React...React...React... Die.

React...React...React... Die.

PhotoCred: Me - A Few Years Old - And an unbelievably lifelike Sears photo background circa early 80's.


The vast majority of my life has been spent analyzing top performers in every area. I've read thousands of books, attended countless seminars, and spent well into the six figures on coaches and consultants and guides and mentors.

All of it left a mark on me in one way or another.

And what I've noticed about every one of their programs... every one of their methodologies laid out in brilliant prose across hundreds of pages is that at their cores... they are simple.

Simple enough that anyone...and I mean anyone... could take advantage.

But they don't.

Most…not all…but most…people I’ve run into in my short 40ish years rambling this earth tend to live their lives in a series of reactions…

One... to the next... to the next... to the grave…

Having never taken any real time to establish what is important to them.

Really, really, REALLY….important to them….

Then using that information to direct every choice they make.


My guess is most… not all… but most… have spent more time reading automobile reviews before purchasing… flight costs before flying… and mindlessly scrolling posts just like this one… than they have identifying what truly makes them happy… and doing everything in their power to get…more…of…that….in their lives.

Designing a life vs just living a life.

The WAVES Method, which is at the heart of my book Million Dollar Flip Flops: Peace, Prosperity and the Courage to Change Course in Life and Business, at it's essence, is simply a decision filter.

The work that it takes to build this system for yourself is also simple (please do not read that as easy) but many still will not do what it takes.

But isn't that true of most things in life? Simple actions over time produce epic results in your life, your business, and your relationships... but we don't do them.


Perhaps the answer is simple as well.

See you on the journey...



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