Who has had their fill of social media taglines such as "You can't miss this" or "This will kill you if you don't watch it now", or "This will change the world"? Social Media is filled with this drivel. And it must be a somewhat effective marketing strategy as it just keeps on comin'.
Most businesses spend countless hours obsessing about the best marketing options. We try to find effective marketing messaging without coming across as sensational or as opportunistic. We have products or services that we know could be of value to certain customers, and just want them to take note and give us the once over.
Email marketing; social Media marketing; traditional advertising strategies. What's right - and what's wrong? Choose damn it!
The majority of us do not use over-the-top assertions to get someone to click to our webpage or call today. As a rule, we think this deceptive strategy actually makes it harder for an honest campaign to get traction.
Occasionally every business person will overstate their positions or products. In general, most business people are honest and want what's best for their customers. Afterall, the best customers are the happy customers. Most strive for solid, honest, and long term relationships with customers.
The trick is to work cooperatively with customers to solve problems without exaggeration. The majority of customers understand complex problems involve complex solutions, and that even the best solutions occasionally have hiccups.
The Supply Chain Industry is a perfect example of complexities. Not just the daily effort that comes with the industry, but the provision of products or services that meet or exceed expectations can be a daunting set of tasks. It is best to understate and over-deliver, rather than overstate and under-deliver on your offerings. However, understating can lead to losing the deal in the first place. The struggle!
Our entire Supply Chain and Logistics Industry relies on truth telling and performance. It's best to be honest with potential customers upfront and to establish long term relationships. It's best to set realistic expectations. There is no one perfect product. There is no one perfect service. We will work hard to get the customer as close to the perfect solution as we are able.
So be honest. It's the best strategy long term. No hype - just reality.
"Buy these products - they will slow your aging process."