Read. Aloud!
Ashish Bansal
Entrepreneur, Premium Printing Exports (Books and Stationery), Chartered Accountant, Premium Quality Medico Aesthetic Technologies, Husband, Father
Reading fiction or non-fiction, best seller or a new author, accomplished entrepreneur or a child’s scribble helps broaden our understanding of the world and helps us through sticky situation. Reading fine-tunes the brain as well as helps in better thinking psychologically and cognitively.
The most important trait that most parents want in their child is intelligence, we want them to confident, bright, smart children and that is why we send our kids to schools which can provide all rounded development with excellent teaching and understanding faculty.
Is that enough, can we boost that, if yes, how. The answer lies in the traditional form of learning, gathering information, knowledge, reasoning, understanding, logic, communication, intuitive acknowledgements and more. All this can be simply done by making books an integral part of our lives.
Reading is a good thing, no, it’s a great thing. Research has proven the advantages and merits of reading whether it is to yourself or to a to-be born baby or a grown up or differently abled.
Some of the major benefits of reading are:-
Reading to self helps one understand not only oneself but others as well as does reading to others. A develop a positive understanding, basis of analysis, accept and reason with logic, better communicate and respect the people and our surroundings.
Reading nurtures helps create improves bonding.
Reading helps to perceive better, attain capability, up the aptitude, creates awareness and above all jogs the brain to ask and be exposed. Reading habits developed at younger ages have proven to show that there will be desire to pursue higher education. Even basic and elementary reading helps to put together words and make sentences, understand math, helps scientific and social inquisitiveness and responsibility.
Reading makes you question, find solutions, gain respect
Have you ever wondered how an infant born within a few month of being born start to talk the same language and as she / he grow up tend to talk like the people around them and even the dialect? What you say, how you say it, when you say it, matters. From toddlerhood to adulthood both elocution as well as pronunciation is most important to sound right. How you say matters as much as What you say.
Words, spelling, grammar, pausing and expressing along with comprehending the way the text is read, graphs are perceived and images sensed help and are essentials and prerequisite to reading.
Reading helps improve coordination and direction.
Reading helps to develop expression, perception, sense, intelligence which helps us express, converse, connect, exchange and convey our thoughts into words of appreciation and value.
Speak for the world is listening
Reading helps in coherent debating skills, comprehending a challenge and finding a plausible solution, following instructions and executing directives, intuit the unknown, judge and measure a situation. Reading to children or self helps relate to different and diverse situations
Change and the world is your canvas.
When we read different stories, news, algorithms, languages, history we experience and live maybe for a moment that particular character in the story, a judgement in the news effecting us, the digits add upto nine everytime we add nine to nine or its multiple, a special word like smorgasbord and its meaning, that peculiar dance of the Maoris in history. All this helps us to understand and deal with different situations, challenges, tests that we are faced with in everyday life.
Life goes on! Can we?
Reading not only helps comprehension of situations but also helps you from getting distracted, helps to improve application, create restraint, challenge and strengthen mind body and soul, helps in being attentive and better memory retention, all of which assist in growth, judgement and common sense.
Books are knowledge and reading is fun! Make it a habit. It’s not a chore or an errand or a duty or an imposition its self-development, maturity, education and enhancement.
Reading helps and lays a foundation for academic | personal | social as well as creative excellence.