Readers are Leaders
I find this becoming more and more true: the more I read, the more I understand that there is a LOT I need to learn from a leadership perspective. My goal has been to read two books a month. Sometimes, I hit it; sometimes, I don’t. And, sometimes, I read more (yes, Audible counts for me). How much are you reading? How much are you focused on improving yourself? You, as a leader, have to understand that you are the lid of your organization, and in order to lift the lid, you must expand your mind and yourself.
I found this interesting:
- Warren Buffett spends five to six hours a day reading.
- Bill Gates reads 50 books a year.
- Elon Musk grew up reading two books a day.
- Mark Cuban reads for more than three hours a day.
Here are my top three leadership/management/improvement books that I have read numerous times:
- 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- How to Win Friends and Influence People
As business owners, like it or not, we are leaders, and leaders are readers! Grab a book today!
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