Read the Sign but Use Caution
Ralph Kison
Equiping and supporting individuals and organizations through leadership development, coaching, mentoring, and advisory services.
I once came across this sign during a walk. I pondered how to interpret it? Does it only apply when the water is frozen, or do I need “walk on water” shoes? Perhaps the water has risen to cover the sidewalk, or is there a vital piece of information missing? If I took a photo of this sign now, there would be a wooden deck connecting the posts where swimmers launch into the water and the words of caution make perfect sense.
What about your instructions? Are they always complete and easy to follow, or is vital information or the supporting structure missing?
We are all guilty, at times, of?moving?too fast or focusing on the next task at hand that we often don’t close the loop and include all the necessary information.
Rather than have your employees, customers or family try to find the missing information, do a quick mental check of what is required to act or complete the task without leaving them guessing or hoping they understand what to do. We are all more effective and?successful?when the requirements and expectations are clearly defined.
"Appearance blinds, whereas words reveal."
~ Oscar Wilde