ReactJS vs. Angular #2: My Thoughts
Kamil Blockchain☆Przeorski
CEO of Experty- crypto geek - Zürich Open Blockchain meetup founder (est. 2019)
Please note: the author of that article has created the ReactJS Convention?: Amazing Free Tutorial Guide which is available at and he is the co-founder of MobileWeb Pro which is Focused React Development Shop (
ReactJS vs. Angular #2: My Thoughts
ReactJS and Angular 2 are front-end technologies that serves the same purposes. Both are backed up by big companies from the IT industry. But there are some decent differences between them. In recent time React is gaining huge popularity in developers community around the world. It doesn’t take much time to read through the documentation to understand how it works. Even though React is a rather small library, it gives you more flexibility when building application, that is made with small reusable components. These are some of the reasons why many developers were choosing it over Angular. Second version of Google framework is a fresh release. By placing bigger focus on encapsulation approach by creating reusable components, it tries to catch up to React achievements in that field. The answer which choice is better, depends on your expectations. Because Angular 2 is a framework it gives you on the start ready set of solutions and you do not need to make decisions about how to setup project architecture. This is in part explaining popularity of using starter kits in ReactJS app development. You need to have in mind also, that Angular requires knowledge of Typescript to start working with it.
React has a large and mature environment build around it with many excellent tools and libraries. When it was released it was dealing with the same doubts as Angular 2 now. But they were resolved very fast, developers were amazed with React and they love it till now. On the other hand Angular has a much more difficult task ahead of it, because of ReactJS - a strong competitor to beat.
Summing it up, numbers behind React tells the story at the moment. But the time will verify everything. Soon there will be some feedback from developers about new release of Google framework.