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Intensive vs Extensive Reading/Learning

Going through piles of heavy textbooks and other supplemental readings - often from cover to cover - was the necessary "evil" to help me get the most out of the chemical engineering classes in college. I got pretty fatigued with extensive reading by the time I graduated. I became very selective of the books I pick up and more skeptical of book recommendations that came my way. I resorted to consuming most information through every other medium besides books. I found myself learning a new trade after college, picking up wide variety of new knowledge, as well as having many new thoughts and ideas inspired by mostly small pieces of information from many places. This had served me well as a young professional.

Fast forward to recent months, during the occasional self-reflections, I noticed that I have been feeling a learning "plateau". I continue to excel in my profession and contribute to my team, but my inner self is craving and hungry to learn more. Today, I'm on my third book for this month and I'm enjoying it! With the many thoughts that these good books are kindling in my mind, I thought what better way to keep them going by sharing it with others!

One Percent Better Everyday

Atomic Habits is the title of a book came recommended by a recent acquaintance turned mentor and one percent better everyday is the opening theme. Here's a quote from my current reading:

Improving by 1 percent isn't particularly notable - sometimes it isn't even noticeable - but it can be far more meaningful, especially in the long run - James Clear

I get it, it makes sense. But it REALLY drives home to my engineering trained mind when I see the math. Over the course of a year:

  • 1% better every day or 1.01^365 equals 3778% from where you started!

In finance world, that's the effect of compounding interest making your money work. In my manufacturing world, that's the kaizen culture of continuous improvement. But what about our own habits?

Food for thoughts, the other side of the same coin:

  • 1% worse every day or 0.99^365 equals 3%

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