Read this if you’re tired of playing small and letting fear control you
By: Scott Haug

Read this if you’re tired of playing small and letting fear control you

I am a Reflector in Human Design (a rare type only less than 1% of the world is).And that means part of my gift is picking up on Hidden Reflections the world is going through and can reflect back what I intuitively know is going on and what to shift that trend into.One thing I am noticing is:A large chunk of people right now are having their Fears keeping them stuck from what they know they NEED to do. They are too scared to make the leap. They listen to their logical mind to keep them safe.

I'm here to share my insights on the topic of facing our fears and embracing growth for a more fulfilling life. I'm sure you, like me, have a strong desire for positive changes in life. We yearn for increased income, better relationships, improved health, happiness, and the chance to fulfill our true potential. We want to discover our calling, leave a legacy for our families, and enjoy the freedom to live life on our terms. But we allow our logical mind to con us out. It tells us solid reasons why we shouldn't do something, even though we KNOW we need to do it.

Earl Nightingale's quote resonates deeply with me: "Most people tiptoe their way through life hoping they make it safely to death." It's a powerful message, highlighting how so many of us, about 97% of the population, choose to play it "safe." We tiptoe through life, driven by anxiety, stress, worries, and fears. We avoid taking risks and stay within our comfort zones. We listen to logic like, "I'll start in a few months when things are less stressful." "Once we have more financial stability, then I can do it." "Once the kids are done with school... then we can do that thing." "Once I have the money, then finally I will feel happy and successful and do that thing I need to do." "Once... once... once... once..."

The primary reason for this behavior is our past pains, failures, and setbacks. We've all experienced moments where life seemed to crumble before us. Whether it was the loss of a thriving career, a financial downfall, or a turbulent childhood, these experiences often leave us doubting ourselves. Despite our investments in personal development programs, we may still feel haunted by these past failures or that those programs "didn't work the way we thought they would."

But here's the key: we must learn from these experiences and THEN embark on a journey of healing and personal growth LETTING THESE past failures go. I've encountered two types of individuals in my coaching practice: #1 - Some who remain trapped in their fears, avoiding change and spiral downward. They listen to their limited logical mind. They THINK, "I'll do it in the future when things get better." Yet, things don't get better. It's a false hope the mind gives them. WHY? Because the mind tries to keep them "safe" by staying in the familiar. #2 - Others, however, confront their past, learn from it, and move forward with determination. They listen to their hearts. The FEEL, "This is what I need to do for me and my Calling." They commit, even when it's scary. They move their life along at rocket speed. WHY? Because they learn to be skillful at going through this scary uncomfort.

The concept of a "mental prison" is what keep people stuck. This mental prison is designed to protect us from emotional danger, but it keeps us from reaching our potential. It constantly whispers reasons why we shouldn't take action: "You can't afford it," "You're too busy," "It's not the right time." It's a deceptive voice that holds us back.

But in reality, playing it safe is the epitome of insecurity. It stems from past insecurities and experiences that have convinced us we can't succeed. This form of insecurity lurks within us, dictating our choices and preventing us from taking positive calculated risks.

Furthermore, choosing to play it safe comes at a profound cost. It affects our health, income potential, spiritual growth, and mental well-being. Our doubts and worries directly impact our physical health and overall frequency. Additionally, it indirectly influences our family, creating a ripple effect on their lives and choices. Plus our Ancestor lineage.

The harsh truth is that we're either growing or dying, just like the plants and animals in the natural world. There's no middle ground. Avoiding positive calculated risks leads to stagnation and a life half-lived.

But what if we could break through this barrier of Fear? What if we could confront our fears, embrace change, and learn from our past pains and failures? It's a choice between one uncomfortable moment of taking a leap, healing, and growing or a lifetime of daily discomfort, doubts, and regrets.

Ultimately, the only thing we should fear is the idea of dying without healing, without realizing our full potential, and without addressing the unresolved issues we carry. This fear is far more significant than the fear of change, the fear of uncertainty, or the fear of timing. It's the fear of leaving this world with untapped potential and passing on our unresolved burdens to future generations.

In conclusion, we must prioritize our personal growth, confront our fears, and break through the terror barrier. Playing it safe may seem secure, but it's a path to stagnation and regret. By taking positive calculated risks, learning from our past, and embracing change, we can unlock our true potential and lead a more fulfilling life.

Remember, it's the fear of not living up to our calling and leaving unresolved issues that we should truly fear.

Embrace who you really are. Fear is just an illusion.

Heart > Mind

- Scott

#lawofattracton #fear #mindset #manifestation #scotthaug

Monika Leinwather

1:1 VIP-Mentoring | Bewusste Lebensmeisterschaft | Human Design | Pers?nlichkeits- und Bewusstseinsentwicklung | authentisches Wunschleben | neues Bewusstsein leben | Online-Gruppen-Kurs für Frauen | Mut zu Authentizit?t

1 年

Wer k?nnte besser, als ein Reflektor, derartige Einsichten teilen. Als Spiegel der Gesellschaft finde ich es wichtig, die Aspekte der Gesellschaft wieder zurückzuspiegeln. Damit sich die Menschen in ihrem Selbst (wieder) erkennen k?nnen. Danke für diesen Beitrag.



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