Reading the Warning Signs
Our body is a phenomenal living and breathing machine, equipped with amazing sensors to protect us in the case of an impending danger or threat. Sometimes, such protection, comes in the form of a hunch or a creepy feeling we get about a place we are visiting or someone we are meeting. Other times it is biological signals where our temperature rises due to an illness, or a headache because of some pressure situation, or pain because we bump into something. It can also be in the form of a noise we hear, or a word we receive. Yet, despite this amazing capacity to detect dangers, lapses occur and we end with an undesirable situation. Most of the time, when we reflect back on what just happened, we realize our sensors were operating quite well, but somehow we either decided to ignore them or override them. This happens quite often in corporations and companies across all industries.
In my article "Reading the Warning Signs" I discuss risk and the importance of reading the warning signs and acting accordingly prior to its occurrence, in an effort to avert or reduce its impact.
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