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Willie T Cobb
Chairman/CEO of GOD'S HOUSE: Rehabilitation Center for the Homeless, Inc.
About this Book
Before Jesus ascended back into heaven he told his disciples that ALL POWER IS GIVEN UNTO ME IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH. If Jesus is your Lord and Savior and you are a warrior for God then Jesus resides inside of you which mean that you have ALL POWER!!! Not just a little bit or some of it…but you got ALL POWER!!! Now take all that power and tell the devil to his face “TAKE A HIKE DEVIL, YOU ARE TRESPASSING ON GOD’S PROPERTY!!! My question to you is when are you going to come out of your shell and do what it is that God is requiring of you?When are you going to stop saying the negative and start doing the positive? It’s time to stop saying that you don’t know if you have it in you. YES YOU DO! You can do anything and I mean anything through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. When are you going to let go of the reins of your life and truly Let Go and Let God? Since the first time, when was the last time you looked into the mirror and seen the Spirit of God resting upon you? These and many other questioned that have been clouding your mind is about to be answered in these 7 dynamic studies on Christian living. If you are ready to go to the next level in God and have been wondering what has been holding you back…READ THIS BOOK. Keep missing your blessings and can’t get a breakthrough even if you had a sledgehammer in your hand…READ THIS BOOK. If you are ready to kick the stumbling blocks out of your life and be the Christian you know you can be…READ THIS BOOK. The text in this book is given to help the children of God get pass the stumbling blocks that hinder Christian living. For many nights I have sat back listening to my collection of praise and worship music and out of nowhere the Holy Spirit would whisper in my ear many of the mysteries of heaven that only we, God’s children have privy to. My hope is that after reading this book you will have a clearer understanding of what it truly means to be a Christian and how to apply it to your life. Not just to speak it but to also live it. The answers are no real mystery. Well, at least not to the Children of God. Jesus told us all we needed to know to get started and entrusted the Holy Spirit; the Spirit of Truth to teach us the rest and keep us on the straight and narrow. So grab your bibles and get ready for a spiritual awakening that will have you thanking God for just being God.
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