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#The concept of vacuum to the negative concept # If there is something called matter in the world, all the vacuum in the world is just a decimal number. That is, the vacuum reaches this material and this material fills a part of it and a relative vacuum is produced, which means that the material is present everywhere in the vacuum, but it does not reach zero, so in the space between our planets and stars with a decimal We are of the opinion that the more they are separated from each other, this does not become zero, but as they move away from each other, from a certain point onwards, this decimal becomes smaller, like a mass of low pressure, but in the condition that they are closer than a certain amount, the separation of gravity Planets are also applied like vacuum in order to divide two bodies into decimal form .. So these have filled the decimal. The air does not expand from the zero point because it is not possible to be negative. If you fall below zero, you will swallow your door and wall into yourself and you will fill the zero and you will still be greater than zero. Dimensions must be sacrificed below zero: station and position first. He sacrifices himself, and then the rows and columns collapse, and the identity collapses, and then time stops, that is, the origin of the coordinates looks for the ceiling and leaves the floor, saying that he will call before it breaks up, but it is too late.