Read Anything Faster with Higher Comprehension

Read Anything Faster with Higher Comprehension

The Boardroom Education is here to help you save time, boost memory and performance, and enhance communication skills - including making the most of every networking opportunity.

I've heard it said (by Simon Rigby - Action Coach) that a business book acted upon is worth £40,000. We laughed about this on his excellent recent taster session for Action Coach when he shared how he'd said to his family members, "I'm going to give you £40,000!" That got their attention! Then he gave each one a key business book! I would have loved to have seen their faces, wouldn't you?

What if we, at The Boardroom Education, could get you access to such wealth in less time?... oh, and with more fun?

The speed reading technique we teach delivers instant results and requires no practice! So, after a little tale about how I came to live in Dorset (it's relevant to speed reading, I promise), I'll share the key techniques... yes, that's right, I'm going to give them away here.

Lex Moves to Poole on Purpose

Way back in 1999, I moved from High Wycombe, Bucks to Lulworth Cove, in Dorset to work as a Master Trainer with Buzan Centres. Tony Buzan is one of the most well-known names associated with learning in a brain-friendly manner. Buzan Centres trained teachers and trainers, and were based in Poole - under the direction of the amazing Vanda North. This was one of the most positive moves of my life - leading to years of happily teaching speed reading, memory skills, and the amazing mind mapping technique that Tony invented.

I particularly enjoyed training teachers to pass on these skills to their own students. Speed Reading is one of those programmes that 'just works' if you trust and use the process.

Much of my work was also with Civil Servants - who, like Barristers, Lawyers, and Solicitors - have a vast amount of printed material to process. Perhaps the best aspect of all these programmes, however, was the consistent feedback I received:

"I never knew Speed Reading could be so entertaining and interesting!"

It was as if people expected learning about Speed Reading to be difficult or even boring. On reflection, perhaps this is because many people find reading hard work. So, here's the really good news: Speed Reading is easy and leads to great pleasure from the technique. Are you ready to Read for Pleasure? (I think that's Readers' Digest!)

The Boardroom Education and The Boardroom Network

Whilst moving to Dorset was undoubtedly one of the best choices I ever made, 'finding' The Boardroom Network, has been even better. How so?

Well, training up to now has been a very pleasant yet fragmented experience for me. I've travelled up and down the country and actually Internationally (teaching Touch-Typing in Houston, Trinidad, and in Alaska was a definite high point!) The missing piece was working consistently with one group. The peer group support that we have at The Boardroom Network offers us the opportunity to learn far more effectively, and to become way better at turning our good intentions into great habits! Networking can bring a consistency that is denied to people attending a one-off event.

I feel I have found my 'Tribe' and now, with The Boardroom Education, we have the opportunity to build our own Learning Organisation. As a foretaste of that, let's see how easy it is to learn to speed read from this one article!

Why Learn to Speed Read Now?

We all have 168 hours a week to invest in this marvellous experience called, "Life"! Being in business is about return on investment - and that's not just money - it's time too. Speed Reading gives you more time back whilst also improving the way you comprehend and keep new learning. I trust Simon Rigby's assertion too, so we are looking at £40,000 potential income from each business book we master.

Every moment that passes where you and I are not benefiting from this easy technique is a loss of return on investment. ALL the major productivity gurus cite reading as a core foundation to their success. Let's get it started!

So let's learn how to read faster  with higher comprehension.

What Sesame Street and Advertising Cameras Have Taught Us

Did you know that the TV Show that revolutionised Children's Education - Sesame Street - was nearly a failure? The show was carefully researched before the Pilot episode was produced. Educational Psychologists advising the script writers were resolute on one point: mixing people with puppets would not work - it would only confuse the children. 

The pilot episode was prepared and then amazing technology was used to monitor the children who were the test audience.

This technology is eye-tracking cameras. These cameras are able to 'track' where an audience is looking on a screen - TV or computer. This is vital for advertising campaigns, and very powerful when it comes to developing educational materials.

The results were nearly a disaster for Sesame Street. Every time a puppet came on screen - the children were rivetted - giving that segment of the show their full attention. When the humans came on screen, the children soon lost interest!

What saved Sesame Street? Mixing the humans with the puppets! Doing the opposite to what the psychologists suggested! In this way, the children stayed engaged and the educational content could be delivered emotively and succinctly.

