Read This Before Hiring A Social Media Agency

Read This Before Hiring A Social Media Agency

If your coaching business isn’t growing, you’re probably focusing on the wrong things. Most likely, you’re focusing on projects instead of problems. Let’s explore why this matters.

The Trap of Easy Wins?

Many coaches, especially those new to the business, fall into the trap of doing things that feel like progress. Building a fancy website, hiring a social media agency—these feel good. They give a sense of accomplishment. But let's be honest: they’re fear in fancy dress. These projects are often a distraction from the real work that will drive your business forward. They slow you down.

The Jet Ski vs. the Oil Tanker

In the early stages of your business, you want to be agile, like a jet ski, not slow and cumbersome like an oil tanker. A website is an oil tanker. Every time you make a change to your niche or messaging, you have to update it, which takes time. I’ve been there. It feels productive, but it’s not moving your business forward..

Focus on What Matters?

So, what should you focus on? There are two key areas: non-negotiables and problems.

1. Non-Negotiables?

There are four non-negotiables, or as I call them, the Four C's:

1. Cultivate??Cultivate your magnetism and creative force. For me this is daily exercise, time in nature, being bored dance, sakting, and breathwork. It all starts here.

2. Coaching The best way to build a sustainable coaching business is by delivering outstanding results for your clients. This creates raving fans who stick around, refer others, and share testimonials.

3. Create Click here for my exact content cadence. ?

4. Conversations 95% of your business problems can be solved by speaking to your customers. Speak. To. Them. Every. Day.

These non-negotiables should be part of your daily routine. They are essential.

2. Addressing Problems

Many coaches focus on projects like launching a podcast or creating a website because they see others doing it. But they often don’t know why they’re doing these things.?

Here’s how to think instead…

First, understand what season you’re in. If you’re early in your coaching journey, you’re in a season of testing and learning. You need to be agile. Websites slow you down and you don’t know your market well enough yet for an agency. All your focus should be on testing, trying stuff and failing fast.

1. Know Your Season

First, understand what season you’re in. If you’re early in your coaching journey, you’re in a season of testing and learning. You need to be agile. Websites slow you down and you don’t know your market well enough yet for an agency. All your focus should be on testing, trying stuff and failing fast.

2. Begin with the End in Mind

Successful people know what they want. Your vision and goals should inform everything you do. Spend time visualizing, journaling, and thinking about your goals. Every 12 weeks, reconnect to your values, vision, and get clear on your new 1-year and 12-week year goals. This will guide your next steps.

3. Identify the Biggest Bottleneck

Identify the biggest bottleneck in achieving your goals. Business is about solving the biggest bottleneck, then moving on to the next. Rank your five core functions: lead generation, lead nurture, conversion, delivery, and retention. Focus on the lowest score highest up the user journey first.?

4. Brainstorm Solutions

Brainstorm all the options to solve your biggest bottleneck. Score each on my ICEA framework: Impact, Cost, Effort, and Alignment. Focus on the best option and work on it until it’s done.

The Simple Path to Growth

Business is simple. Focus on non-negotiables and problems. The Four C's: Cultivate, Coach, Create, and Conversations. Then, know what season you’re in, where you’re headed, find the biggest bottleneck, brainstorm solutions, and focus on one thing at a time.


It’s why coaches inside the ECC consistently get results. Because business finally feels easeful and fun.?

Doors are currently closed to The Elevated Coaching Collective.?

But in the meantime you should consider joining my free community - The Fully Booked Coach. There’s a course in there called Becoming Magnetic. One member created $40,000 from just that one course.

Also on the 27th and 28th of June I’m running a 2-day live workshop called 6-Figure Profit Pathway - it will be the exact map you need to follow to get to 6-figures in profit. And it’s free to anyone in that community.?

> Click here to join <

I love you all and speak next week!

Best, Joel

P.s. whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can support you in mastering the art of coaching and the game of business…

1. Join My Free Community The Fully Booked Coach —when you join, you get over $1,600 of value for free—including monthly coaching calls with me, a 6-video course on becoming magnetic, a free Velocity Session with me, and more!

2. Sign up to my YouTube —I just shot training on How I Turned A $25 Coaching Client To A $45,000 Client , How I Create $5k Coaching Clients Everywhere I Go (Without Even Trying To) 11 Ways To Get Your Next Client On Social Media This Week , 7 Ways To Coach More Powerfully , and The Fastest Way to $10k Months .?

3. Join My Waitlist—I’m soon going to be opening a few 1-2-1 spots to work with me. This will include coaching, consultancy and mentorship—see it as a complete immersion. And if you’d like to be the first to know, just reply to this email.


I am a Professional Digital Marketer ?? Specializing in YouTube SEO & Optimization, Facebook Ads, Shopify Drop Shipping, Podcast Marketing, Website SEO and Organic Growth Strategies!!??

5 个月

Great insight! Focusing on solving real problems is key. Excited to read your article and learn about the two crucial aspects to prioritize! ???? Joel Burgess

Laura Allen

Fall in love with your business again! I make it easy for you to maintain/grow your business, enjoy it more & avoid burning out. DISCLAIMER: There’s a high chance you will regain some time to enjoy life more too??

5 个月

ahhh but flashy projects always look so fun ??



