Read the invisible labels..
A car was moving ahead like a turtle & not giving me way inspite of my continuous honking! I was on the threshold of losing my patience when I noticed a small sticker on the car's rear.. "Physically challenged; request to be patient.."
And that changed everything !! I immediately cooled down. In fact, I became protective about the car and the car driver !!! Though I was late for my work, I was Ok after some time.
And then it struck me. Would I have been patient if there was no sticker? Why do we need stickers to be patient with the people? Do we expect to be patient with the people, if people had posted some labels on their foreheads that mentioned, "Jobless since XXXX", "Fighting Cancer", "Totally depressed", "Financially broken", "Going through divorce", "Just lost my dad", "suffered an emotional abuse", "Had a strong argument with my single parent.." and many more such labels..
Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about. The least we can do is to be patient & kind to all and respect the invisible labels..