Reading is our Rainbow
A rainbows striking colors allows us to appreciate the beauty all around us. I often meditate on the secrets of the universe and the gifts we have. Reading is a gift because reading transcends us to new ways of thinking and innovative, and creative ideas. To some reading is hard work and the effort that it takes to read is tremendous.
Let me tell you a story about a boy named Brad. He was never a very good student ,he fell through the cracks and graduated but really was not well spoken or could critique a good book. His answer was I don't know. Brad went through school without realizing that he had ADD until years later. The teachers seemed to miss the boat with him.
Now he is an adult and does not have the tools to be successful. There is one thing about Brad that quickly makes him stand out to be a winner. He didn't want to be a loser like his friends getting a job in retail and making minimum wage. He went to a Junior College and started taking classes . He kept taking classes to earn him the next step in doing what he loved drawing and graphic arts. His talent was unsurpassed by anyone else in his class, and the school he attended.
Brad discovered for the first time that reading is interesting and fun. He continued learning and found that he no longer fit with the kids that just hang out and do nothing to make their lives better.
This eighteen year old college student is reaching for the rainbow. The beautiful dazzling colors in the sky is a gift to all of us. ,but to Brad it had special significance because, he found he truly could be successful if he just continue to pursue his dreams.
He didn't give up thinking its to hard or to much work. No matter what vocation one takes its always filled with much effort. The happiness and joy he felt as he surpassed his wildest dreams, when only two years early he was on the road to nowhere.
Brad is reaching for the rainbow. The very same rainbow that touched his heart so many years ago but he gave up on his dream This time he's a winner. We can all be winners in the game of life. We just have to give it time and effort. Reading is the key to discovering the magical life of happiness and success.
In closing we must insist from the schools that each child gain the ability to read, and comprehend,text. Currently 60% of our nation's 4th graders are reading below grade level. We can correct this epidemic by spending much needed time showing them the correct way to read, playing word games, and asking questions about what they read.