The Reading Habit – Essential for Students and Working Professionals

The Reading Habit – Essential for Students and Working Professionals

Reading is a common habit among the most successful people in the world.

Elon Musk, who is one of the most successful and inspirational entrepreneurs of our time, was once asked how he managed to get all these amazing ideas like building rockets, etc., he answered, “I read books.”

Many other highly successful individuals like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Jack Canfield, and many more have the same habit in common.

Books are a great way to gain specialized knowledge in a particular field or subject that you are most interested in or are currently pursuing a career in. By reading books, you can learn about a wide range of topics, including history, science, business, and more. In addition, books can provide you with a different perspective in a very structured way on a topic than you would get from reading articles or watching videos.

As a first step in the personality development process, I truly believe that every student and working professional must develop the life-transforming habit of reading because reading expands the minds of young readers and gives them a lot of creative ideas. It helps develop their imagination and most importantly, the knowledge they acquire through reading gives them the confidence to step out of their comfort zone and achieve great things in life.

There’s a famous saying, “A Child Who Reads Will Be An Adult Who Thinks.” Rollo May, an American psychologist had written a wonderful book by the name ‘Man’s Search for Himself.’ In that book he mentions that the opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it is automaton (aw · to · muh · tn) conformity. It simply means that people act like everyone else without thinking, without knowing why, and without knowing where they are going.

Earl Nightingale also mentions this in his famous book ‘The Strangest Secret.

Although Rollo May’s book was originally published in 1953, automaton conformity remains the biggest trouble in our society.

The only way we can ensure that our children don’t succumb to this behaviour once they grow up is by introducing them to books at an early age. It is through reading that they will be able to expand their minds and think for themselves as adults.

Youngsters who read develop the potential to become great leaders in the future, as reading provides them with deep insights into other people’s experiences and viewpoints, thus expanding their ability to see beyond their own.

If you are a college student or a young working professional, I highly recommend reading a very famous book by Napoleon Hill - "Think And Grow Rich." This is one book every young person must read before they step into the professional world. This book transformed my life, and I'm certain it can transform yours too.

If you are a parent, the best thing you can do is encourage your child to develop a true love for reading. The first step, however, is to ensure that your child feels confident in his or her overall ability to read. Many children, and even teenagers, struggle with reading in the initial years, and numerous surveys are indicating that about one adult in ten fails to master even the basics of text comprehension. Therefore, taking the right step at the right time is crucially important, since reading acquisition is an essential skill and a major step in the personality development process of a child.

READING is the easiest and most reliable source of knowledge. The simple reason for that is when someone has compressed their 20, 30, or 40 years of experience and learning into the form of a book, why would you want to reinvent the wheel and go through the trial-and-error process yourself? Instead, you could benefit from someone else’s experience and save the precious years of your life that you would have otherwise spent trying to figure things out on your own. All it takes is the willingness and ability to read effectively and efficiently, with complete comprehension and retention, so that you can apply the knowledge that you have acquired through reading, take the necessary action, and ultimately convert your dreams into reality.

Reading books can help to improve your brain power. This is because reading requires you to use your brain to process and understand the information you are taking in. As you read more and more, you will find that your brain power will increase.

In addition to improving your brain power, reading books can also help to improve your memory. This is because when you read, you are constantly exposed to new information which your brain then has to remember. The more you read, the better your memory will become.

Another benefit of reading books is that it can help to improve your concentration. This is because when you read, you are focused on the task at hand and are not distracted by other things going on around you. The more you read, the better your ability to concentrate.

There’s no better time to develop the habit of reading effectively and efficiently than at an early age. So, start now.?



