The Reading Machine
When I was a child
I would read to have fun.
When in school
I would read to pass and prove .
I grew up a bit more, and
I would read to impress and win arguments.
I grew up a little more, and
I would read to compete and beat.
I got a job and got married
now why would I read?
I read to titillate and stimulate my grey cells
to quench my curiosity, to laugh, to gobble up more and more facts.
Now, I read
to become opinionated, to be able to brag.
I read to defend and, to attack
words are mightier than swords, I was told.
I read to reinforce my own beliefs and opinions, and
to prove others wrong.
I read to be able to reply
but seldom to be able to understand.
I read to relate to my life, my joys, my sorrows.
I read because it is written by someone I love or like.
I read when I have nothing else to do
I have become a reading machine!
Imagine what happens to my hapless mind!
It becomes an information trash-can
a reservoir of ideas, opinions and facts.
Words envelop my mind and soul
restricting freedom of thought.
I escape introspection
as words form a safety net around my soul.
Compare this to my body!
When I just eat and don’t act
I become fat, obese and sick.
A burden on everyone including myself.
As I eat, my body absorbs the good part of the food
and abandons the waste.
Imagine what happens to my hapless mind!
There is only input of information, facts and opinions
but no absorption or productive output.
This reservoir starts decaying!
I become an information junkie, and
my mind becomes a junkyard!
You prick me…dig out from my reservoir
and there you go..
A borrowed idea comes blurting out
a fact comes out
a quote springs up
an opinion shoots out!
What was original about it?
What was my contribution?
What am I doing with this vast wealth accumulated over the years?
Did I process this information to produce something meaningful?
How much do I read to learn, to dispel darkness,
to challenge my own beliefs?