Reading, one bird at a time.
I’m a big fan of Ted Lasso and I am also super geeky at times. Super geeky to the point that I recently found myself diving into some of the books Coach Beard is often seen reading in the series, or ones which Ted refers to.
I’m sure there’s a whole Reddit on this and if there’s not, I’m away to start one [Edit: of course there's a Reddit]. Anyway, I’ve just finished reading one book in particular, it’s called Bird by Bird and it’s by Anne Lammot. It’s brilliant.
Lammot is a writer who helps teach other people how to write. So, of course, she’s written a book about it. But this is no textbook. This is an amusing book which is half-autobiographical-half-educational as the reader takes a journey from writing the first draft through to publication.
Along the way, there are plenty of lessons on writing and life too. There’s no preaching to be found here, just a gentle and mainly amusing insight into the life of a writer. Just as life is punctuated by tragic events, Lammot's lessons in writing and life are sometimes interrupted by her own life events. Characteristically, she doesn't hold back in telling these stories with unreserved honesty.
Originally published in 1994, the book generally stands the test of time very well. Aside from the occasional outdated terminology (which caused me to cringe once or twice) and a reference or two to a fax machine (Gen-Z click here), this book's core narrative is as relevant in 2024 as I'm sure it would have been thirty years ago.
There's advice about writing "sh*tty first drafts" to letting your writing "develop" like an old photograph, as well as just getting something down on the page and worrying about the refinement later.
I certainly wish I had the company of Bird by Bird when I was in my high school English classes.
An easy read, simple and engaging. Recommended.