Read Archie and Malcolm's organ donation story
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
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Guy’s and St Thomas’ is one of the UK’s leading transplant centres, performing hundreds of transplants each year.?
In 2021-22 our specialist teams undertook nearly 300 heart, lung, kidney and pancreas transplants across Harefield Hospital, Guy’s Hospital and Evelina London Children’s Hospital.
Donating an organ or tissue can be life-changing for the recipients.?
This Organ Donation Week dad Malcolm George and son Archie shared their story of living kidney donation and how it has transformed Archie’s life as his transplanted kidney is still going strong nearly two decades later.
Archie describes the ultimate present from his dad as “amazing” and the pair from Hordle in Hampshire reflect on how this has been a positive experience for them to encourage others to consider organ donation.
Archie was born with kidney issues and from when he was just six months old he received dialysis at home six days a week while transplant options were considered.
Dad Malcolm, 48, was found to be the best match. After a lot of preparations – including working out how to fit Malcolm’s large adult kidney into a small child – the donation and transplant took place at Guy’s Hospital.
Malcolm said: “I had a mix of nerves and excitement about the transplant. It was something I just had to do – he was my son.
“Archie did well from soon after the transplant – he had all the nurses wrapped around his little finger. There have been some hiccups along the way but his kidney is still doing well.”
Archie, 20, said: “I was too young to remember the transplant. Dad’s kidney is all I’ve known. I’ve grown up with it and it’s still working well.
“It feels amazing to think dad did this for me. There’s not a lot I can do to thank him for this, apart from make sure to look after the kidney, which I do.”
Archie and Malcolm both enjoy surfing and fishing. It’s Archie’s dream to have his own fishery – with his dad. Also a keen traveller, Archie is planning trips, including one to Amsterdam at the end of the year.
This organ donation week, Malcolm encourages everyone to consider donating an organ.
He said: “Go for it. We had no complications. To give something like that, especially if it is to the one you love, it’s absolutely amazing.
“The more people who can give, the better the world will be.”
Find out more about organ donation:?