Read article to know the decision given by Indian Supreme Court in favor of UAE Government.

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The Indian Supreme Court turned down a man's request on Monday for the creation of rules to ensure the safety of Indians traveling abroad after he had previously been detained "illegally" in the UAE due to a misidentification as stated by him without evidence.

On October 11 of last year, Kumar was held in unauthorized detention for nearly four days at the Abu Dhabi airport after a face recognition program allegedly identified him as a "wanted criminal.".

"How can we request that the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) draft the standard operating procedures (SOP)? We have Indian embassies for such purposes," a spokesperson asked. The law of a particular nation will govern a person, the bench declared.

"We are unable to give the MEA instructions on how to draft regulations. Numerous Indians leave the country. We stated at the outset that you had difficulties. The CJI asked, "Can we ask the MEA to rule that someone cannot be detained abroad.

An SOP will not be useful if someone is being held unlawfully, the bench ruled, and they can instead request consular access. It stated, "What you are seeking is not permitted by law.".

Kumar, who was detained in Abu Dhabi while traveling to Europe, had added the MEA, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), and the UAE Embassy here as parties.



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