Ready for the Big Picture?
It is possible to work towards the big picture while staying in the moment. Being intentionally and mindfully present strengthens our grasp over our?future goals. This understanding of our destination emphasizes that what we do today leads us down a fulfilling path. Although, there are times when the going gets tough, and we get sucked into begrudgingly doing what needs to get done. In those instances, we completely lose sight of why our current actions matter in the long run. That is when mind over matter comes into play: the ability to understand how today can shape our tomorrow. In this week’s newsletter, I share how I’ve evolved from tunnel vision thinking to cultivate a mindset that gets me closer to my goals. It is this mindset that allows me to make better decisions and choose what's best for my overall well-being.?
When I’m lost, confused, stuck, or burnt out with tasks and responsibilities that feel aimless and draining, I revisit the tools below. Each tool wraps up with an important question. Choosing to answer those questions honestly and thoughtfully is up to you ???
Get to know yourself: How well do you know your true self? Outside of likes and dislikes, how deeply connected are you with your body and mind? You have to spend quality time with yourself to gain valuable understanding of your whole person. ?
This perception requires getting quiet and connecting with your thoughts and feelings without judgment. It requires doing the difficult exercise of identifying triggers, patterns, and motivators. ?
Get to know yourself inside and out. Personally, I get to know myself better by meditating. Even 5 minutes of closing my eyes and focusing on my breath allow me to feel?connected with myself. Add up those 5 minutes over time and imagine all there is to know and comprehend about yourself.?There is no limit to self-discovery; therefore, there is no beginning or end to how deeply you bond with yourself. ?
What will you do to get to know yourself better??
Quiet the chatter: Boy, is there noise everywhere! Social media, your inner critic, your family, friends, and strangers all have something to say and proclaim. Amidst all this chaos, how can you hear yourself? No matter how well you multi-task or how much energy you have, there is absolutely no way to filter all of it. The only way around it is to silence it. ?
When you put a lid on the chatter, you do a better and more efficient job of absorbing what you need and letting the rest go. In order to sift effortlessly and skillfully, the useless information and advice need an outlet. Find your outlet. ?
For me, I distance myself from unnecessary information and conversations through journaling. I fill a page with all that comes to my mind without paying attention to grammar, punctuation, or any other errors. I curse all I want. I unleash the fury, sadness, joy, and sarcasm?that’s within me. I do it often enough to see the positive difference it makes in my life. ?
No amount of solo drinking, getting high, social media scrolling, or watching television will be enough if you don’t connect with your thoughts and get them off your chest.??
What will help you slow down and fully be with yourself, so you hear and accept your heart’s truths??
Dream big: Learn to envision a future that matters to you. Don’t shortchange yourself by?current limitations or circumstances. Believe fully in your abilities and capabilities to create the life of your dreams. ?
If you’re working hard without knowing your vision, then you’re spinning your wheels. When you pay attention to where you want to be, you start paying attention to what you’re doing or not doing today to get there. It teaches you to prioritize, set boundaries, and evaluate quickly. There is a plan in place where you get to decide if what you’re doing is helping or hindering that plan.?
Write down your dream. Make note of that vision and then figure out where all your commitments in life fall. Are they leading you in the right direction or not? When I commit to certain activities that are out of my comfort zone, I know that the level of discomfort is directly correlated to my growth. ?
So, what are your dreams, and how are you making them come true??
Up the ante: Challenge yourself to live up to those dreams that you’ve created for yourself. Put in the time, effort, and investment necessary to reach there. Think of it as taking?continuing education credits to sharpen your skills and stay in the game. Find that which will make you stronger and more powerful.?Find solutions to any mental or physical hindrances. ?
As an entrepreneur, I look for different avenues to connect with my audience. Not everyone is a reader, so I use digital platforms, such as Instagram and YouTube, to provide valuable wellness information. It’s not easy to face the camera or have minimal likes, but I modify where I can and take up the responsibility?weekly. For a social media recluse, this weekly task often feels daunting, but it’s a necessary step in fulfilling my dream of making a difference in wellness.??
How will you up the ante in your world? ?
It took years of falling and rising?to understand the importance of this 40,000-foot view. I was one of those people who wanted to get things over with so I could move on to the next. It’s one of the reasons that I graduated early from college, and it’s been a major regret of mine. My senior year would have given me the clarity and confidence I needed to join the workforce. Instead, at that moment, I was too worried about holding myself back by spending another year in college.?All I want for you is to rise, rise, and rise some more. I’ve done the falling for you, so please take off the blinders and stop chasing short-term gains that hinder long-term prosperity. ?
As always, I am here to support you all the way. I love hearing from you, so if your heart desires, drop me a line or more. It will be an honor to read your story, thoughts, and feedback.?
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My guide to overcome stress available here:
Check out this week’s wellness video content on YouTube: 5 Tips to Help You Sleep Like a Baby?
All the best,?