement (literally).
So I designed a coaching program that includes on-demand training and live mentorship.
I now spend my days helping military families (like yours!) build and implement successful plans for their inevitable transition out of the military. My sister company, The Smith Sircle, LLC, works with other industries to improve the resiliency of military families in a world full of distractions. I’m not telling you all of this to impress you. I want you to understand that what I have to teach you can’t be learned from a $1,997 course. I’ve got 15 years of experience in the trenches, risking my own money to figure out what works and what doesn’t.
It might sound crazy, but I believe… The most important thing you can do for yourself, your family and your future is control the source of your income. And I’m here to make sure you can.
Here’s How the Program Will Be Structured
As I outlined earlier, the mentorship is broken up into two stages.
Stage 1 is focused on maximizing use of your time and the “benefits” you’re being offered and using today, developing your plan, and getting it ready for action during the Transition Battle.
Stage 2 is all about building a personal brand, and then marketing so the world knows you exist.
I’ll teach you every secret I’ve learned in the last three years to identify the threats to my military family, launch and grow a digital brand, including what’s working best right now.
The first mentorship for spouses, servicemembers, or both begins on July 1, 2022.
Study material is designed to teach you specific skills and become aware of the environment and systems you’re working and living in, and will be released weekly.
Some of this training I will teach live while other parts will be prerecorded.
I realize most attendees have full-time jobs, and if not then they’re probably at home raising young kids.
That’s why all training will be available 24/7 so you can go over it as time permits.
During your twelve-week mentorship, you’ll also have access to a private community called The Liberty Accelerator. This is my private community for military families who are actively building their post-service life.
While you’re in the community, you’ll have the ability to collaborate with hundreds of other military families across the force, in every niche imaginable. Some of them are new, just like you. Others have already broken through the fog of work and are marching toward their victory day beyond active duty.
That means you’re not just learning from me. You’ll be part of an exclusive club of men and women who understand that when you succeed, we all benefit.
Finally, each Wednesday you will meet with me and the other students in a virtual Q&A session.
This is your opportunity to get help from me personally on anything you’re struggling with in your Transition Mission Planning, Preparations, and Workups.
So, How Much Should You Willingly and Enthusiastically Pay for this Program?
Feel free to give me as much or as little credit as you would like. Base it on what you know of me, what you’ve read here, and how committed you are to becoming the master of your own universe.
Then answer this question… If I open the vault - via this program - and spend three solid months personally mentoring your family, teaching you a skill and perspective that’s taken me years to master, how many hours of freedom do you think you could buy?
Let me explain what I mean. We all have an expiration date. Right now, the average live expectancy of a U.S. citizen is 78.6. I turned 41 this year. 78.6 minus 41 is 37.6.
Barring a tragedy, I’ve got 37.6 years left. But, if we use the DOD actuarial tables for retired military officers, it says I’ll live to an average age of 84. So that’s another 5ish years. So 42.6 years left. I’m not even half-way done!
The number crunchers tell me 30% of that will (should) be devoted to sleep. Another 20% to eating, defecating, and paying bills.
I’ll lose roughly 10% in travel and other inefficiencies. That takes me down to 19.64 years That’s all I’ve got left: 19.64 years of controllable time. What’s your number?
How valuable is that time to you? How much of those remaining years do you want to spend living in fear?
Fear of the next financial collapse that puts you in an unemployment line; fear of the next lockdown or oppressive government overreach that you lack the power and influence to fight against?
How many hours do you want to squander working a job you hate or wasting time around people you don’t enjoy, for a paycheck that you don’t control?
How many more days do you want to piss away for a paycheck? How many more days to you want to burn away by keeping the status quo?
Now, how quickly and radically do you want your life to change? It’s a question only you can answer, but the clock is ticking. But assuming you join my mentorship program and even give it a halfcocked effort, how much of that time do you think you could recapture?
Be conservative.
How much of your finite life could you take back? Pick a percentage? 10%, 20%, 50%??
Now, let’s say you’re like me and your number is around 19.6 and you picked a conservative 20%. That’s an extra 34,339.2 hours of total autonomy. If you could buy 34,339.2 hours of freedom from someone, what kind of offer would you make?
Knowing that time is your most valuable resource… and being keenly aware that time is a non-renewable, non-replenishable resource… How deep would you reach?
If you were the cheapest person on the plant, and offered a measly 50 cents per hour, This program is worth $17,169.60. And if this program hands you the knowledge and skills necessary to double, triple, even quadruple your income while giving you total control over your life, what would you pay then?
Would you pay $1.00 per hour? $5.00? More??
A broke loser pays twice as much to spend two hours watching a bad movie in the theater!
I asked several of my clients to weigh in on what a program like this should be worth.
These are my private clients - established military officer’s who know first-hand the value of what I’m about to show you.
One guy said at least $15,000. (He didn’t pull that number out of thin air. That’s my daily rate for corporate consulting).
Others said $3,997 - that’s a more realistic number.
Most quality coaching programs range in price from $1,997 - $5,997.
I also have to consider my own time and the fact that this is literally my life's work.
It’s everything I’ve learned about how to successfully navigate the “military transition” for the typical military officer family.
But let’s face it: wanting to spend 50 cents an hour to buy your life back is one thing. Having the money to actually do it is another.
It doesn’t matter how badly you want your life back, if you can’t afford the tuition, you’re screwed.
If I want to fill this program up (I do), and if I want change a lot of lives (I will), then I have to consider the financial impact this will have. So I decided to price the entire 12-week mentorship at just $597.
It’s expensive enough to keep out the people I don’t want while being cheap enough for anyone committed to succeeding. And for those who want a little more access to me personally, I’ve included a second option.
For an additional 1% of Basic Pay (that levels the paying - see how I wordsmith’d that? - field) I’ll spend a full hour with you one-on-one working on your specific life and military transition goals.
My hourly rate for consulting is typically $1,500 so three hundred bucks is a steal.
We can spend the hour however you like and you can claim that hour anytime in the next 12 months. That way you’ll have an extra 10 months AFTER the mentorship ends to schedule your one-on-one.
What About a Guarantee?
If you’ve read this far and you’re still worried about a guarantee then you’re not right for this program.
I have clients who regularly spend five and six figures with me and never bring up a guarantee.
They know there’s no such thing as a guarantee in life, much less in business.
With that said, you should know I have a standing policy of giving full refunds anytime someone asks. It’s a policy without an expiration date.
None of that 30-day, money-back-guarantee bullshit that forces you to make a decision before you’ve had time to implement anything.
This is my life’s work. When you succeed, so do I, and so does every other person in my professional circle.
If I haven’t build enough trust with you by now for you to feel confident joining this program without a guarantee, then I’d prefer you wait until you have ZERO doubt.
I promise I’ll be here when you do.
Here’s What You Must Do Now
As I mentioned earlier, I have two options for you.
Choose the option that fits you best and you’ll be taken to an order page where you’ll fill out your information and complete your enrollment.
Immediately after you enroll, I’ll send you an email with details on how to access the program and how to join the private network. I’m looking forward to working with you
Click here for the Liberty Accelerator Mentorship
Click here for the Liberty Accelerator Mentorship + One-on-One Coaching
P.s. if you didn't read this, go back up and read it. Stop gun-decking opportunity!