We have been bemoaning the condition of our society for several years now. We have moved away from morals and values and celebrate immorality and sin. School libraries in many districts have books that go into graphic detail about sex. There was a time when children were able to be children and did not have to be exposed to adult things that they were not mentally and emotionally able handle. Now we wonder why so many young people suffer through mental health conditions.
?Politically, our country is so divided that it drives wedges between families and friends. Really, it’s no wonder. Just watch a Presidential debate; people who desire to be elected to the highest office in our country stand on a stage and act in such a way that we would punish our children for. They act childish and like spoiled brats calling one another names and interrupting others while they are speaking. When political leaders act like this, why would we expect those who follow them to act any differently?
We just need to stop complaining about society and start acting. We begin by reading the Bible. God created life and has given us the manual for how it should be lived. God’s children need to stand for what is moral and right and stand against immorality and other sinful actions. Allowing just a little sin is not acceptable, Sin grows and grows until it takes over. If you are from the south, you are very familiar with kudzu. It is a vine that grows and takes over everything near it and chokes out other plants. It grows up walls, telephone poles, trees, and anything else it can latch onto. That is a great illustration of how sin works.
It baffles me as to why people have the answers to their problems right in front of them yet refuse to use it. I know it is going to challenge the lifestyle of some people and change is hard. Everybody has a choice. People can fight the losing battle and ignore God’s way and be a slave to sin, or they can submit to God and live a life of freedom in Christ. When people choose the latter, lives are transformed, and society will change.
So, do you want to change the world? Read the book, God’s book. It will give you the answers to living a better life and having a better world!
Read II Timothy 3:16, 17