Charlie Steve Davis
Flight Hardware Technician at Watring Technologies Inc. With Secret Clearance. Any Views or Comments Expressed Are Solely Mine and Not My Employers.
To my friends out there who seem to be confused about all the rioting, the anarchy, and the juvenile behavior on display yesterday, can I clarify what this is about? I was a young man in the single digits of life when I was introduced to the six-o’clock news with Walter Cronkite. Even at a young age, I had to ask myself why the media rarely showed news about UNITY and people doing great things in the community. Why?
Why were we force fed shootings? Why were we subjected to random acts of violence instead of random acts of kindness? Why were we given a protest that led to death at Kent State University? Why were we shown the endless array of stoned carcasses at Woodstock and the “Peaceniks” and “Hippies”? The cowards too afraid to go off to war but not unafraid to throw urine, feces, bottles, or anything else they could get their grimy hands on at our troops returning home to their families for a few days of rest.
“Make Love, Not War!” This became their slimy “battle cry” that they and the media shoved into our faces and down our throats each night. And there I was in small town Tennessee watching in my young formative days wondering what kind of nation would not only tolerate but exalt this kind of ANARCHY! As the “news” channel came back from commercial break, there sat an older gentleman in a nice suit telling you what you needed to own as your belief.
Did you in your later years of life accept it and then shake your head and turn to me and my peers and say, “what can we do, America sure is in trouble!” Did you actually accept this garbage as truth and not even ever stop to reason through it? While Mr. Cronkite and others showed the dead and wounded bodies being carried by our brave men; dodging bullets, through the rice paddies of Vietnam, did you ask why our leaders were not equipping our soldiers to win and why we had politicians who were lying about how our troops treated the innocent people of Vietnam?
Did you pray for America when anarchy flooded the streets? Did you write an article in the “Letter to the Editor” of your local paper questioning why our brave men returning home from a war zone were cursed at, spit upon, and lied about in every arena of our great nation? You see folks; the same media which glorified and helped perpetuate the anarchy, the riots, the cowardice, and fomenting hatred that was targeted at everything wholesome, righteous, honorable, and great in this nation and abroad was and is the same media today that refuses to report the real news.
They; (the media), instead wait to see how many na?ve people will actually tune in at six o’clock and if they are fortunate ten o’clock so they can give you your opinion and shape your belief system through their propaganda. Just like Pavlov’s Dog, they expect us to salivate when they feed us their garbage laden snacks through misguided sound bites. Will you continue to support the very media that is feeding you lies each night?
Read a book. There is the Holy Bible that has sat on a shelf six days after Sunday. Life is way too short to listen to the very sounds that create your anxiety. You can instead be courageous enough to turn the “noise box” off and immerse yourself in the very TRUTH that never changes and has the POWER to change your soul! READ A BOOK INSTEAD.