Read all about it Folks if you have a stove
Niall Greenan
Award winning SmartBunker? is a versatile plastic multi-purpose storage solution to an age-old problem
Tips from Smart bunker
1, Don't burn wet Fuel
2, Slumbering can damage Flexible liners
3, Get a Sweep, Clean dry Fuel,
Enjoy the Heat
Flexible Liners and Slumbering Flexible liners,
whilst being easier to install and replace, are not designed to last the life of the building, but may (when using the appliance correctly) last in excess of 10 years.
Long periods of slumbering and/or infrequent chimney sweeping can cause corrosion damage which has been known to reduce the expected life of a flexible metal flue liner to less than five years.
The efficiency and life expectancy of any chimney is dependent upon correct use and maintenance.
Masonry and pre-cast chimney products – whilst usually offering long life and high resistance to risk of corrosion – tend to involve more installation work when compared with metallic chimney systems.
Metal liners and insulated metal chimneys offer fast and convenient installation. However, they can be less resistant to damage by corrosion,
particularly if subjected to abuse or inadequate cleaning. Allowing soot or condensate deposits to accumulate in metal lined chimneys and also prolonged periods of burning in slumbering conditions,
particularly on closed appliances, can cause high concentrations of corrosive condensates to build up and attack the metal liner.
This situation can not only considerably reduce the life of the flue lining, but can also invalidate the manufacturer’s warranty.