Read Offshore Network's Decommissioning & Abandonment Report for the Gulf of Mexico
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Don't miss out on Offshore Network Ltd. in depth Decommissioning & Abandonment Report for the Gulf of Mexico. Get it now!
Topics covered include the current market dynamics, geo-political trends, regulatory updates and the current boomerang bankruptcy fallout which is affecting logistics within the Gulf of Mexico
Gain access to the most recent updates concerning:
- Boomerang Assets: Understand how operator bankruptcies are sending shockwaves throughout the Gulf of Mexico & understand the in-house or third party options to help liable parties keep up to date with their obligations
- Enforcement: Review the stringent regulations in place from the likes of BSEE to ensure your project is in line with current rules & regulations
- Oil Price: Analyze how the current oil price is influencing decommissioning activity to best prepare your business for the inevitable uptick in abandonment activity
- GOM Logistics: Identify the specific services and technologies needed in the Gulf of Mexico to meet the advanced demand for Gulf of Mexico decommissioning & abandonment work
This report is available to all of the decommissioning & abandonment community. If you have any questions or feedback, contact Joseph Watson today.