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Soul Anchorage - NLP & Hypnosis Experts
Experience life with passion, purpose and integrity. It's time to anchor your soul and be an anchor for others.
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I was invited to tell my story recently to around 100 people...this had always been somewhat of a challenge for me. Which parts do I leave out, which parts do I share.
I shared how I was terrified of the world for most of my life. That my desire to fulfil my needs played out in numerous negative ways.
Self-sabotage, self-harm, finding the wrong relationships over and over again, living the dreams that others had for me, rather than any that I had for myself.
Being the good girl, following the rules. Achieving success outwardly and dying inside. Even after I realised, I was doing it to myself.
I was a single mum of 4, working more than a full-time job in senior management in the community services sector, whilst operating a company that ran a medical centre in regional NSW.
I was thriving in my career and business. Every year I won awards and commendations; my staff loved me. Our partner organisations respected and trusted me. I meant something.
My family was in chaos, I was never present, and if I was physically, I was working remotely.
I had a child in and out of the juvenile justice system for assaults against me, he had a multitude of mental health diagnoses.
It came to a head when open of my children told me, "You love your job more than you love us."
It wasn't a question; it was a statement.
It rocked my world. How had I allowed things to get so out of whack?
Needless to say, I burnt out. I broke.
How low could I go?
I lost my job.
My relationship ended.
My ex-husband and best friend chose to cease treatment for kidney failure.
Even my beloved dog had to be put down.
I withdraw from the world of work. I had enough to take a few months out and reassess my life.
I did an inventory, of all I had dreamed to be, and compared that to what I had become. There were some similarities and many incongruencies.
I began to categorise all that was "Me", "Not Me" and "Don't Care" to discover what really mattered to me.
I returned to my inner journey of healing and revisited what had worked for me in the past and found my future.
Within 18 months of shifting my focus and getting clear on what I wanted, I completely transformed my life, retrained as an internationally accredited Trainer of NLP, Time Line Therapy?, Hypnosis, and NLP Coaching, found my purpose in helping others, and gained the courage to follow my passion for making a positive impact on the world.
Since that time, I’ve helped hundreds of people through my work in what has become one of the fastest-growing industries on the planet.
In today’s climate, more and more people are struggling with fear, stress, anxiety, and a lack of confidence in themselves to make a change.
I lost many people along the way, and I re-found others. I found myself surrounded by like-minded others, those who I found understood and accepted me, and stopped battling to fit in.
It wasn't always easy, there were times I wanted to give up, many times, many times I thought I would drown.
And how through perseverance, commitment, and stripping away the crosses that were not mine to bare, I found myself, I found my purpose, I found my path.
Honestly, I barely recognise myself today.
I would never have dreamed of having all that I do, being as happy as I am, being as courageous, strong, determined, resourceful...whole.
At the end of the last training I assisted on we were asked, "What did you get out of the training?"
I said, "The realisation that I am really good at this, in fact, I am f#*king GREAT at this!”
I then went on to say to the team, “I want to thank each and every one of you for projecting my magnificence at me so I could step into it."
In today’s climate, more and more people are struggling with fear, stress, anxiety, and lack of confidence in themselves to make a change.
What I also know is more and more people are waking up.
Waking up to the fact they have a choice.
Waking up to the fact there is a better way to live their life.
Waking up to the realisation that not everything they’ve been conditioned to believe is true.
The time to set your sights is now.
Allow yourself to dream big.
Be the change you want to see in the world.