This same technology has been used to prove how people's eyes move when they read...

...and it's not how you think! Most people think we read a bit like a typewriter. Smooth, straight lines, with a neat carriage return to get to the next line's content.

On the 'live' workshop, you will be able to see the truth for yourself, but let me give the spoiler alert here, because I'm about to share that truth with you!

Your eyes take tiny photographs of the page (called a 'fixation') and then jump to the next photograph (the jump being called a 'saccade'). Without controlled technique, the truth is that our eyes jump forwards, backwards, skip lines, and even go off the page! It's a bit like trying to decipher someone's phone call when they've got intermittent signal.

You can just imagine how confusing this is for the brain, and therefore why so many people find reading such hard work - it is hard work!

The Quick and Easy Solution

The quick and easy solution is to take control of the flow of fixations and saccades so that the data stream coming into the optic nerve is smooth, accurate, and flowing. Not only does this help us read faster, it helps us read more accurately. Reading more accurately increases engagement, concentration, and comprehension.

Can you see how this just keeps getting better and better?

All we need to do is turn our finger and eye into an optical scanner! When you first learned to read, you put your finger on the page so that you could keep your place. Back in the days when we still used printed telephone books, we still had to use this technique to follow the information from the person's name through to their telephone number. With so much similar data on the page, this 'tracking' technique was essential to avoid confusion.

Thus, it's back to basics with a little bit of added panache: your eye needs a guide to read smoothly, accurately, and quickly.

Of course, there are posher ways to do this than using our finger. On the 'live' programme, we give away lacquered Japanese chopsticks. Their fine point and strong distinctive colour make them ideal as a reading guide - a bit like a Conductor's Baton pointing out the learning.

The trick is to run the chopstick (or your finger if you're caught out without your chopstick!) under the line you wish to assimilate at the fastest possible speed and with the highest accuracy.

And, as promised, it gets better. You can use your visual guide as a metronome - setting the pace. With a bit of calibration, you'll soon discover how fast you can move the chopstick whilst 'knowing' that you've taken in and understood ...every... ...single... ...word...

What About Skim-Reading?

Skim-reading comes later, if you need it. The technique I've shared with you is used by top editors, proof-readers, and legal experts where accuracy is essential. You can have the confidence that you have read every single word and that you have processed this thoroughly in your brain. 

This technique not only builds competence, it also boosts confidence. 

And, yes, it works particularly well for those with dyslexia. In fact, my favourite testimonials have to do with dyslexics who have broken through into the joy of reading.

Want More?

If that sounds too easy, let me hint at a few further refinements:

  • Holding the book at arm's length so that you get more words per 'fixation' - this boosts your WPM (your Words Per Minute) score
  • Always reading on purpose so that you deep process the information to fit your outcome - this really boost comprehension and engagement
  • Use highly focused natural light to help the fovea get the best impression to send up the Optic Nerve to your Marvellous Mind!
  • Clearing your working memory of all distractions before you start so that all your mental processing power is available to data grab fast and furiously
  • Use instrumental music to help the brain get into the ideal state for assimilation and for setting the pace
  • Use memory techniques like mind mapping to lock down the learning as soon as you've got it.

Tony Buzan's book, "Speed Reading," is an excellent introduction to this set of techniques, but there's an even better way...

How would you like to attend a 3 hour Speed Reading practical session at Hotel du Vin in Poole?

By the end of the three hours you'd be reading faster with higher comprehension - in a way I can prove (yes, we measure it!)

What's more, you'd also have a free Japanese chopstick with which to wield your new Speed Reading magic!

When I deliver this programme in the Civil Service, the cost per participant is £275 ex vat. How about if we ran a taster for 15 people and moved the decimal place? No, not that way to £2750 but the other way to £27.50? This bargain is only for members of The Boardroom Network or The Boardroom Education (and there's nothing stopping you joining up.) If you aren't interest in the benefits of being a member, you can still enjoy this taster session for £97.

Would that be amazing or would that be really amazing?

If you want to get on the list, message Lex on 0 777 8 221 222 or email [email protected]

Come and experience the magic for yourself... oh, and bring a friend so they can benefit too! Then you'll have two Japanese chopsticks and can go for a takeaway!


btw - we have a Speed Reading group on Facebook!

Do join!


Simon Rigby

Founder, business mentor

6 年

What a great article! A must read!


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