Read this tip if you hate Email ping-pong

Read this tip if you hate Email ping-pong

One thing we all need less of is meetings. Another one is friction. Today I’ll share my favourite tip for reducing friction and, as a result, having a better time at work.

Has anyone ever sent you a message on slack that just said “hello”? Nothing else. Just hello.

It’s an unnecessary interruption and you either ignore it (hard!) or YOU ask them what they want. What a waste of time.

You can avoid these situations by using the OHIO method.

OHIO stands for Only Handle It Once.

Have a request? Write the whole thing in one message and avoid the dreaded back and forth of messages and notifications.

Need to arrange a meeting? Agree a time on the spot AND send the invite to those who need to be there, including the agenda and any prep work. All. In. One. Go.

Speaking of meetings, here’s another example:

I once worked with a vendor who provided a service to me and I had some feedback. I suggested we jump on a call. Here’s how the emails unfolded:

Me: (feedback blabla), it’s easiest if we jump on a call.

I can do (time) and (date)

Them: ok yes let’s do this on a call. Can you do (other time and date?)

Me: yes that time works for me [at this point I assumed they would send an invite, given I’m the client and they’re looking for my feedback]

Them: ok great! Video call?

Me: yes please! [Still expecting the invite]

Them: ok speak to you then! [No invite sent]

What the heck? This could have been sorted after my initial email. Easy:

  • I offer a time
  • If they can do that time, send an invite
  • If they can’t, send an alternative invite and suggest I can propose a new date.?

So much back and forth and I still didn’t have an invite.?

I cannot begin to imagine how many millions of hours get wasted in the corporate world every year because of stuff like this.

For your sanity, try the OHIO method. Especially if you’re about to return to work after a summer break and you want those first weeks to not suck.

Make it a new habit to handle things only once and encourage others to do the same. Your brain will thank you and you’ll end up with free time to get actual work done. Massive win!!

Have a great week!


P.S.: Let me help you create more awesome moments in your work day. If you want help with developing stronger communication skills as a data professional, career coaching could be just what you need! Send me a DM and I’ll send you an invite for a discovery call (I promise you’ll get all the details in a single email!).


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