Read the Map.
The pattern that is your life is a road map for greater success, joy and fulfillment. The challenge is that most of us are so busy in the "doing," that we seldom stop to read the map, much less remember where it is that we are going.?
If you wish to expedite your path to success, take some time to examine your personal history.? Notice the connection that each "chapter" of your life provides as a bridge to your next experience. In retrospect, you will begin to see signs of messages that seemed to be in place long before your comprehension of the value of the experience.
Is it possible that we really do have a purpose and a calling (or several) in this world? Is it possible that the universe rises up to provide us with answers to questions that we hold deep in our psyche? Is there such a thing as coincidence? Are you willing to entertain the possibilities?
Today, live your life as if everything that is happening, has happened and will happen has a Divine purpose that is directly in response to your greatest desires. Pay attention to every circumstance and memory as if you are assembling a complex puzzle for a large cash prize. Does this change the shape of your day?
Success or sabotage??What if you lived your life as if every person, place and thing was conspiring to see that you succeeded?
Is this going to be an incredible day? If you can see the possibility, the reality will soon follow suit.